New Space Station


Orbiquiz Coordinator
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
Previous Station:
Due to the untimely death of Nae Technologies Head-of-Operations, all vessels that could come done were ordered to. The DGIV Varsity stayed up in orbit, along with its two person crew, They volunteered to keep the station running. However, this ended in disaster. A piece of space junk the size of a computer somehow slipped through the radar and collided with the fuel tank of the DGIV. This sent fuel spraying everywhere. The damage also exposed a circuit in the DGIV's computer, and the whole station - Crew, modules, Berth, and DGIV - went up in a fireball. All parties agreed to update the Radar and try again.

What Really Happened:

Plus, as I was re-entering Varsity (a DGIV), I screwed up and it exploded. So, I'm minus one DGIV, fortunately I started with 2, so I'm okay

New Station:
The new station is going along great. So far, no mishaps (crashes, except for one), and I actually have an incredible picture:

Yes, its hard to see, but that is three XR-5's docked to the same station. ThunderFlare had to de-orbit and pick up more of the truss nodes to extend far enough to prevent colliding with another XR-5 (the ground crews didn't have time to fully inspect the heat shield. ThunderFlare landed at night, stocked up, then launched the following morning)

What's next is to empty the XR-5's and take them down to Wideawake. Then I'll bring up more hab and cargo modules, along with some fuel possibly.

This is meant to be kind of a "space hotel", so there will be TONS of Hab+Cargo modules. I also brought up some Shuttle PB's, and I plan on having those just docked to the station for "emergencies" (like, if something goes wrong with an ascent and they need assistance). The DGIV "Firestorm" will go up in orbit and remain there towards the end of the station's construction. After the station is complete, the XR-2 "Glory" will bring up the first load of passengers.

Lots of work to do, good night!


C++ developer in the mix
Addon Developer
Tutorial Publisher
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
United States
How much money did it take to convince them to continue the project after those many crashes you had? :lol: