Problem D3D9Surface.cpp - Line 843 - CTD with Dragonfly


New member
Dec 30, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I have been really anxious to get started with the new Orbiter 2016, and ofcourse, I want to use the D3D9 client with it. But I've noticed a problem with the Dragonfly, and I couldn't find any post on the forum about this specific problem. This is what I've found so far:

When I start Orbiter 2016 (160828) with the D3D9 client enabled, I then load any one of the four stock Dragonfly scenario's. Once loaded up, when I press Ctrl - Left to go to the other panel, Orbiter crashes with the following error:

Assertion failed!

Program: G:\Orbiter2016\Modules\Plugin\D3D9Client.dll
File: D3D9Surface.cpp
Line: 843



Note that this happens every time I go to the left panel of the Dragonfly. This behavior does NOT show in the regular version (non-D3D9) of Orbiter, everything works fine there. I've tried this with a stock-version of Orbiter and the D3D9 client, no addons of any kind.

Can anyone tell me what is going wrong here? I would really like to begin building my space station with pristine graphics.. ;)

Thank you!

Logfile included below:

(0: 0.0s 22301370.52ms)(0x518) [Not Compiled With nVidia API]
(1: 0.0s 02.12ms)(0x518) ================ clbkInitialise ===============
(2: 0.0s 00.04ms)(0x518) Orbiter Version = 160828
(3: 0.0s 11.63ms)(0x518) Index:0 640 x 480 56Hz (22)
(4: 0.0s 00.50ms)(0x518) Index:1 640 x 480 60Hz (22)
(5: 0.0s 00.33ms)(0x518) Index:2 720 x 480 60Hz (22)
(6: 0.0s 00.53ms)(0x518) Index:3 720 x 480 59Hz (22)
(7: 0.0s 00.38ms)(0x518) Index:4 720 x 576 50Hz (22)
(8: 0.0s 00.40ms)(0x518) Index:5 800 x 600 56Hz (22)
(9: 0.0s 00.37ms)(0x518) Index:6 800 x 600 60Hz (22)
(10: 0.0s 00.37ms)(0x518) Index:7 1024 x 768 60Hz (22)
(11: 0.0s 00.37ms)(0x518) Index:8 1024 x 768 70Hz (22)
(12: 0.0s 00.36ms)(0x518) Index:9 1152 x 864 75Hz (22)
(13: 0.0s 00.36ms)(0x518) Index:10 1176 x 664 50Hz (22)
(14: 0.0s 00.36ms)(0x518) Index:11 1176 x 664 59Hz (22)
(15: 0.0s 00.39ms)(0x518) Index:12 1176 x 664 60Hz (22)
(16: 0.0s 00.37ms)(0x518) Index:13 1280 x 720 59Hz (22)
(17: 0.0s 00.37ms)(0x518) Index:14 1280 x 720 50Hz (22)
(18: 0.0s 00.38ms)(0x518) Index:15 1280 x 720 60Hz (22)
(19: 0.0s 00.39ms)(0x518) Index:16 1280 x 768 60Hz (22)
(20: 0.0s 00.36ms)(0x518) Index:17 1280 x 800 60Hz (22)
(21: 0.0s 00.36ms)(0x518) Index:18 1280 x 960 60Hz (22)
(22: 0.0s 00.36ms)(0x518) Index:19 1280 x 1024 60Hz (22)
(23: 0.0s 00.37ms)(0x518) Index:20 1360 x 768 60Hz (22)
(24: 0.0s 00.38ms)(0x518) Index:21 1366 x 768 60Hz (22)
(25: 0.0s 01.12ms)(0x518) Index:22 1600 x 900 59Hz (22)
(26: 0.0s 00.48ms)(0x518) Index:23 1600 x 900 60Hz (22)
(27: 0.0s 00.40ms)(0x518) Index:24 1600 x 1024 59Hz (22)
(28: 0.0s 00.37ms)(0x518) Index:25 1600 x 1024 60Hz (22)
(29: 0.0s 00.37ms)(0x518) Index:26 1680 x 1050 59Hz (22)
(30: 0.0s 00.38ms)(0x518) Index:27 1680 x 1050 60Hz (22)
(31: 0.0s 00.37ms)(0x518) Index:28 1768 x 992 59Hz (22)
(32: 0.0s 00.37ms)(0x518) Index:29 1768 x 992 60Hz (22)
(33: 0.0s 00.37ms)(0x518) Index:30 1768 x 992 50Hz (22)
(34: 0.0s 00.29ms)(0x518) Index:31 2715 x 1527 59Hz (22)
(35: 0.0s 00.08ms)(0x518) Index:32 2715 x 1527 60Hz (22)
(36: 0.0s 00.12ms)(0x518) Index:33 2715 x 1527 50Hz (22)
(37: 0.0s 00.08ms)(0x518) Index:34 1920 x 1080 59Hz (22)
(38: 0.0s 00.07ms)(0x518) Index:35 1920 x 1080 60Hz (22)
(39: 0.0s 00.07ms)(0x518) Index:36 1920 x 1080 50Hz (22)
(40: 0.0s 00.10ms)(0x518) Index:37 624 x 464 59Hz (22)
(41: 0.0s 00.09ms)(0x518) Index:38 624 x 464 60Hz (22)
(42: 0.0s 00.07ms)(0x518) Index:39 1440 x 900 60Hz (22)
(43: 8.0s 7959.95ms)(0x518) Scenario = .\Scenarios\Dragonfly\v1.0.0b PoweredUp.scn
(44: 8.0s 04.04ms)(0x518) ================ clbkCreateRenderWindow ===============
(45: 8.0s 03.81ms)(0x518) Window Handle = 0x141342
(46: 8.0s 03.77ms)(0x518) [VideoConfiguration] Adapter=0, ModeIndex=0
(47: 8.0s 00.16ms)(0x518) 3D-Adapter = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770
(48: 8.0s 00.14ms)(0x518) dwFSMode = 0
(49: 8.0s 00.02ms)(0x518) MaxTextureBlendStages..: 8
(50: 8.0s 00.02ms)(0x518) MaxTextureWidth........: 16384
(51: 8.0s 00.17ms)(0x518) MaxTextureHeight.......: 16384
(52: 8.0s 00.13ms)(0x518) MaxTextureRepeat.......: 8192
(53: 8.0s 00.12ms)(0x518) VolTexAddressCaps......: 0x3F
(54: 8.0s 00.14ms)(0x518) MaxVolumeExtent........: 2048
(55: 8.0s 00.02ms)(0x518) MaxPrimitiveCount......: 16777215
(56: 8.0s 00.01ms)(0x518) MaxVertexIndex.........: 16777215
(57: 8.0s 00.01ms)(0x518) MaxAnisotropy..........: 16
(58: 8.0s 00.01ms)(0x518) MaxSimultaneousTextures: 8
(59: 8.0s 00.01ms)(0x518) MaxStreams.............: 16
(60: 8.0s 00.01ms)(0x518) MaxStreamStride........: 255
(61: 8.0s 00.01ms)(0x518) MaxVertexBlendMatrices.: 4
(62: 8.0s 00.01ms)(0x518) MaxVShaderInstrExecuted: 65535
(63: 8.0s 00.01ms)(0x518) MaxPointSize...........: 8192.000000
(64: 8.0s 00.01ms)(0x518) VertexShaderVersion....: 0x300
(65: 8.0s 00.01ms)(0x518) PixelShaderVersion.....: 0x300
(66: 8.0s 00.01ms)(0x518) NumSimultaneousRTs.....: 4
(67: 8.0s 00.13ms)(0x518) D3DPTEXTURECAPS_POW2...: 0
(68: 8.0s 00.02ms)(0x518) NONPOW2CONDITIONAL.....: 0
(69: 8.0s 00.01ms)(0x518) VertexDeclCaps.........: 0x30F
(70: 8.0s 00.12ms)(0x518) DevCaps................: 0x1BBEF0
(71: 8.0s 00.01ms)(0x518) DevCaps2...............: 0x51
(72: 8.0s 00.01ms)(0x518) XNA Math Support.......: Yes
(73: 8.0s 00.15ms)(0x518) Vertex Texture.........: Yes
(74: 8.0s 00.13ms)(0x518) Shadow Mapping.........: Yes
(75: 8.0s 00.15ms)(0x518) D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F...: Yes
(76: 8.0s 00.13ms)(0x518) D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F...: Yes
(77: 8.0s 00.13ms)(0x518) D3DFMT_D32F_LOCKABLE...: Yes
(78: 8.0s 00.13ms)(0x518) D3DFMT_A2R10G10B10.....: Yes
(79: 8.0s 00.11ms)(0x518) D3DDTCAPS_DEC3N........: No
(80: 8.0s 00.11ms)(0x518) D3DDTCAPS_FLOAT16_2....: Yes
(81: 8.0s 00.11ms)(0x518) D3DDTCAPS_FLOAT16_4....: Yes
(82: 8.0s 00.11ms)(0x518) Window Size = [394, 271]
(83: 8.0s 24.51ms)(0x518) Available Texture Memory = 4095 MB
(84: 8.0s 03.54ms)(0x518) === [3DDevice Initialized] ===
(85: 8.0s 00.23ms)(0x518) ----- Initialize D3D9ClientSurface Tech -----
(86: 8.1s 52.96ms)(0x518) Render Target = 0xEE715A0
(87: 8.2s 127.64ms)(0x518) [NEW FONT] ( Courier New), Size=20, Weight=400 Pitch&Family=31
(88: 8.2s 13.30ms)(0x518) Font Video Memory Usage = 512 kb
(89: 8.2s 01.06ms)(0x518) Font and Charter set creation succesfull
(90: 8.3s 41.90ms)(0x518) Starting to initialize D3D9Client.fx a rendering technique...
(91: 8.8s 502.77ms)(0x518) TileManager::GlobalInit()...
(92: 8.8s 44.78ms)(0x518) Starting to initialize Surface.fx a shading technique...
(93: 9.3s 490.04ms)(0x518) CSphereManager::GlobalInit()...
(94: 9.3s 26.42ms)(0x518) [NEW FONT] ( Arial), Size=24, Weight=400 Pitch&Family=31
(95: 9.3s 07.60ms)(0x518) Font Video Memory Usage = 512 kb
(96: 9.3s 00.22ms)(0x518) Font and Charter set creation succesfull
(97: 9.3s 00.04ms)(0x518) [NEW FONT] ( Arial), Size=15, Weight=400 Pitch&Family=31
(98: 9.3s 06.49ms)(0x518) Font Video Memory Usage = 256 kb
(99: 9.3s 00.75ms)(0x518) Font and Charter set creation succesfull
(100: 9.3s 00.04ms)(0x518) [NEW FONT] ( Fixed), Size=18, Weight=400 Pitch&Family=31
(101: 9.4s 11.39ms)(0x518) Font Video Memory Usage = 512 kb
(102: 9.4s 01.37ms)(0x518) Font and Charter set creation succesfull
(103: 9.4s 01.21ms)(0x518) CSphere Manager constructed
(104: 9.4s 00.02ms)(0x518) ================ Scene Created ===============
(105: 9.4s 00.21ms)(0x518) D3DQUERYTYPE_OCCLUSION is supported by device
(106: 9.4s 00.01ms)(0x518) D3DQUERYTYPE_PIPELINETIMINGS not supported by device
(107: 9.4s 00.01ms)(0x518) D3DQUERYTYPE_BANDWIDTHTIMINGS not supported by device
(108: 9.4s 00.01ms)(0x518) D3DQUERYTYPE_PIXELTIMINGS not supported by device
(109: 9.4s 62.86ms)(0x518) [NEW FONT] ( Courier New), Size=-5, Weight=400 Pitch&Family=31
(110: 9.4s 06.64ms)(0x518) Font Video Memory Usage = 128 kb
(111: 9.4s 00.13ms)(0x518) Font and Charter set creation succesfull
(112: 9.4s 00.07ms)(0x518) [NEW FONT] ( Arial), Size=12, Weight=400 Pitch&Family=31
(113: 9.4s 09.46ms)(0x518) Font Video Memory Usage = 256 kb
(114: 9.4s 00.89ms)(0x518) Font and Charter set creation succesfull
(115: 9.6s 201.08ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF7F07C0 ( added in repository
(116: 9.6s 00.86ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF6F1628 ( added in repository
(117: 9.6s 00.93ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF6F1898 ( added in repository
(118: 9.6s 01.32ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF6F0788 ( added in repository
(119: 9.6s 04.13ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF6EFDC8 ( added in repository
(120: 9.6s 00.96ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF6F0B30 ( added in repository
(121: 9.7s 01.07ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF6EFF00 ( added in repository
(122: 9.7s 45.81ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF6F0C68 (KSC\ added in repository
(123: 9.7s 02.69ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF6F0038 (generic\ added in repository
(124: 9.7s 00.93ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF6F1760 (generic\ added in repository
(125: 9.7s 00.84ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF6F19D0 (generic\ added in repository
(126: 9.7s 01.60ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF6F1148 (generic\ added in repository
(127: 9.7s 01.78ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF6F09F8 (generic\ added in repository
(128: 9.7s 15.48ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF6F08C0 (KSC\ added in repository
(129: 9.7s 01.64ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF6F14F0 (generic\ added in repository
(130: 9.7s 01.38ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF6EFB58 (generic\ added in repository
(131: 9.7s 14.57ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF6F03E0 (KSC\ added in repository
(132: 10.0s 266.51ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF6F5638 ( added in repository
(133: 10.1s 66.97ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF901C38 (Dragonfly\ added in repository
(134: 10.1s 01.63ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF902868 (Dragonfly\ added in repository
(135: 10.1s 01.65ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF9029A0 (Dragonfly\ added in repository
(136: 10.1s 01.00ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF9014E8 (Dragonfly\ added in repository
(137: 10.1s 00.87ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF900B28 (Dragonfly\ added in repository
(138: 10.1s 00.94ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF901620 (Dragonfly\ added in repository
(139: 10.1s 00.08ms)(0x518) Storing a mesh 0xDA7068 (Dragonfly)
(140: 10.1s 12.43ms)(0x518) [NEW FONT] ( Arial), Size=8, Weight=400 Pitch&Family=31
(141: 10.1s 11.60ms)(0x518) Font Video Memory Usage = 256 kb
(142: 10.1s 00.14ms)(0x518) Font and Charter set creation succesfull
(143: 10.1s 00.04ms)(0x518) [NEW FONT] ( Arial), Size=8, Weight=400 Pitch&Family=31
(144: 10.1s 11.44ms)(0x518) Font Video Memory Usage = 256 kb
(145: 10.1s 00.62ms)(0x518) Font and Charter set creation succesfull
(146: 10.1s 00.05ms)(0x518) [NEW FONT] ( Courier New), Size=8, Weight=400 Pitch&Family=31
(147: 10.1s 07.23ms)(0x518) Font Video Memory Usage = 256 kb
(148: 10.1s 00.15ms)(0x518) Font and Charter set creation succesfull
(149: 10.1s 00.07ms)(0x518) [NEW FONT] ( Arial), Size=-7, Weight=400 Pitch&Family=31
(150: 10.1s 11.67ms)(0x518) Font Video Memory Usage = 256 kb
(151: 10.1s 00.13ms)(0x518) Font and Charter set creation succesfull
(152: 10.1s 06.57ms)(0x518) ================ clbkPostCreation ===============
(153: 10.1s 00.03ms)(0x518) ==== Scanning Configuration Files ====
(154: 10.1s 00.14ms)(0x518) Scenario System=Sol
(155: 10.1s 00.04ms)(0x518) Scenario MJD=51982.043693448999
(156: 10.1s 00.76ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD12A28, .\Config\Earth\Base\Alcantara.cfg
(157: 10.1s 00.06ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD0D738, .\Config\Earth\Base\Al_Anbar.cfg
(158: 10.1s 00.06ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xCE5E98, .\Config\Earth\Base\Baikonur.cfg
(159: 10.1s 00.06ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD69E18, .\Config\Earth\Base\Barent_Sea.cfg
(160: 10.1s 00.06ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD1E7A8, .\Config\Earth\Base\Canaveral.cfg
(161: 10.1s 00.06ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD297F8, .\Config\Earth\Base\China_Lake.cfg
(162: 10.1s 00.06ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD29B68, .\Config\Earth\Base\Doberai.cfg
(163: 10.1s 00.06ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD2A418, .\Config\Earth\Base\Edwards.cfg
(164: 10.1s 00.05ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD832E0, .\Config\Earth\Base\Gran_canaria.cfg
(165: 10.1s 00.06ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD83650, .\Config\Earth\Base\Habana.cfg
(166: 10.1s 00.05ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD83F28, .\Config\Earth\Base\Hammaguira.cfg
(167: 10.1s 00.06ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD895D8, .\Config\Earth\Base\Inyokern.cfg
(168: 10.1s 00.05ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD89948, .\Config\Earth\Base\Jingyu.cfg
(169: 10.1s 00.05ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD89CF8, .\Config\Earth\Base\Jiuquan.cfg
(170: 10.1s 00.05ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD8A0F0, .\Config\Earth\Base\Kagoshima.cfg
(171: 10.1s 00.06ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD8A460, .\Config\Earth\Base\Kapustin_Yar.cfg
(172: 10.1s 00.06ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD8E168, .\Config\Earth\Base\Kourou.cfg
(173: 10.1s 00.05ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD950F8, .\Config\Earth\Base\Matagorda.cfg
(174: 10.1s 00.05ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD95808, .\Config\Earth\Base\Musudan.cfg
(175: 10.1s 00.06ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD95480, .\Config\Earth\Base\Overberg.cfg
(176: 10.1s 00.05ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD949E8, .\Config\Earth\Base\Palmachim.cfg
(177: 10.1s 00.05ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD93BC8, .\Config\Earth\Base\Peenemunde.cfg
(178: 10.1s 00.05ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD93F50, .\Config\Earth\Base\Plesetsk.cfg
(179: 10.1s 00.06ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD94D70, .\Config\Earth\Base\Salto_di_Quirra.cfg
(180: 10.1s 00.05ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD942D8, .\Config\Earth\Base\San_Marco.cfg
(181: 10.1s 00.05ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD94660, .\Config\Earth\Base\Sriharikota.cfg
(182: 10.1s 00.05ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD96668, .\Config\Earth\Base\Svobodniy.cfg
(183: 10.1s 00.05ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD97488, .\Config\Earth\Base\Taiyuan.cfg
(184: 10.1s 00.06ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD990C8, .\Config\Earth\Base\Tanegashima.cfg
(185: 10.1s 00.06ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD97F20, .\Config\Earth\Base\Vandenberg.cfg
(186: 10.1s 00.06ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD989B8, .\Config\Earth\Base\Wallops_Island.cfg
(187: 10.1s 00.06ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD97810, .\Config\Earth\Base\White_Sands.cfg
(188: 10.1s 00.07ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD98630, .\Config\Earth\Base\Woomera.cfg
(189: 10.1s 00.06ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD982A8, .\Config\Earth\Base\Wuzhai.cfg
(190: 10.1s 00.05ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD95BD0, .\Config\Earth\Base\Xichang.cfg
(191: 10.1s 05.92ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD97100, .\Config\Moon\Base\Brighton.cfg
(192: 10.1s 00.20ms)(0x518) Base Added: 0xD969F0, .\Config\Mars\Base\Olympus.cfg
(193: 10.2s 02.76ms)(0x518) =============== Loading Completed and Visuals Created ================
(194: 10.5s 300.53ms)(0x518) [NEW FONT] ( Courier New), Size=-11, Weight=400 Pitch&Family=31
(195: 10.5s 08.63ms)(0x518) Font Video Memory Usage = 256 kb
(196: 10.5s 00.14ms)(0x518) Font and Charter set creation succesfull
(197: 10.5s 00.06ms)(0x518) [NEW FONT] ( Arial), Size=-8, Weight=400 Pitch&Family=31
(198: 10.5s 11.32ms)(0x518) Font Video Memory Usage = 256 kb
(199: 10.5s 00.12ms)(0x518) Font and Charter set creation succesfull
(200: 10.5s 00.03ms)(0x518) [NEW FONT] ( Arial), Size=-11, Weight=400 Pitch&Family=31
(201: 10.5s 08.33ms)(0x518) Font Video Memory Usage = 256 kb
(202: 10.5s 00.15ms)(0x518) Font and Charter set creation succesfull
(203: 10.5s 09.81ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Sun) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0xCE3FD8, Vis=0xF8B7260, Rec=0xF9476A0, Type=3
(204: 10.5s 00.05ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Mercury) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0xD110A8, Vis=0x11EE3AF0, Rec=0xF947A40, Type=4
(205: 10.5s 03.62ms)(0x518) Texture 0xF940898 ( added in repository
(206: 10.5s 00.02ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Venus) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0xD13A40, Vis=0x11EE8110, Rec=0xF9479C0, Type=4
(207: 10.5s 00.05ms)(0x518) Loading Atmospheric Configuration file [GC/Earth.atms.cfg] Handle=0x10EF4888
(208: 10.5s 00.34ms)(0x518) Loading Atmospheric Configuration file [GC/Earth.atmo.cfg] Handle=0x10EF4B80
(209: 10.6s 74.33ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Earth) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0xD01F50, Vis=0x11F34008, Rec=0xF9476C0, Type=4
(210: 10.6s 00.07ms)(0x518) Loading Atmospheric Configuration file [GC/Moon.atms.cfg] Handle=0x10EF44F8
(211: 10.6s 36.64ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Moon) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0xCE4588, Vis=0xF9FA268, Rec=0xF9478C0, Type=4
(212: 10.6s 00.06ms)(0x518) Loading Atmospheric Configuration file [GC/Mars.atms.cfg] Handle=0x10EF4AE8
(213: 10.6s 00.49ms)(0x518) Loading Atmospheric Configuration file [GC/Mars.atmo.cfg] Handle=0x10EF4758
(214: 10.6s 35.06ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Mars) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x10F68A40, Vis=0x120159A0, Rec=0xF947940, Type=4
(215: 10.7s 36.22ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Phobos) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x10F69198, Vis=0x11FFA6C8, Rec=0xF9479A0, Type=4
(216: 10.7s 33.89ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Deimos) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0xDA5D38, Vis=0x11FFCD90, Rec=0xF947D00, Type=4
(217: 10.7s 38.04ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Vesta) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x10F7DA70, Vis=0x1208FFD8, Rec=0xF947D80, Type=4
(218: 10.7s 00.06ms)(0x518) Loading Atmospheric Configuration file [GC/Jupiter.atms.cfg] Handle=0x10EF4D48
(219: 10.7s 00.40ms)(0x518) Loading Atmospheric Configuration file [GC/Jupiter.atmo.cfg] Handle=0x10EF43C8
(220: 10.8s 74.45ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Jupiter) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x10F7E1C8, Vis=0x120FA3B8, Rec=0xF947B00, Type=4
(221: 10.9s 34.37ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Io) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x10F7BA60, Vis=0x1213B6B0, Rec=0xF947B40, Type=4
(222: 10.9s 34.21ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Europa) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x1100E458, Vis=0x1213C7D0, Rec=0xF947A80, Type=4
(223: 10.9s 34.55ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Ganymede) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x1100EBB0, Vis=0x1213CF48, Rec=0xF947B80, Type=4
(224: 11.0s 34.13ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Callisto) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x10FDBCE8, Vis=0x12269BA8, Rec=0xF947C20, Type=4
(225: 11.0s 00.03ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Saturn) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x10FDC440, Vis=0x1226ACC8, Rec=0xF948140, Type=4
(226: 11.0s 38.54ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Mimas) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x11052958, Vis=0x1226B440, Rec=0xF947F40, Type=4
(227: 11.0s 36.93ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Enceladus) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x110530B0, Vis=0x12241F78, Rec=0xF947FC0, Type=4
(228: 11.1s 37.69ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Tethys) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x11053808, Vis=0x12255D50, Rec=0xF948220, Type=4
(229: 11.1s 35.65ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Dione) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x110235B8, Vis=0x12254E40, Rec=0xF947EA0, Type=4
(230: 11.1s 37.32ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Rhea) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x11021F20, Vis=0x12256C60, Rec=0xF948000, Type=4
(231: 11.1s 00.03ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Titan) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x11022E30, Vis=0x122573E8, Rec=0xF947E60, Type=4
(232: 11.1s 00.01ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Hyperion) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x11023D40, Vis=0x122564D8, Rec=0xF947F00, Type=4
(233: 11.2s 35.24ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Iapetus) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x110244C8, Vis=0x122546B8, Rec=0xF948160, Type=4
(234: 11.2s 00.04ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Uranus) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x110226A8, Vis=0x122555C8, Rec=0xF9481C0, Type=4
(235: 11.2s 00.01ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Miranda) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x11021010, Vis=0x12257B70, Rec=0xF947F60, Type=4
(236: 11.2s 00.01ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Ariel) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x11021798, Vis=0x122C2C00, Rec=0xF947F80, Type=4
(237: 11.2s 00.01ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Umbriel) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x110275C0, Vis=0x122C4A20, Rec=0xF947FA0, Type=4
(238: 11.2s 00.01ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Titania) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x11027D48, Vis=0x122C51A8, Rec=0xF92C500, Type=4
(239: 11.2s 00.01ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Oberon) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x11025F28, Vis=0x122C1CF0, Rec=0xF92C560, Type=4
(240: 11.2s 00.01ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Neptune) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x110284D0, Vis=0x122C3388, Rec=0x122D1E60, Type=4
(241: 11.2s 00.01ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Triton) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x1102AA78, Vis=0x122C6840, Rec=0x122D1D40, Type=4
(242: 11.2s 00.01ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Proteus) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x11028C58, Vis=0x122C7750, Rec=0x122D1DE0, Type=4
(243: 11.2s 00.01ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Nereid) hVessel=0x0, hObj=0x1102B988, Vis=0x122C8DE8, Rec=0x122D1EC0, Type=4
(244: 11.2s 00.01ms)(0x518) Vessel(0x1103C690) Module1 has 1 meshes
(245: 11.2s 00.84ms)(0x518) Mesh(0x11067A18) Offset = (0, 0, 0)
(246: 11.2s 00.02ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Module1A) hVessel=0x1103C690, hObj=0xCE2FD0, Vis=0x120BA230, Rec=0x122D1F80, Type=10
(247: 11.2s 07.61ms)(0x518) Vessel(0x1103C720) Module1 has 1 meshes
(248: 11.2s 00.83ms)(0x518) Mesh(0x110679E0) Offset = (0, 0, 0)
(249: 11.2s 00.02ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (Module1B) hVessel=0x1103C720, hObj=0x11290C68, Vis=0x1229F860, Rec=0x122D1EE0, Type=10
(250: 11.2s 04.87ms)(0x518) Vessel(0x11040C04) Dragonfly has 1 meshes
(251: 11.2s 03.51ms)(0x518) Mesh(0xDA7068) Offset = (0, 0, 0)
(252: 11.2s 00.03ms)(0x518) RegisteringVisual (TUG-01) hVessel=0x11040C04, hObj=0x1103FD08, Vis=0x12023498, Rec=0x122D2080, Type=10
(253: 13.2s 1957.30ms)(0x518)[ERROR] Blitting graphics from uninitialized source surface !! Handle = 0xF941AE0


New member
Dec 30, 2013
Reaction score
Is there no one who can replicate this issue? At the very least I would like to know if I'm the only one with this problem, so I can start troubleshooting. If it's a genuine bug, then troubleshooting on my end would be rather a waste of time. Can anyone confirm this behavior?


Active member
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
Ok...just tried it and I got the same issue/error-messge when switching to the other panel.