The long awaited MSS is on her way!


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Tutorial Publisher
Nov 19, 2008
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After almost a decade of negotiations the international partners finally reached the long anticipated agreement to build the MSS - MySpaceStation

At the moment there is still no final configuration made public. We had the chance of a brief interview with one of the Officials:

"It is too early to know the final configuration. We might run into unexpected complications. We have have so many Partner so many point of views. the beauty of a modular space station is that after we can support the first long duration crews up there we have a relative big margin to how, when and what we launch next"

No specific reason was given why the final configuration is still a matter of planing.
However our source told us that the main concerns at the moment are the Airlocks and the Radiators. Both won't interfere with the so called Step 1, which is the preparation to support the first 3 man crew. The Space Agencies have our complete confidence that this uncertainties won't jeopardize the future of the MSS.

Today at a beautiful but cold November morning the Proton-K rocket blasted towards the sky carrying the Zarya Functional Cargo Block into Orbit.


there is goes...

faster and faster

Stage 2 separation, Stage 3 carrying Zarya into her final orbit

Stage 3 separation over the north coast of Australia

Zarya riding into the night, stretching her solar-panels towards the last moments of sunlight.