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  1. Vipers

    Launch the Jules Verne ATV

    Hi, I have a problem whit the Ariane 5 mission Why after that I separate the "ATV" by "EPS", the engines of the ATV don't works, there is no fuel.:blink:
  2. Vipers

    aligning orbits whit the iss in the mission sts-123

    Hi, I need help whit mission StS-123 i read more tutorial but this mission is difficult. Someone can list to me all passages necessary to aligning orbits whit the iss in the mission sts-123 After get the Earth Orbit my situstion is like that in the photo
  3. Vipers

    Bring the astronaut inside the shuttle after the EVA

    how do I bring the astronaut inside the shuttle after the EVA? in order to let out it(the astronaut) I press "E":(
  4. Vipers


    Hi I need the delta2missions v2 for use phoenix_mission v3, I have found it at but I'm not successful to download it:sorry:. you know an other site where to download it :coffee: Thanks
  5. Vipers

    launch complex

    Why the launch complex (kennedy space center) of the mission sts-124,  isn't aligned whit the land
  6. Vipers


    hi:rofl: Can you help me whit the reentry? I have read some tutorial but I have not understood a lot. I want to know when do the "deorbit burn" and what are the "s-turns" an when i do it??? thank you