The Journal of Ingish Elcurlocun: Pt 1


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Aug 14, 2008
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Here and now

This is the journal of Ingish Elcurlocun, Expedition Leader of the Gear Heads. In the wake of the tragic cartastrophy of '09 King Ashtesh has decreed that powered minecarts are too dangerous, and has tasked us with developing safe practices. We have been sent out with few supplies, a few horses, sheep, chickens, and turkeys. Of course, cats and mastiffs as well. We have been promised new migrants will be sent, but we shall see if that promise is kept - and the quality of the refug - er, I mean recruits - they send.

1 Granite, 11

Apparently, we have arrived at our destination. I say that because the wagon has broken, so this MUST be the spot. Since we can no longer travel onward, here we will strike the earth and build our new home - Gearwhirled.

It is a heavily wooded area, with a stream to the south and a low caldera to the north. It is quite flat, with the northern half being just a bit higher than the southern. I've ordered our horses and sheep pastured on the southern plain, and the poultry as well. For now, I've assigned Ushrir, Tath, and Atir to digging a cave, and they found Hematite right away! Looks like the soil, fire clay actually, is thin, and under it is Obsidian. Deeper soil would have made things easier - less rock clutter to haul when digging out the stockpiles, farms, shops, and "The Project".

I've ordered Udir to cut some trees, when he does I'll build a Craftdwarf's shop to make some nest boxes for our poultry and a Carpenter's shop for beds, buckets, barrels, etc.

4 Granite, 11

The first cavern is dug, and I've set up two stockpiles inside. One is for food and drink, the other is for everything else I want stored inside. Ordered a Still built inside. I've also designated the trashpile outside, and will build the Fishery, Butcher, and Tannery near it. Next, I'll have them dig out a dormitory, dining hall, hospital, and an office for me so I can get the books updated - I have become the manager, broker, and bookkeeper and need somewhere to work. I'll put the dorm, hall, and office just below the first cavern, digging it out of the Obsidian and Hematite.

18 Granite, 11

We struck Tetrahedrite today, in some Diorite below the Obsidian. We keep finding more Hematite as well, the area seems riddled with it near the surface. I've ordered some small seed plots, so we can start growing the small seed supply.

1 Slate, 11

We have struck Native Aluminum and Amythests. The aluminum will be handy for carts, and the gems will be our main trade goods for some time. I've built a Masonry, Mechanic's shop, and a Farmer's Shop built inside the main cavern. Eral crafted our first Masterpiece, a table for our dining room.

1 Pelcite, 11

Finished digging out an area for a Trade Depot, and now we are starting a defensive moat around the lower pasture area to the north. We'll clean up the cliff that separates the area, and ensure nothing can sneak down from above.

15 Hematite, 11

We've dug a well near the souther edge of the pasture, inside the moat, so we will have fresh water available should we need it. Chicks and Poults have begun to hatch. I've ordered a Loom and Clothier built inside, and a Woodburner and Smelter outside.

28 Malachite, 11

First batch of migrants, only three adults and two kids. One is quite the fisherman, but an idiot otherwise. Still, he can catch and clean fish like nobody I've ever seen, he will soon be a legend.

10 Galena, 11

Not much to add at this time - everyone is busy about their tasks and no real incidents as yet. I've ordered digging to the north, where I plan to put the stone industries - "The Project" will be located in the south to take advantage of hydro power so I want the Mechanic's shops close by.

16 Galena, 11

Found some more Ametheyst, and Onyx Opals. Also, had a report of a Giant Boar nosing around the Depot. The mastiffs I have stationed there seem to have scared it off, but I've ordered cages built and will construct some cage traps in the tunnel connecting the Depot to the fort.

1 Limestone, 11

I've ordered a Jeweler's shop built, need to get the gems cut for trade. Also, it appears some vermin got into the Dimple Cup spawn, hopefully we can trade for some more.

11 Limestone, 11

A Rattlesnake Man got into the lower pasture and killed a hen before escaping. The moat around the lower pasture should be completed within the week, so hopefully this won't happen again.

10 Sandstone, 11

Another three migrants - I was hoping for more support but we'll do what we can with what we have, I guess.

17 Timber, 11

Egdoth Nakasas, liason from Resilligem has arrived with some traders. It's good to hear news from home - it seems so far away.

23 Timber, 11

A Goblin thief was spotted near the depot, but the caravan guards chased it away. Traded for some cloth, sand, and glass.

22 Obsidian, 11

Started the moat around the upper pasture last month, and have sighted Kobold and Goblin thieves and snatchers. Today, one got as far as the mastiffs. He punched a kitten (well, who wouldn't!) and slashed a mastiff in the leg. One of the other mastiffs chased it down and chewed it up. Didn't take long - the mastiff got the greenie's head in it's mouth and that was that. One good shake and the head was off. Good dog! We've named her Zobshaashra (Bronzewar).