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  1. E

    DanSteph is updating his addons for Orbiter 160828

    It's been nearly two years since the last post here. I found this thread looking for DanSteph's Arrow freighter. What has happened? Is UCGO available for Orbiter 2016? If so, I can't find it.
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    Question How did you get into Orbiter Sim?

    Apologies for the necro-post. Perhaps this will breathe life into the thread. I think for me, I was bored one night. I was in China (2011-2020) teaching English by day, and playing on my PC by night. I was aimlessly following click-bait links when I encountered a video about UCGO, and...
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    Tell us about yourself!

    It has been many years since I've played, but going through some old drives I found numerous tutorial videos I downloaded way back in the mists of time. Got to searching for current versions, and imagine my huge smile when I discovered that dansteph.658/ had updated the Arrow Freighter. That...
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    Problem UCGO Arrow Freighter won't work with Orbiter 2016

    It's been twelve months since the last post here on this subject. I've reloaded Orbiter today (version 2016), and found and reinstalled the UCGO files. The arrow still doesn't load; but the website is still active... Any news folks?
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    Question AR-18 /w IMFD

    That was an interesting thought, but I can confirm that it is not so. If the data displayed is not what it should be, the fault is not mine (I think). At least, it was definitely the Orbit Insert program I had opened in that top-right MFD in the first screen shot. The second screenshot was...
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    Is there such a thing as the highest temperature ?

    I now have a headache, but I think you all just solved the Origin of the Universe.:cheers: Now we know how the Big Bang got "wound up". I went reading and found the expression of coldest to hottest like this: +0 K, . . . , +300 K, . . . , +∞ K, −∞ K, . . . , −300 K, . . . , −0 K So we start...
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    Question AR-18 /w IMFD

    I've been working the learning curve on the IMFD, and feel I have at last the basics correct. However, here is the second time I've had this problem with Orbit Insert, and this is after a clean install immediately prior to testing. I am running the mission UCGO Missions scenario : Enroute to...
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    OHM IMFDTuto

    zIP anyone? Is there anywhere to get this file in .zip format? Can't handle .rar on my machine.
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    General Question UCGO XPDR beacon on MapMFD

    Map MFD CAN show a landed vessel. Click "Tgt" then select By Name ... and type in the name of the object. You will not get distance but it will show Long, Lat, alt, and show its position on the planet/moon.
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    Plotting a Circle with lat/long

    Indeed, it is close enough to fool the eye, which for this was truly all I wanted to achieve.
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    Indeed. I wonder why you did not chose my spelling.

    Indeed. I wonder why you did not chose my spelling.
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    Plotting a Circle with lat/long

    Turns out Urwumpe's little tidbit here... ...was exactly what my problem was. Reversed the order of the variables in the ATAN2 function and now I get the right numbers spitting out. Cheers Notebook and Urwumpe.
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    Plotting a Circle with lat/long

    Perfect. Thank you sir. Exactly what I needed. Of course, I still have that itch to scratch, so I'll be back to Fizyk's equations sometime soon anyway :).
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    Plotting a Circle with lat/long

    Before I sequester myself in a dusty room with food and water for about a week while I come to understand what you have given me, let me do this first... More Information While I think I can come to use your formulas (I like math, but have never gotten into it that deeply) I should further...
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    Plotting a Circle with lat/long

    Scenario I was doing the UCGO Europa Base mission, and decided to get creative with placing lights in a circle around the Arrow Freighter as a kind of temporary landing pad. I thought I was being very clever when I jumped into a spreadsheet and whipped up some calculations with rudimentary...