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  1. kklim

    Moon (2009)

    Is there an international release date for this film?
  2. kklim


    That's interesting. I've always wanted to visit Russia though.
  3. kklim


    Would love to visit there too... And yeah, why are foreigners not allowed? Is it a military town? Oh and it is always hot and humid here... about 30 degrees C all year round with seasonal storms and squalls.
  4. kklim

    North Korea conducts nuclear test?

    It just says that it is a NK space plane model...
  5. kklim

    Question Guidance MFD still exists?

    I'm still using the Soyuz guidance MFD, and it works very well for me...
  6. kklim

    Project Soyuz TMA development

    Good to hear. I preferred the R-7 anyways; when is this likely to come out?
  7. kklim

    Project Soyuz TMA development

    I remember that they once said that it will come out on Tuesday...:lol: lol
  8. kklim

    Keep your cheeks off the seat, Padalka.

    It is a sad thing that such things happen. If only politics can be removed from space exploration...
  9. kklim

    Soyuz TMA-14 atop Soyuz FG on March 26, 2009

    Then the plant will be pretty crowded with the soyuz and progress spacecrafts. BTW, the control room reminds me of a submarine with the periscope. Is that room the launch bunker, the one at the launch site?
  10. kklim

    Soyuz TMA-14 atop Soyuz FG on March 26, 2009

    The live coverage reported that there will be another flight to the ISS in late May. With the crew capacity increased to 6, there will be many more flights. I suppose the production of the Soyuz spacecraft would increase and it would be very busy for them in Baikonur.
  11. kklim

    soyuz tma vc development progress

    Isda, just wait with a little more patience. I have also been waiting for a quality soyuz addon for a very long time... Anyways, nice to see a fellow M'sian on this forum...
  12. kklim

    Progress M-66 atop Soyuz-U on February 10, 2009

    Thanks for the links. Missed the launch though and will probably miss the Express launch too, sadly...:(
  13. kklim

    Progress M-66 atop Soyuz-U on February 10, 2009

    Nice pics, Siberian Tiger. Where did you get them?
  14. kklim

    Request Venera

    Thanks for the replies.
  15. kklim

    Request Venera

    Has anyone made an addon for the venera missions? It would be interesting to land on venus. Also are there any addons where you can launch the GPS or GLONASS satellites? Lastly, I would also like to know if there are any Lunokhod addons.