Chapter 1: Set to go


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Jul 22, 2012
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Finnaly! Orbiting Jupiter!
May 27, 2053
UCGO has just made public our flight plan to Jupier and the mission objecives.
To find the positions of the planets on this launch go to Solar System Live, click the blue words saying entire system and use this date:
Fri 2053 Sep 12 18:16.
We will do a retrograde burn once reaching our periapsis in a Hohmann Transfer behind Jupiter. We hope to have a "mildly" eccentric orbit roughly 0.6671 degrees and a near perfect plane alignment. Then, we shall deply a probe into Jupiter's atmosphere. It will enter at 0.1 km/s and will accelerate to far greater than 10 km/s. We will then land at a undisclosed landing site in Europa and deploy a DGIV with reasearchers, some of our company members and 1 eccentric space tourist (aged 83). I don't know how well that will go. They are scheduled to land on Callisto. After laying the foundations of a base on Europa, we will return with the spoils of our He3 and other rare chemicals back to Earth. We carry a diplomat from a 3rd world country in Africa was it... Kenya?? To encourage undeveloped countries to enter the world of space exploration. They probably won't but... UCGO wll get 5.7 million dollars off his ticket. We hope to not get fried by radiation, struck by asteroids, stuck in crevasses, burn up in atmospheres, and generally maim or destroy the UCGO aRROW. tHANKS!