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  1. chrothor

    Question Arrow SAS save problem

    could you : 1. expose the exact procedure to reproduce the bug ? 2. post your save ? on a broader scope : 3. the SAS is not officially an addon, since it was never published outside of its original thread, it's more of an example of what is achievable in a short time when learning addon...
  2. chrothor

    New Release Arrow Freighter SAS upgrade

    From what I can see, the SAS is still in DOCKED state regarding the Hermes. --> DOCKINFO 0:0,Hermes 1:0,Athena Try to use the "secure" function, or manually undock it. It shouldn't move, as it is attached in (nearly) the same position, and orbiter shouldn't rant about it. There's also the fact...
  3. chrothor

    New Release Arrow Freighter SAS upgrade

    These are interesting ideas, but IMO out of scope for this device. The SAS is simply meant to be additional docks for the Arrow. I have some (vague) projects to make other addons to this wonderful ship, including strap-on engines, additional tanks... There are many possibilities. I just want...
  4. chrothor

    New Release Arrow Freighter SAS upgrade

    (sorry for the delay, I have a rather full schedule these times) You can now land with the SAS attached. I don't know if you can keep ships on it, but you could try it and report here ;) The AGED thing is from UMMu, not me, and for the 3235667, I don't know, sorry.
  5. chrothor

    OHM Iron Hill Practice Pack 1

    Congrats for this first milestone ! But I would like you to stop scratching my handle, which takes an H. Think about the Chronus, if it helps you. Thanks. :)
  6. chrothor

    Iron Hill Project Thread

    Besides, just as I also previously said, you can modify the IDS and XPDR frequencies in the scenario file, thus limiting the number of files to mdify, distribute and keep track of ;)
  7. chrothor

    Iron Hill Project Thread

    As I said in my last update, the code is free and open : use anything included as you like, as long as you clearly document WHO did WHAT (I'm serious :dry:)
  8. chrothor

    New Release Arrow Freighter SAS upgrade

    Thats's odd, indeed. I can't check anything right now, being at work. I'll see what's up when I get back home, sorry for the delay. Did anyone else have issues ? Edit Quick questions, just to be sure : have you installed the VC++ 2010 redistributable package ? Do you get any error message...
  9. chrothor

    Station attempt

    By "six-faced" I meant the basic shape it takes when you reduce texturing to level 1. Don't take everything literally ;)
  10. chrothor

    Station attempt

    For testing purposes, I generally strip Orbiter to the bare minimums. I only enabled decent textures for the sake of the screenshot, because a six faced Earth is a bit of an eyesore :lol: Not that anyone would have noticed , as I cropped the pic later...
  11. chrothor

    Station attempt

    I couldn't resist, and made some first model to see what I could do for a shipyard. It features a main factory (the yellow lighted thing), a back hangar, big enough for an XR5 or maybe two (!), and a "residential wheel", which I would like to animate, obviously. The truss in front of the...
  12. chrothor


    The SAS upgrade has been well received, it's now time to pause and think about the next steps. As I said, I'll keep on improving the addon, using it to learn the API. Something that comes to my mind are panels, to leave this "unix console" feeling at the main cockpit. While reading some old...
  13. chrothor

    New Release Arrow Freighter SAS upgrade

    GOOD NEWS EVERYONE ! The SAS upgrade can now land with its attached mothership. This happily concludes my first development cycle, as I've included all the originally intended functions. Feel free to test and report back any bugs or suggestions. I will now have a little break and reflect...
  14. chrothor

    New Release Arrow Freighter SAS upgrade

    UPDATE TIME ! So, I've made a dll. :woohoo: Basic functions have not changed, but now UMMU is integral to the mod, so you don't need UMMUFA any more to transfer crew between the docked vessels. The main advantage is that I have paved the way to add advanced functions : as some of you...
  15. chrothor

    New Release Arrow Freighter SAS upgrade

    You're spot on the main defect of the SAS : as it is a "docking adapter", you can't land with it. I see it as a modification made on the Arrow once in orbit (imagine a team of russian enginers spacewalking from ISS and jury rigging it in preparation for the mission). You could un-modify it...
  16. chrothor

    New Release Arrow Freighter SAS upgrade

    Set them in game : F4 -> custom -> scenario editor (remember to enable it in the launchpad) then EDIT the SAS, go to the docking menu, tick the "IDS frequency" case for each dock and set its frequency. Save your scenario, you're done. Maybe when I'll have something stable and fully...
  17. chrothor

    New Release Arrow Freighter SAS upgrade

    Extremely minor update ! I learned how to model "bendy things", so I slightly modified the visual aspect of the lateral dockings. Anyway, the original mesh had a rogue vertex causing a glitch (some kind of infinite black line going forward). I also removed the (useless) textures, and chose...
  18. chrothor

    Iron Hill Project Thread

    As far as I know, just extract everything to the usual folders. When in game, you have to spawn a SAS and dock it to an existing Arrow with dock 0. There are no frequencies for the individual docks, but you can set them up before mission start with the scenario editor. And don't forget the...
  19. chrothor

    New Release Arrow Freighter SAS upgrade

    1. Thanks ! 2.That's no mac, it's a spa... a skin for Win xp ;)
  20. chrothor

    New Release Arrow Freighter SAS upgrade

    Hi, First post, first addon :tiphat: Having lurked the forums and fiddled with Orbiter for many years, I'm rather happy to contribute at last. This is basically a "harness" for the Arrow Freighter, adding 3 docking ports, without modifying any existing vessel. There are many shortcomings to...