Updates Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity)


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Universe Today: Take a Peek Inside Curiosity’s Shell


LED-lit image from Mars Science Laboratory inside its shell (NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems)​
That image is so bland yet the conditions it was taken in is very exciting.
Curiosity's image resolution is a much bigger improvement over Cassini's than I thought.


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Mojave Desert Tests Prepare for NASA Mars Roving

May 11, 2012

Team members of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission took a test rover to Dumont Dunes in California's Mojave Desert this week to improve knowledge of the best way to operate a similar rover, Curiosity, currently flying to Mars for an August landing.

The test rover that they put through paces on various sandy slopes has a full-scale version of Curiosity's mobility system, but it is otherwise stripped down so that it weighs about the same on Earth as Curiosity will weigh in the lesser gravity of Mars.

Click on images for details​
| Mars Science Laboratory mission team members ran mobility tests on California sand dunes in early May 2012 in preparation for operating the Curiosity rover, currently en route to Mars, after its landing in Mars' Gale Crater.
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech​
| Michael Malin, left, principal investigator for three science cameras on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover, comments to a news reporter during tests with Curiosity's mobility-test stand-in, Scarecrow, on Dumont Dunes in California's Mojave Desert.
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech​

Information collected in these tests on windward and downwind portions of dunes will be used by the rover team in making decisions about driving Curiosity on dunes near a mountain in the center of Gale Crater.

First, however, the Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft, launched Nov. 26, 2011, must put Curiosity safely onto the ground. Safe landing on Mars is never assured, and this mission will use innovative methods to land the heaviest vehicle in the smallest target area ever attempted on Mars. Advances in landing heavier payloads more precisely are steps toward eventual human missions to Mars.

Curiosity is on track for landing the evening of Aug. 5, 2012, PDT (early on Aug. 6, Universal Time and EDT) to begin a two-year prime mission. Researchers plan to use Curiosity to study layers in Gale Crater's central mound, Mount Sharp. The mission will investigate whether the area has ever offered an environment favorable for microbial life.



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NASA Hosts Teleconference About Rover en Route to Mars Landing

June 07, 2012

PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA will host a media teleconference at 9 a.m. PDT (noon EDT) on June 11, to provide a status update on the Aug. 5, 2012, landing of the most advanced rover ever to be sent to Mars.

NASA's Curiosity rover, carried by the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) spacecraft, will land near the Martian equator at approximately 10:31 p.m. PDT on Aug. 5, (1:31 a.m. EDT on Aug. 6).

Panelists include:
  • Dave Lavery, MSL program executive, NASA Headquarters, Washington
  • Michael Meyer, lead scientist, Mars Exploration Program, NASA Headquarters
  • Pete Theisinger, MSL project manager, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
  • John Grotzinger, MSL project scientist, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif.

Audio of the event will be streamed live online at http://www.nasa.gov/newsaudio.


NASA News Release: MEDIA ADVISORY : M12-108 - NASA Hosts Teleconference About Rover En Route To Mars Landing


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Oct 30, 2009
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The Planetary Society Blog: Curiosity's shrinking landing ellipse:
There was good news and bad news in this morning's press briefing about Curiosity rover's upcoming landing on Mars, just eight weeks from now. First, the good news: the landing ellipse has shrunk. What does that mean? When you try to land something on Mars, you aim at a specific location, but nature has a way of throwing unexpected things at you. The Curiosity team has built extremely sophisticated computer models of their spacecraft and of the Martian atmosphere and then threw a jillion different sets of starting conditions at the simulated rover on landing day. Those simulations result in a scatter plot of sorts of likely actual landing sites for the rover. Draw an oval around those, and you have what's called a landing ellipse. {...}

Anyway, getting back to Curiosity, the landing ellipse used to be 25 kilometers long by 20 kilometers wide, but now it's much smaller: 20 by 7. This is actually not a surprise -- throughout the site selection process it was mentioned that the final ellipse would likely shrink -- but I am pleasantly surprised by how small they got it.


The bad news: there's a lurking problem with the drilling system, in that there are materials including Teflon and molybdenum disulfide (if I understood John Grotzinger correctly) that wind up getting mixed with the sampled rock and delivered to the science instruments. They're working to understand its nature and develop workarounds; to do so, they've had to build two more drill test facilities in addition to the one they already had. Grotzinger was actually discussing ways to use the scoop only to get uncontaminated samples. I know that journalists like Dick Kerr and Dan Vergano have their hooks into this story, so I'll be looking for their reports later to see what specifics they dig up.



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NASA Mars Rover Team Aims for Landing Closer to Prime Science Site

June 11, 2012

PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA has narrowed the target for its most advanced Mars rover, Curiosity, which will land on the Red Planet in August. The car-sized rover will arrive closer to its ultimate destination for science operations, but also closer to the foot of a mountain slope that poses a landing hazard.

"We're trimming the distance we'll have to drive after landing by almost half," said Pete Theisinger, Mars Science Laboratory project manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "That could get us to the mountain months earlier."

It was possible to adjust landing plans because of increased confidence in precision landing technology aboard the Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft, which is carrying the Curiosity rover. That spacecraft can aim closer without hitting Mount Sharp at the center of Gale crater. Rock layers located in the mountain are the prime location for research with the rover.

Click on images for details
| | This image shows changes in the target landing area for Curiosity, the rover of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory project. The larger ellipse was the target area prior to early June 2012, when the project revised it to the smaller ellipse centered nearer to the foot of Mount Sharp, inside Gale Crater.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ESA/DLR/FU Berlin/MSSS​
| A June 2012 revision of the landing target area for Curiosity, the big rover of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission, reduces the area's size. It also puts the center of the landing area closer to Mount Sharp, which bears geological layers that are the mission's prime destination.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ESA/DLR/FU Berlin/MSSS​
| As of June 2012, the target landing area for NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission is the ellipse marked on this image of Gale Crater. The ellipse is about 12 miles long and 4 miles wide (20 kilometers by 7 kilometers).
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ESA/DLR/FU Berlin/MSSS​

Curiosity is scheduled to land at approximately 10:31 p.m. PDT Aug. 5 (1:31 a.m. EDT, Aug. 6). Following checkout operations, Curiosity will begin a two-year study of whether the landing vicinity ever offered an environment favorable for microbial life.

Theisinger and other mission leaders described the target adjustment during an update to reporters on Monday, June 11, about preparations for landing and for operating Curiosity on Mars.

The landing target ellipse had been approximately 12 miles wide and 16 miles long (20 kilometers by 25 kilometers). Continuing analysis of the new landing system's capabilities has allowed mission planners to shrink the area to approximately 4 miles wide and 12 miles long (7 kilometers by 20 kilometers), assuming winds and other atmospheric conditions are as predicted.

Even with the smaller ellipse, Curiosity will be able to touch down at a safe distance from steep slopes at the edge of Mount Sharp.

"We have been preparing for years for a successful landing by Curiosity, and all signs are good," said Dave Lavery, Mars Science Laboratory program executive at NASA. "However, landing on Mars always carries risks, so success is not guaranteed. Once on the ground we'll proceed carefully. We have plenty of time since Curiosity is not as life-limited as the approximate 90-day missions like NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers and the Phoenix lander."

Since the spacecraft was launched in November 2011, engineers have continued testing and improving its landing software. Mars Science Laboratory will use an upgraded version of flight software installed on its computers during the past two weeks. Additional upgrades for Mars surface operations will be sent to the rover about a week after landing.

Other preparations include upgrades to the rover's software and understanding effects of debris coming from the drill the rover will use to collect samples from rocks on Mars. Experiments at JPL indicate that Teflon from the drill could mix with the powdered samples. Testing will continue past landing with copies of the drill. The rover will deliver the samples to onboard instruments that can identify mineral and chemical ingredients.

"The material from the drill could complicate, but will not prevent analysis of carbon content in rocks by one of the rover's 10 instruments. There are workarounds," said John Grotzinger, the mission's project scientist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. "Organic carbon compounds in an environment are one prerequisite for life. We know meteorites deliver non-biological organic carbon to Mars, but not whether it persists near the surface. We will be checking for that and for other chemical and mineral clues about habitability."

Curiosity will be in good company as it nears landing. Two NASA Mars orbiters, along with a European Space Agency orbiter, will be in position to listen to radio transmissions as Mars Science Laboratory descends through Mars' atmosphere.


NASA Press Release: RELEASE : 12-192 - NASA Mars Rover Team Aims for Landing Closer to Prime Science Site

SPACE.com: Huge Mars Rover Faces Contamination Issue Ahead of August Landing

CBS News Space: Mars Science Lab rover on track for August descent to red planet

Universe Today: Engineers Able to Narrow Landing Ellipse for Curiosity Rover

Discovery News: Mars Rover Now Aiming for Sweet Spot

Florida Today:


May 4, 2008
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I said it 6 months ago and I'll say it again now; I'd be surprised if they can actually pull this kind of landing of; too many variables that can go wrong.
I think they bit of more then they can chew using this kind of "hover" landing approach.

But then again, who knows; it might actually work.


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Mar 5, 2010
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Experiments at JPL indicate that Teflon from the drill could mix with the powdered samples.

Actually, is it possible to get perfectly uncontaminated samples from a drill ? I mean, some atoms will always get off the drilling head during the operation... Unless we use force fields, I don't see how to get 100% pure clean stuff.
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Oct 30, 2009
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The Planetary Society Blog: Cosmoquest Science Hangout Wednesday June 20 2300 UTC: Ravi Prakash, Curiosity engineer:
by Emily Lakdawalla

Announcement: I'm hosting this week's Cosmoquest Science Hangout, on Wednesday at 4pm PDT / 2300 UTC. My guest will be Ravi Prakash, Curiosity Entry, Descent, and Landing Systems Engineer. I'm going to ask him to take us step-by-step through Curiosity's planned landing, and to explain why and how this will be different (and more precise) than previous landings. I will embed the video here when we are about to start.


Discovery News: Mars Rover Curiosity's Retro Parachute


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Here's a beautiful, suspenseful video by JPL that illustrates the landing:
The best part is that this is real.
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Apr 14, 2008
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I'm wondering what type of navigation and sensing the aeroshell is doing while blasting through the atmosphere. The vid shows RCS type jets firing. What determines that? Is it a closed loop feedback of a sort? And how is the orientation and trajectory sensed?
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Curiosity Rover on Track for Early August Landing

June 26, 2012

Mars Science Laboratory Mission Status Report

PASADENA, Calif. -- A maneuver on Tuesday adjusted the flight path of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft for delivering the rover Curiosity to a landing target beside a Martian mountain.

The car-size, one-ton rover is bound for arrival the evening of Aug. 5, 2012, PDT (early Aug. 6, EDT and Universal Time). The landing will mark the beginning of a two-year prime mission to investigate whether one of the most intriguing places on Mars ever offered an environment favorable for microbial life.

The latest trajectory correction maneuver, the third and smallest since the Nov. 26, 2011, launch, used four thruster firings totaling just 40 seconds. Spacecraft data and Doppler-effect changes in radio signal from the craft indicate the maneuver succeeded. As designed by engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., the maneuver adjusts the location where the spacecraft will enter Mars' atmosphere by about 125 miles (200 kilometers) and advances the time of entry by about 70 seconds.

"This puts us closer to our entry target, so if any further maneuvers are needed, I expect them to be small," said JPL's Tomas Martin-Mur, the mission's navigation team chief. Opportunities for up to three additional trajectory correction maneuvers are scheduled during the final eight days of the flight.

The maneuver served both to correct errors in the flight path that remained after earlier correction maneuvers and to carry out a decision this month to shift the landing target about 4 miles (7 kilometers) closer to the mountain.

It altered the spacecraft's velocity by about one-tenth of a mile per hour (50 millimeters per second). The flight's first and second trajectory correction maneuvers produced velocity changes about 150 times larger on Jan. 11 and about 20 times larger on March 26.

Shifting the landing target closer to the mountain, informally named Mount Sharp, may shave months off the time needed for driving from the touchdown location to selected destinations at exposures of water-related minerals on the slope of the mountain.

The flight to Mars has entered its "approach phase" leading to landing day. Mission Manager Arthur Amador of JPL said, "In the next 40 days, the flight team will be laser-focused on the preparations for the challenging events of landing day -- continuously tracking the spacecraft's trajectory and monitoring the health and performance of its onboard systems, while using NASA's Deep Space Network to stay in continuous communications. We're in the home stretch now. The spacecraft continues to perform very well. And the flight team is up for the challenge."

Descent from the top of Mars' atmosphere to the surface will employ bold techniques enabling use of a smaller target area and heavier landed payload than were possible for any previous Mars mission. These innovations, if successful, will place a well-equipped mobile laboratory into a locale especially well suited for its mission of discovery. The same innovations advance NASA toward capabilities needed for human missions to Mars.

A video about the challenges of the landing is online at: http://go.nasa.gov/Q4b35n or http://go.usa.gov/vMn.

As of June 27, the Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft carrying the rover Curiosity will have traveled about 307 million miles (494 million kilometers) of its 352-million-mile (567-million-kilometer) flight to Mars.



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Mar 5, 2010
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Here's a beautiful, suspenseful video by JPL that illustrates the landing:

It explains very well the problems caused by using the martian atmosphere to aerobrake. Even with the parachute, the thing stills hurls at a supersonic speed ! That's a little crazy.

But I like that "staged descent" profile, adapting the vehicle structure and braking systems to the speed and density of the atmosphere.

7 minutes, that's pretty fast. And that completely unintuitive idea that the spacecraft will have crashed or landed for 7 minutes when the signals will reach (or not) Earth. I can't wait :p


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Jun 15, 2008
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The vid shows RCS type jets firing. What determines that? Is it a closed loop feedback of a sort? And how is the orientation and trajectory sensed?

Well, per wikipedia...

Guided entry: The rover is folded up within an aeroshell which protects it during the travel through space and during the atmospheric entry at Mars. Atmospheric entry is accomplished using a Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA) heat shield. The 4.5 m (15 ft) diameter heat shield, which will be the largest heat shield ever flown in space,[105] reduces the velocity of the spacecraft by ablation against the Martian atmosphere, from the interplanetary transit velocity of 5.3 to 6 km/s (3.3 to 3.7 mi/s) down to approximately Mach-2, where parachute deployment is possible. Much of the reduction of the landing precision error is accomplished by an entry guidance algorithm, similar to that used by the astronauts returning to Earth in the Apollo space program. This guidance uses the lifting force experienced by the aeroshell to "fly out" any detected error in range and thereby arrive at the targeted landing site. In order for the aeroshell to have lift, its center of mass is offset from the axial centerline which results in an off-center trim angle in atmospheric flight, again similar to the Apollo Command Module. This is accomplished by a series of ejectable ballast masses. The lift vector is controlled by four sets of two Reaction Control System (RCS) thrusters that produce approximately 500 N of thrust per pair. This ability to change the pointing of the direction of lift allows the spacecraft to react to the ambient environment, and steer toward the landing zone. Prior to parachute deployment the entry vehicle must first eject the ballast mass such that the center of gravity offset is removed. Parachute will deploy at about 10 km (6.2 mi) altitude at about 470 m/s (1,500 ft/s).

my guess is that it uses accelerometers and / or gyros like any other guidance system.


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Fireworks Over Mars: The Spirit of 76 Pyrotechnics

July 02, 2012

One month and a day after celebrating its independence with fireworks exhibitions throughout the country, America will carry its penchant for awe-inspiring aerial pyrotechnic displays to the skies of another world. Some pyrotechnics will be as small as the energy released by a box of matches. One packs the same oomph as a stick of TNT. Whether they be large or small, on the evening of August 5th (Pacific time), all 76 must work on cue as NASA's next Mars rover, Curiosity, carried by the Mars Science Laboratory, streaks through the Red Planet's atmosphere on its way to a landing at Gale Crater.

Click on image to enlarge​
One month and a day after America celebrates its independence with fireworks, a series of meticulously-engineered fireworks must operate for the Curiosity rover to safely reach the surface of the Red Planet as shown in this artist's concept.
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech​

"We are definitely coming in with a bang - or a series of them," said Pete Theisinger, Mars Science Laboratory project manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "You only get one shot at a Mars landing, and the pyrotechnic charges we are using are great for reliably providing instantaneous, irreversible actions like deploying a parachute or opening a fuel valve."

Explosive pyrotechnic devices predate the space age by about a thousand years. Around 750 A.D., people in China began stuffing an early form of gunpowder into bamboo shoots and throwing them into a fire. At some point, someone interested in taking this new discovery to the next level (probably also from that region), decided aerial explosions would be even cooler, and the "aerial salute" was born. Fireworks were also part of America's very first Independence Day in 1777.

Pyrotechnics, or pyromechanical devices, are a natural but highly-engineered extension of these early fireworks. Instead of a rocket's red glare and bombs bursting in air, the energy from these explosions is contained within a mechanism, where it is used to move, cut, pull or separate something. Controlled explosions are a valuable tool to those who explore beyond Earth's atmosphere because they are quick and reliable.

"When we need valves to open, or things to move or come apart, we want to be confident they will do so within milliseconds of the time we plan for them to do so," said Rich Webster, a pyromechanical engineer at JPL. "With pyros, no electrical motors need to move. No latches need to be unlatched. We blow things apart -- scientifically."

Seventeen minutes before landing, the first 10 of 76 pyros will fire within five milliseconds of each other, releasing the cruise stage that provided the entry capsule (and its cocooned descent vehicle and the Curiosity rover) with power, communications and thermal control support during its 254-day journey to Mars.

"We have essentially three miniature guillotines onboard that, when the pyros fire, cut cabling and metal tubing that run between the cruise stage and the entry capsule," said Luke Dubord, avionics engineer for Mars Science Laboratory at JPL. "Then a retraction pyro pulls them out of the way. Along with that, we've got six pyrotechnic separation nuts, which when fired, will actually accomplish the separation."

One hundred and twenty-five milliseconds later, two more pyros fire, releasing compressed springs that jettison two 165-pounds(75-kilogram) solid tungsten weights. These weights allow the entry capsule to perform history's first planetary lifting body entry (see http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/mission/technology/insituexploration/edl/guidedentry/). A dozen minutes and one fiery, lifting-body atmospheric reentry later, another smaller set of tungsten weights is ejected by pyros to re-adjust the lander's center of mass for the final approach to the surface. A few seconds after that, the largest bang since the spacecraft separated from its Atlas rocket 254 days before is scheduled to occur.

"The Mars Science Lab parachute is the largest used on a planetary mission," said Dubord. "When folded up and in its canister, it's still as big as a trashcan. We have to get that folded-up chute out of its canister and unfolding in a hurry. The best way to do that is get it quickly away from spacecraft and out into the freestream using a mortar."

The best way to do that, the engineers at JPL decided, was to include a pyrotechnic charge equivalent to a stick of TNT.

"When something like this goes off, it makes a lot of noise" said Dubord. "Of course, at 8.7 miles [14 kilometers] up and a little over Mach 1, over Mars, I doubt anybody will be there to hear it."

While the ejection of the parachute is the biggest pyrotechnic display during the crucial entry, descent and landing, it is certainly not the last. The landing system needs to be released from the backshell that helped protect it during entry. The sky crane's descent engines need to be pressurized, and the rover itself needs to be released from the sky crane, where it is lowered on tethers toward the surface. All told, there are another 44 controlled explosions that need to happen at exactly the right time and at absolutely no other time for Curiosity to touch down safely at Gale Crater.

"Excluding the parachute mortar, the total 'explosive' material in all the pyrotechnics aboard the spacecraft is only about 50 to 60 grams," said Webster. "That is about the same amount of combustible material in the air bag in your car's steering wheel. When you do the math, the amount of explosive material in each pyrotechnic is only about what you would get out of a pack of matches.

"The thing is, a pack of matches won't help you land on Mars....pyrotechnics will," Webster added.
The Mars Science Laboratory mission is managed by JPL for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Curiosity was designed, developed and assembled at JPL. Caltech manages JPL for NASA.

A video about the challenges of the landing is online at: http://go.nasa.gov/Q4b35n or http://go.usa.gov/vMn.
