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  • Hello Ken, doing ok here and hope things are well with you.

    I'm afraid you are asking the wrong person regarding Forum stuff!
    Took me ten minutes to find the reply method....

    Best to ask a Moderator I think?

    Mind how you go,
    George Douglass.
    Hey Notebook: How goes it across the pond?

    Got a quick question pertaining to Orbiter Forum: How do I append a file to a PM?


    Llarian (aka Ken Carter)
    Huh, it looks like my earlier message didn't get to you. Anyhow, I was interested in Honolulu. Two of the main runways are E/W runways (08/26 L&R), and it would be a terrific Pacific launch and landing location. The island is small enough to do the entire thing.
    Hey Notebook,

    Saw some of your addons over at OH, and just wondering if you would take requests for surface bases? You do fantastic work, there there is an airport or two I'd like to see in Orbiter in as high detail as I've seen you capable of. Would you be interested?
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