Search results

  1. SolarLiner

    Computer Science & Engineering school, D -2

    It's like everything is going to change. And it should be right? I live in Toulouse, France, which is in the south of the country. I was born there, and the 18 first years of my life have all been concentrated there, with a few exceptions if we start accounting for the trips I took to Germany...
  2. SolarLiner

    The easiest things to do...

    ... Are the hardest to compute. And that truth hit me hard. So hard when I went to the barber the other day, she had a look at my hair and said "Whoa, you're losing your hair already, baldness is getting to you!" (true story). The thing was I knew that already. Because that thing made me pull my...
  3. SolarLiner

    Question Calculating surface tiles bounds

    Hi, So, I've recently found my way back into coding for my little TileMaker project which you may remember I started sometime ago. (Well actually due to HDD failure it's like it never was, but anyway) EDIT: Actually I had put it up in Codeplex, so I now have the old code again, which is cool So...
  4. SolarLiner

    Project ReShade for Orbiter D3D9 (WIP Thread)

    Hi, As you may have seen, I have posted several screenshots with a custom ReShade configuration for Orbiter. I tested it with Orbiter 2015, but Orbiter 2010 should run as well. (more) Requirements This configuration has been created with and requires jarmonik's D3D9 client. Get it here...
  5. SolarLiner

    Spacecraft3 Spacecraft 4 on Papy's Hangar

    Vinka dropped this yesterday on the francophone's Pappy's Hangar. Thought I'd notify you guys. New features are, among others: UMmu & UCGO implementation OrbiterSound 4 support LUA scripting interface Spacecraft 4 is of course backwards compatible, and now can define more animations...
  6. SolarLiner

    Question [C#] Need help bug tracking this app

    Hi, So I've been working on a scenario generator from TLE elements; and I have a bug I can't seem to find the source of. Basically, it goes like this: Once on the main window, the 'scenario properties' such as the name, description and date can be found on the top right button. Uncheck...
  7. SolarLiner

    Any Person Of Interest fans ?

    C'mon, I can't be the only one in here loving this show. For those who don't know it, person of Interest is a show written by Nolan (father and son) about "The Machine", an Artificial Super Intelligence created after the terrorist attacks of September 11th, built by Harold Finch (Michael...
  8. SolarLiner

    Poll Orbiter 2015 Calendar [Votes closed]

    Hi! :hello: After being thanked by Tex himself (oyeah! :lol:), I put up a second edition of the Orbiter Calendar, featuring your pictures! So for this edition you'll have until the 25 to vote. The 13 first screenshots will be taken, the most voted being put as a cover, and the 12 remaining going...
  9. SolarLiner

    Orbiter 2015 Calender [Submissions closed]

    Hi! :hello: After being thanked by Tex himself (oyeah! :lol:), I put up a second edition of the Orbiter Calendar, featuring your pictures! So for this edition you'll have until December 15 to post your screenshots, and until the 25 to vote. The 13 first screenshots will be taken, the most voted...
  10. SolarLiner

    NVIDIA's real-time Apollo 11 moon scene recreation

    Using Maxwell's voxel global illumination technology, NVIDIA recreates Apollo 11's landing on the moon - specifically the part where Buzz Aldrin gets off the ladder. Left: Simulation | Right: Real image Read the article I learned that Apollo suits were so reflective they actively...
  11. SolarLiner

    Question Help me build a server!

    Hi, Dad and I want to build a server, with a budget of 500€. He said that he wants it as "a stockage server" but knowing him he might quickly get into doing more stuff with it (background app running, etc.) Having Linux as an OS would be perfect, but is it recognized by Windows' Residential...
  12. SolarLiner

    ENB Series tips and tricks

    Hi, I've "put" ENB Series into Orbiter D3D9, for the pleasure of some's eyes. I see that some use it, and seeing pictures with my "work" in it (well, technically I just put files at the right place, and made 2-3 palettes to suit one's needs). With 600 downloads on Pappy's Hangar (which is the...
  13. SolarLiner

    Question Getting level and tile number from coordinates and span

    Hi, I've been stuck at getting the tile a proper level and tile number (north - east tile number I mean) from the tile's horizontal/vertical span, and its center coordinates. I know that a tile vertical span is computed from the level like this: h=\frac{\pi\cdot R}{2^{(level+8)}} So I tried...
  14. SolarLiner

    Project Tile Maker Development Thread - Orbiter 2014 stuff

    TileMaker is an external tool which helps you to import surface tiles into Orbiter. Project is here: No downloads for now, because the project is in "even the code is in alpha state" ! :lol: If people wants to help me, I'll be glad to share them the project...
  15. SolarLiner

    Project Tile Maker - (yet) another easy tile making tool

    Hi, I've been working lately on an app that let's you create Orbiter-ready tiles from a large satellite picture. You open your picture, enter the top-left and bottom-right coordinates and the app computes the tiles to be generated, with a text output letting you to easily integrate the tiles to...
  16. SolarLiner

    Question Create surface tile with corner coords

    Hi, Just a quick question there, how can I specify the Top Left and Bottom Right coordinates of the tiles, and have a surface tile made up (or splitted in multiple parts) ? Thanks :)
  17. SolarLiner

    Question Make a base class for other modules to inherit

    Hi, Still thinking about the Satellites idea I had (and thought out loud in the Random Comments Thread), I want to make a base "satellite" class that will handle everything a satellite has to handle, then make inherited classes for different types of satellites (especially an observation one for...
  18. SolarLiner

    General Question KSP to Orbiter - (yet another) Tutorials series project

    Hi there :hello: I had this idea in minde since a long time, but then I read HarversteR's quote about KSP, and that made me want to help people access Orbiter via KSP ! So that is it, a series of tutorials about Orbiter for KSP people. With this I hope to help people discover Orbiter, and get...
  19. SolarLiner

    Misc ENB Series for Orbiter D3D9

    Hi, I recently posted a few screenshots about my attempt on getting ENB to work with Orbiter and the D3D9 client (since D3D7 (inline) client cannot be supported). Down below this post you will find release candidate of the work, simply download, and extract all to your Orbiter folder. You...
  20. SolarLiner

    AOSP Development - Alpha announcement

    Hi ! I'm proud to say that TLE calculations are working great ! THanks to Ajaja, I got everything right, and the ISS is really on its track: What I'm proud to say is that you now have the AOSP Library avaliable for download ! A first alpha version is now downloadable from the repository. Be...