Tutorial How to create a (single or multi) Star System


New member
Feb 14, 2012
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My friends and I have been talking about putting together a star system for orbiter like the ones we've seen on OrbiterHanger, but trying to reserve engineer a solar system isn't that easy for beginners :lol: Especially if your trying to make one up off the top of your head without real data or an understanding of the parameters needed to create one. So far we're still trying to perfect our craft of building scenarios.
The best Tutorial that I've seen is Eugene Harm's "Build your own Solar System". In fact its the only tutorial I've seen :blink:

I was hoping someone else could make a more detailed tutorial of the dos and don'ts/basics to create a fictional/non-fictional star system with single or multiple "stars" (cause orbiter seems to only allow one main star and a planet has to emulate a star), planets and moons, textures and atmospheres.

possible headache? Most probable. :huh: