Bug AFCS Problem with Orbiter 2010 P1


Conservative Pioneer
Addon Developer
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
New York State
For some reason the selection box where you select the spaceport is blank. same results as shown with a clean installation of orbiter. I dont know if its a bug with this version of orbiter or that its incompatible with this version. I have double check to be sure that there isnt anything thats interfering the spaceports and everything is good. I still dont know why its still not showing the spaceport. a little help
; === Configuration file for planet Earth ===
Name = Earth
Module = Earth
Module_Atm = EarthAtmJ71G      ; default atmosphere model if no user selection
ErrorLimit = 1e-8
SamplingInterval = 79          ; interpolation sampling interval [s]
                               ; (interpolation error ~0.1m)
; === Physical Parameters ===
Mass = 5.973698968e+24
;Size = 6.378165e6             ; equatorial radius
Size = 6.37101e6               ; mean radius
JCoeff = 1082.6269e-6 -2.51e-6 -1.60e-6 -0.15e-6
                               ; harmonic coefficients for shape description
AlbedoRGB = 0.7 0.85 1.0

; === Rotation and precession parameters ===
; ref: see www.orbiter-forum.com/showthread.php?t=8185
PrecessionLAN = 0              ; [rad]
PrecessionObliquity = 0        ; [rad]
PrecessionPeriod = -9413040.4  ; precession period (days) = 25771.5 years
LAN = 0                        ; [rad]
LAN_MJD = 51544.5              ; [MJD]
SidRotOffset = 4.88948754      ; [rad]
SidRotPeriod = 86164.10132     ; [s]
Obliquity = 0.4090928023       ; [rad]
;SidRotPeriod (days): 0.99726968
;SidRotPeriod (SI seconds - node to node): 86164.092
;Precession Period (years): -25771.5
;Obliquity (deg): 23.439291
;Ecliptic Obliquity (deg): 23.439291

; === Atmospheric Parameters ===
;AtmPressure0 = 101.4e3         ; pressure at zero altitude [Pa] (defined via module)
AtmDensity0 = 1.293            ; density at zero altitude [kg/m^3]
AtmGasConstant = 286.91        ; specific gas constant [J/(K kg)]
AtmGamma = 1.4                 ; specific heat ratio c_p/c_v
;AtmAltLimit = 200e3            ; cutoff altitude [m]
AtmHorizonAlt = 64e3           ; horizon rendering altitude [m]
AtmHazeExtent = 0.14           ; horizon haze extent
AtmColor0 = 0.55 0.75 1.04
AtmHazeColor = 0.6 0.8 1.0
AtmFogParam = 5e-5 3e-5 4e3
AtmFogColor = 0.55 0.85 1.10

; === Cloud parameters ===
CloudAlt = 7e3                 ; altitude of cloud layer
CloudRotPeriod = 1e6
CloudShadowDepth = 0.3
CloudMicrotextureAlt = 35e3 300e3

; === Visualisation Parameters ===
MaxPatchResolution = 14        ; surface texture resolution limit (1-12)
MinCloudResolution = 1         ; cloud layer from this resolution
MaxCloudResolution = 8         ; highest cloud resolution level
SpecularRipple = TRUE          ; enable specular water microtexture

; === Surface Bases ===
; place additional bases or
; base directories in this list
DIR Earth\Base
EDW:    -117.92    +34.892
KSC:    -80.675    +28.5208
VBG:    -120.5694     +34.7345
ZZA:    -1.0467    +41.6683

; === Fixed surface observation points ===
KSC:VAB: -80.6529 +28.5800 20
KSC:Pad 39B: -80.6226 +28.6179 5
KSC:Pad 39B Tower: -80.62342 +28.61968 110
KSC:SLF: -80.69935 +28.61021 2.8
Habana:Tower: -82.39882 +23.0004 35

EDIT: I spoke to woo482 and others in the IRC chat. and they said that it works only in the june 6th version of orbiter but not with the august 30th version of orbiter
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Jun 8, 2009
Reaction score
EDIT: I spoke to woo482 and others in the IRC chat. and they said that it works only in the june 6th version of orbiter but not with the august 30th version of orbiter

Meaning ... there is currently no working version of AutoFCS for Orbiter 100830 or newer...

That's quite a significant problem, since there is no other way to hold the Shuttle's required AoA yourself without autopilot. That reminds me, Glideslope MFD will crash on load when used in an installation that includes the Shuttle Fleet (4.5 P1). Which is yet another drawback of this otherwise great addon - you must use the GPC MFD even for non-shuttle vessels. I guess I should install Aerobrake MFD again - I don't really leave Earth during my sim sessions, anyway.
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