Problem Recursive Warning Help


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Nov 12, 2011
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Could someone tell me why I am getting the warning : c:\users\crice\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\chippersat\chippersat\chippersat.cpp(89) : warning C4717: 'chippersat::DefineAnimations' : recursive on all control paths, function will cause runtime stack overflow

Its around the line where define animations() is located. I had to remove payload manager from my coding. But when I did it started a cascade. The code compiles now but my animations won't work.

// ==============================================================
//Class description for chippersat vessel class
//Addon author: Chip Rice
//Orbiter (C) 2002-2012 Martin Schweiger
//All rights reserved
//This file was generated by Xantcha's Orbiter vessel template
// ==============================================================
#include "chippersat.h" 
#include "Orbitersdk.h" 
#include "payloadmanager.h"
#include "ScnEditorAPI.h"
#include "DlgCtrl.h" 
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "OrbiterSoundSDK40.h"
#include "OrbiterAPI.h" 
#include "DrawAPI.h"

// ==============================================================
// chippersat class implementation
// ==============================================================

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// --------------------------------------------------------------




// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Define animation sequences for moving parts
// --------------------------------------------------------------
void chippersat::DefineAnimations (void)
	// 1. SolarPanels
    static UINT  mgroup_pan1arm[1] = {4};  //PANEL with arm
	static MGROUP_ROTATE pan1arm (0, mgroup_pan1arm, 1,
        _V(1.987,1.780, 0.218 ), _V(0,-1,0), (float)(88*RAD));
    static UINT mgroup_pan2arm[1] = {6};  //PANEL with arm
    static MGROUP_ROTATE pan2arm (0, mgroup_pan2arm, 1,
        _V(-2.172,1.780,0.035), _V(0,-1,0), (float)(95*RAD));
    static UINT mgroup_pan3top[1] = {5}; //PANEL 
    static MGROUP_ROTATE pan3top (0, mgroup_pan3top, 1,
        _V(2.045,1.940,1.882), _V(0, 0, 1), (float)(165*RAD));  
    static UINT mgroup_pan4top[1] = {7}; //PANEL 
    static MGROUP_ROTATE pan4top (0, mgroup_pan4top, 1,
        _V(-2.125,1.940,.502 ), _V(0, 0, 1), (float)(-195*RAD));	   
	static UINT mgroup_panRtop[1] = {7}; //PANEL 
    static MGROUP_ROTATE panRtop (0, mgroup_panRtop, 1,
        _V(-2.093,1.940,1.414 ), _V(0, 1, 0), (float)(-8*RAD));
       anim_pan = CreateAnimation (0.0);
       parent1 = AddAnimationComponent (anim_pan, 0, .4, &pan1arm);
       parent2 = AddAnimationComponent (anim_pan, 0, .4, &pan2arm);     
                 AddAnimationComponent (anim_pan, .35, 1, &pan3top, parent1);
                 AddAnimationComponent (anim_pan, .35, 1, &pan4top, parent2);
       anim_panRtop = CreateAnimation (0.0);
		   AddAnimationComponent (anim_pan, 0,.4, &panRtop);
	// 2. Radar Flag
	static UINT meshgroup_radarflag[1] = {8};
	static MGROUP_ROTATE radarflag (0, meshgroup_radarflag, 1, _V(0.148,3.062,0.166), _V(0,1,0), (float)(360*RAD));
	anim_radarflag = CreateAnimation (0);
	AddAnimationComponent (anim_radarflag, 0, 1, &radarflag);

shouldAnimateTheThing = false;
	pan_proc = 0.0;
	pan_status = DOOR_CLOSED;
	radarflag_proc = 0.0; 	 
	DefineAnimations (); 


void chippersat::ActivateSolarPanels (DoorStatus action)
	pan_status = action;

void chippersat::RevertSolarPanels (void)
	ActivateSolarPanels ((pan_status == DOOR_CLOSED || pan_status == DOOR_CLOSING) ?

void chippersat::ActivateRadarflag (DoorStatus action)
	radarflag_status = action;
// Orientation Autopilot
void chippersat::OrientForBurn(VECTOR3& tgtVector)
	int i;
	for (i = 1; i <= 7; i++) DeactivateNavmode(i); // To prevent competing inputs deactivate Orbiter's default autopilots.
	if (oapiGetTimeAcceleration()> 10) oapiSetTimeAcceleration(1); // To prevent the autopilot from wasting fuel I've restricted time-accel to 10x or less.

	normalise (tgtVector); // The target vector should already been normalised but I'll do it again just to be safe. Normalizing saves us from having to do a lot of math further down the line.
	VECTOR3 ThrustVector = {0,1,0}; // chippersat::GetThrusterDir(th_descent, ThrustVector) // Get the direction of thrust for the main engine.
	VECTOR3 input = crossp(tgtVector,ThrustVector);

	VECTOR3 aVel; chippersat::GetAngularVel(aVel); // Get vessel's current angular velocity and break it down into...
	double PitchV = aVel.x*DEG;	// Pitch [degrees/sec]
	double RollV = aVel.z*DEG;	// Roll [degrees/sec]
	double YawV = aVel.y*DEG;	// Yaw [degrees/sec]

	// Pitch Inputs
	double CurrentRate = PitchV;
	double CommandedRate = asin(input.x)*DEG;
	double pDelta = (CommandedRate - CurrentRate); 

	if ( (pDelta > 0.00) && (CurrentRate <= 5.00) ) chippersat::IncThrusterGroupLevel_SingleStep(THGROUP_ATT_PITCHUP, pDelta);
	else if ( (pDelta < 0.00) && (CurrentRate >= -5.00) ) chippersat::IncThrusterGroupLevel_SingleStep(THGROUP_ATT_PITCHDOWN, -pDelta);

	// Roll Inputs
	CurrentRate = RollV;
	CommandedRate = asin(input.z)*DEG;
	double rDelta = (CommandedRate - CurrentRate); 

	if ( (rDelta > 0.00) && (CurrentRate <= 5.00) ) chippersat::IncThrusterGroupLevel_SingleStep(THGROUP_ATT_BANKRIGHT, rDelta);
	else if ( (rDelta < 0.00) && (CurrentRate >= -5.00) ) chippersat::IncThrusterGroupLevel_SingleStep(THGROUP_ATT_BANKLEFT, -rDelta);

	// Yaw Inputs
	CurrentRate = YawV; 
	CommandedRate = asin(input.y)*DEG;
	double yDelta = (-CommandedRate + CurrentRate);
	if ( (yDelta > 0.00) && (CurrentRate >= -5.00) ) chippersat::IncThrusterGroupLevel_SingleStep(THGROUP_ATT_YAWRIGHT, yDelta);
	else if ( (yDelta < 0.00) && (CurrentRate <= 5.00) ) chippersat::IncThrusterGroupLevel_SingleStep(THGROUP_ATT_YAWLEFT, -yDelta);

//// Debuggery
//sprintf(oapiDebugString(), "X %0.3f, Y %0.3f, Z %0.3f", tgtVector.x, tgtVector.y, tgtVector.z);
//sprintf(oapiDebugString(), "X %0.3f, Y %0.3f, Z %0.3f", input.x, input.y, input.z);
//sprintf(oapiDebugString(), "Pitch %0.3f, Roll %0.3f, Yaw %0.3f", PitchV, RollV, YawV);
//sprintf(oapiDebugString(), "Pitch %0.3f, Roll %0.3f, Yaw %0.3f", pDelta, rDelta, yDelta);

// ==============================================================
// Overloaded callback functions
// ==============================================================

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Set vessel class parameters
// --------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Read status from scenario file
// --------------------------------------------------------------
void chippersat::clbkLoadStateEx (FILEHANDLE scn, void *vs)
	char *line;

	while (oapiReadScenario_nextline (scn, line)) {
		if (!_strnicmp (line, "PAN", 3)) {
			sscanf (line+3, "%d%lf", &pan_status, &pan_proc);
else if (!_strnicmp (line, "ANIMATED_THING", 14)) {
			int intToBoolTemp; // MSVC's sscanf doesn't have a format modifier to read a 8-bit int value (other than literally the character itself)
			sscanf (line + 14, "%i %1f", &intToBoolTemp, &radarflag_proc);
			shouldAnimateTheThing = intToBoolTemp != 0;

		}  else {
			ParseScenarioLineEx (line, vs);

	SetAnimation (anim_pan, pan_proc);
	SetAnimation (anim_radarflag, radarflag_proc);

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Save status to scenario file
// --------------------------------------------------------------
void chippersat::clbkSaveState (FILEHANDLE scn)
	char cbuf[256];
	SaveDefaultState (scn);
	sprintf (cbuf, "%d %0.4f", pan_status, pan_proc);
	oapiWriteScenario_string (scn, "PAN", cbuf);
	char buf [256];
	sprintf (buf, "%i %1f", (int)shouldAnimateTheThing, radarflag_proc);
	oapiWriteScenario_string (scn, "ANIMATED_THING", buf);


void chippersat::clbkPostCreation ()
 void chippersat::clbkPreStep (double simt, double simdt, double mjd)
//Vector Calculations
VECTOR3 rVel, rPos, gPos;
OBJHANDLE rBody = GetGravityRef(); // Get current an object handle 'rBody' for the celestial body currently being orbited. 
GetGlobalPos(gPos); // Get position of vessel in global frame.
GetRelativePos(rBody,rPos); // Get position of vessel relative to reference body.
GetRelativeVel(rBody,rVel); // Get velocity of vessel relative to reference body.
VECTOR3 vHorizon = crossp(rVel,rPos);	// Use cross-product of 'rVel' and 'rPos' to find horizon reference.

VECTOR3 vPrograde; // Prograde velocity vector in vessel coordinates 
Global2Local((rVel + gPos), vPrograde); // To find our prograde vector in vessel coordinates we need to combine gPos with rVel because Global2Local normally converts positions, not velocities. 

VECTOR3 vNormal;	// Orbit Normal vector in vessel coordinates
Global2Local( RotateVector( (rVel+gPos), 90*RAD, vHorizon), vNormal); // We find our normal vector by repeating the process to find prograde and then rotating it 90 degrees about the 'horizon'.
if (GetNavmodeState(1)==true) AUTOPILOT = Off; // NavmodeState(1) is the default Killrot program. This function did not need to be over-ridden so the custom autopilot stays off. 
	if (GetNavmodeState(2)==true) AUTOPILOT = Off; // NavmodeState(2) is the default Horizon Level program. This function did not get over-ridden either.
	if (GetNavmodeState(3)==true) AUTOPILOT = Prograde;	// Set autopilot to prograde mode.
	if (GetNavmodeState(4)==true) AUTOPILOT = Retrograde; // Set autopilot to retrograde mode.
	if (GetNavmodeState(5)==true) AUTOPILOT = Normal; // Set autopilot to orbit-normal mode.
	if (GetNavmodeState(6)==true) AUTOPILOT = Antinormal; // Set autopilot to anti-normal mode.
	if (GetNavmodeState(7)==true) AUTOPILOT = Hover; // Set autopilot to decent/hover mode.

	// Implement autopilot control inputs.
	if (AUTOPILOT==Prograde)	chippersat::OrientForBurn( vPrograde);
	if (AUTOPILOT==Retrograde)	chippersat::OrientForBurn(-vPrograde);
	if (AUTOPILOT==Normal)	chippersat::OrientForBurn( vNormal);
	if (AUTOPILOT==Antinormal)	chippersat::OrientForBurn(-vNormal);
	//if (AUTOPILOT==Hover)	*Descent/Hover autopilot not yet implimented*

 void chippersat::clbkPostStep (double simt, double simdt, double mjd)
	// Animate Solar Panels
	if (pan_status >= DOOR_CLOSING) {
		double da = simdt * SOLARPANEL_OPERATING_SPEED;
		if (pan_status == DOOR_CLOSING) {
			if (pan_proc > 0.0) pan_proc = max (0.0, pan_proc-da);       
			else                pan_status = DOOR_CLOSED;
		} else {
			if (pan_proc < 1.0) pan_proc = min (1.0, pan_proc+da);          
			else                pan_status = DOOR_OPEN;
		SetAnimation (anim_pan, pan_proc);

	// Animate Radar Flag
	 if (shouldAnimateTheThing) {
double da = simdt * RADARFLAG_OPERATING_SPEED;
radarflag_proc = fmod (radarflag_proc + da, 1.0);
		SetAnimation (anim_radarflag, radarflag_proc);


// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Keyboard interface handler (buffered key events)
// --------------------------------------------------------------

// ==============================================================
// Some vessel parameters
// ==============================================================
const double MASS = 1815.0;
const double FUELMASS = 10000;
const double ISP = 3e4;
const double MAXMAINTH = 500000;
const double MAXHOVERTH = 35000;
const double MAXRCSTH = 8000;

// ==============================================================
// Overloaded callback functions
// ==============================================================
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the capabilities of the vessel class
// --------------------------------------------------------------
 void chippersat::clbkSetClassCaps (FILEHANDLE cfg)

	SetEmptyMass (1863.0);	 
	SetSize (4);
	SetCW (0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.4);
	SetCrossSections (_V(42.19, 34.58, 38.11)); 
	SetRotDrag (_V(0.4,0.4,0.4));	 
	SetPMI (_V(7.16,4.08,7.27));
	SetCameraOffset (_V(0,0.8,0));
	SetDockParams  (_V(0,1.3,-1), _V(0,1,0), _V(0,0,-1));
	SetTouchdownPoints (_V(4,-5.9,-4),_V(0,-5.9,4),_V(0,-5.9,-4));
    SetSurfaceFrictionCoeff (0.4, 0.4);

	// propellant resource
	PROPELLANT_HANDLE hpr = CreatePropellantResource (FUELMASS);
	// ***************** thruster definitions *******************
THRUSTER_HANDLE th_main, th_hover;
	THRUSTER_HANDLE th_rcs[24], th_group[4];

	PARTICLESTREAMSPEC contrail_main = {
		0, 5.0, 16, 200, 0.15, 1.0, 5, 3.0, PARTICLESTREAMSPEC::DIFFUSE,
	PARTICLESTREAMSPEC contrail_hover = {
		0, 5.0, 8, 200, 0.15, 1.0, 5, 3.0, PARTICLESTREAMSPEC::DIFFUSE,
	PARTICLESTREAMSPEC exhaust_main = {
		0, 2.0, 20, 200, 0.05, 0.1, 8, 1.0, PARTICLESTREAMSPEC::EMISSIVE,
	PARTICLESTREAMSPEC exhaust_hover = {
		0, 2.0, 10, 200, 0.05, 0.05, 8, 1.0, PARTICLESTREAMSPEC::EMISSIVE,
	th_main = CreateThruster (_V(0,-4.35,0), _V(0,1,0), MAXMAINTH, hpr, ISP);
	CreateThrusterGroup (&th_main, 1, THGROUP_MAIN);
	AddExhaust (th_main, 8, 1, _V(0,-4.35,0), _V(0,1,0));

	th_hover = CreateThruster (_V(0,-4.35,0), _V(0,1,0), MAXHOVERTH, hpr, ISP);
	CreateThrusterGroup (&th_hover, 1, THGROUP_HOVER);
	AddExhaust (th_hover, 8, 1, _V(0,-4.35,0), _V(0,1,0));

	AddExhaustStream (th_hover, _V(0,-10,0), &contrail_hover); 
	AddExhaustStream (th_main, _V(0,-10,0), &contrail_main);
	AddExhaustStream (th_hover, _V(0,-5,0), &exhaust_hover);	 
	AddExhaustStream (th_main, _V(0,-5,0), &exhaust_main);

	th_rcs[ 0] = CreateThruster (_V(0,1.3,2), _V(0,0,-1), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
	th_rcs[ 1] = CreateThruster (_V(0,-1.3,2), _V(0,0,-1), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
	th_rcs[ 2] = CreateThruster (_V(0,1.3,2), _V(0,0,-1), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
	th_rcs[ 3] = CreateThruster (_V(0,-1.3,2), _V(0,0,-1), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
	th_rcs[ 4] = CreateThruster (_V(0,1.3,-2), _V(0,0,1),MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
	th_rcs[ 5] = CreateThruster (_V(0,-1.3,-2), _V(0,0,1), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
	th_rcs[ 6] = CreateThruster (_V(0,1.3,-2), _V(0,0,1), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
	th_rcs[ 7] = CreateThruster (_V(0,-1.3,2), _V(0,0,1), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
	th_rcs[ 8] = CreateThruster (_V(2,1.3,0), _V(-1,0,0), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
	th_rcs[ 9] = CreateThruster (_V(2,-1.3,0),_V(-1,0,0), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
	th_rcs[10] = CreateThruster (_V(2,1.3,0), _V(-1,0,0), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
	th_rcs[11] = CreateThruster (_V(2,-1.3,0), _V(-1,0,0), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
    th_rcs[12] = CreateThruster (_V(-2,1.3,0), _V(1,0,0), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
	th_rcs[13] = CreateThruster (_V(-2,-1.3,0),_V(1,0,0), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
	th_rcs[14] = CreateThruster (_V(-2,1.3,0), _V(1,0,0), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
	th_rcs[15] = CreateThruster (_V(-2,-1.3,0), _V(1,0,0), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
	th_rcs[16] = CreateThruster (_V(-2.287,-1.5,-2.126), _V(0,0,1), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
	th_rcs[17] = CreateThruster (_V(2.287,-1.5,2.126), _V(0,0,-1), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP); 
	th_rcs[18] = CreateThruster (_V(-2.126,-1.5,2.287), _V(0,0,-1), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
	th_rcs[19] = CreateThruster (_V(2.126,-1.5,-2.287), _V(0,0,1), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
    th_rcs[20] = CreateThruster (_V(-1.8,-1.5,-1.8), _V(0,-1,0), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
	th_rcs[21] = CreateThruster (_V(1.8,-1.5,1.8), _V(0,-1,0), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP); 
    th_rcs[22] = CreateThruster (_V(-1.8,-2.6,1.8), _V(0,1,0), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP);
	th_rcs[23] = CreateThruster (_V(1.8,-2.6,-1.8), _V(0,1,0), MAXRCSTH, hpr, ISP); 

	th_group[0] = th_rcs[2];
	th_group[1] = th_rcs[7];	 
	CreateThrusterGroup (th_group, 2, THGROUP_ATT_PITCHUP);

	th_group[0] = th_rcs[3];
	th_group[1] = th_rcs[6];	 
	CreateThrusterGroup (th_group, 2, THGROUP_ATT_PITCHDOWN);

	th_group[0] = th_rcs[8];
	th_group[1] = th_rcs[13]; 
	CreateThrusterGroup (th_group, 2, THGROUP_ATT_BANKLEFT);

	th_group[0] = th_rcs[9];
	th_group[1] = th_rcs[12];
	CreateThrusterGroup (th_group, 2, THGROUP_ATT_BANKRIGHT);

	th_group[0] = th_rcs[8];
	th_group[1] = th_rcs[9];
	th_group[2] = th_rcs[10];
	th_group[3] = th_rcs[11];
	CreateThrusterGroup (th_group, 4, THGROUP_ATT_LEFT);

	th_group[0] = th_rcs[12];
	th_group[1] = th_rcs[13];
	th_group[2] = th_rcs[14];
	th_group[3] = th_rcs[15];
	CreateThrusterGroup (th_group, 4, THGROUP_ATT_RIGHT);

	th_group[0] = th_rcs[18];
	th_group[1] = th_rcs[19];
	CreateThrusterGroup (th_group, 2, THGROUP_ATT_YAWLEFT);

	th_group[0] = th_rcs[16];
	th_group[1] = th_rcs[17];
	CreateThrusterGroup (th_group, 2, THGROUP_ATT_YAWRIGHT);

	th_group[0] = th_rcs[22];
	th_group[1] = th_rcs[23];	 
	CreateThrusterGroup (th_group, 2, THGROUP_ATT_BACK);

	th_group[0] = th_rcs[20];
	th_group[1] = th_rcs[21];	 
	CreateThrusterGroup (th_group, 2, THGROUP_ATT_FORWARD);

    th_group[0] = th_rcs[0];
	th_group[1] = th_rcs[1];
	th_group[2] = th_rcs[2];
	th_group[3] = th_rcs[3];
	CreateThrusterGroup (th_group, 4, THGROUP_ATT_UP);

	th_group[0] = th_rcs[4];
	th_group[1] = th_rcs[5];
	th_group[2] = th_rcs[6];
	th_group[3] = th_rcs[7];
	CreateThrusterGroup (th_group, 4, THGROUP_ATT_DOWN); //Really ATT__FORW, cause 9 is ahead of 6 on number pad

	AddExhaust (th_rcs [0], 1, 0.1, _V(0,1.3,2), _V(0,0,1)); 
    AddExhaust (th_rcs [1], 1, 0.1, _V(0,-1.0,2), _V(0,0,1)); 
    AddExhaust (th_rcs [4], 1, 0.1, _V(0,1.3,-2), _V(0,0,-1)); 
    AddExhaust (th_rcs [5], 1, 0.1, _V(0,-1.0,-2), _V(0,0,-1));
    AddExhaust (th_rcs [6], 1, 0.1, _V(0,1.3,-2), _V(0,0,-1)); 
    AddExhaust (th_rcs [3], 1, 0.1, _V(0,-1.0,2), _V(0,0,1)); 
    AddExhaust (th_rcs [2], 1, 0.1, _V(0,1.3,2), _V(0,0,1)); 
    AddExhaust (th_rcs [7], 1, 0.1, _V(0,-1.0,-2), _V(0,0,-1));
    AddExhaust (th_rcs [8], 1, 0.1, _V(2,1.3,0), _V(1,0,0)); 
    AddExhaust (th_rcs [9], 1, 0.1, _V(2,-1.0,0), _V(1,0,0)); 
    AddExhaust (th_rcs [12], 1, 0.1, _V(-2,1.3,0), _V(-1,0,0)); 
    AddExhaust (th_rcs [13], 1, 0.1, _V(-2,-1.0,0), _V(-1,0,0)); 
    AddExhaust (th_rcs [16], 2, 0.1, _V(-2.287,-1.5,-2.126), _V(0,0,-1)); 
    AddExhaust (th_rcs [17], 2, 0.1, _V(2.287,-1.5,2.126), _V(0,0,1)); 
    AddExhaust (th_rcs [18], 2, 0.1, _V(-2.126,-1.5,2.287), _V(0,0,1)); 
    AddExhaust (th_rcs [19], 2, 0.1, _V(2.126,-1.5,-2.287), _V(0,0,-1)); 
    AddExhaust (th_rcs [20], 2, 0.1, _V(-1.8,-1.5,-1.8), _V(0,1,0)); 
    AddExhaust (th_rcs [21], 2, 0.1, _V(1.8,-1.5,1.8), _V(0,1,0)); 
	AddExhaust (th_rcs [22], 2, 0.1, _V(-1.8,-2.6,1.8), _V(0,-1,0)); 
    AddExhaust (th_rcs [23], 2, 0.1, _V(1.8,-2.6,-1.8), _V(0,-1,0));  

int i;
static VECTOR3 beaconpos[3] = {{-0.875,0.287,2.033},{0.971,1.24,-1.930},{0.996,-0.781,-1.980}};
	static VECTOR3 beaconcol[3] = {{.1, .2, .992},{1,0,0},{0,1,0}};
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		beacon[i].shape = (i < 3 ? BEACONSHAPE_STAR : BEACONSHAPE_DIFFUSE);
		beacon[i].pos = beaconpos+i;
		beacon[i].col = beaconcol+i;
		beacon[i].size = (i < 3 ? 0.7 : 0.71);
		beacon[i].falloff = (i < 3 ? 0.6 : 0.61);
		beacon[i].period = (i < 1 ? 13 : 9);
		beacon[i].duration = (i < 1 ? 7 : 5);
		beacon[i].tofs = (i < 1 ? 2 :i < 2 ? 3 :5);
		beacon[i].active = false;
		AddBeacon (beacon+i);


	// visual specs
	AddMesh ("chippersat");




int chippersat::clbkConsumeBufferedKey (DWORD key, bool down, char *kstate)
	if (!down) return 0; // only process keydown events

	if (KEYMOD_CONTROL (kstate)) {

		switch (key) {
        case OAPI_KEY_DIVIDE:  // enable/disable RCS
			if (SetAttitudeMode (GetAttitudeMode() >= 1 ? 0 : 1));			 
			return 1;
	switch (key) {
		case OAPI_KEY_1: // deploy/retract solar panels
			return 1;
		case OAPI_KEY_2: // start/stop radarflag
			shouldAnimateTheThing = !shouldAnimateTheThing; 
			return 1;

		case OAPI_KEY_7:
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		 beacon[0].active = true;
         beacon[1].active = true;
		 beacon[2].active = true;
		 return 1;
		case OAPI_KEY_8:
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		 beacon[0].active = false;
		 beacon[1].active = false;
		 beacon[2].active = false;
		 return 1;

	return 0;
 bool chippersat::clbkLoadVC (int id) 
   SetMeshVisibilityMode (AddMesh (vcmesh_tpl = oapiLoadMeshGlobal ("chippersat_vc")), MESHVIS_VC);
		SetCameraOffset (_V(0,0.3,1)); SetCameraDefaultDirection (_V(0,0,1)); 
 SetCameraRotationRange (RAD*180, RAD*180, RAD*180, RAD*180); 
 SetCameraShiftRange (_V(0,0,0.1), _V(-0.2,0,0), _V(0.2,0,0)); 
oapiVCSetNeighbours(-2, 2, 3, -3);

		hud.nmesh = 1;//WHICH MECH NUMBER
		hud.ngroup = 53;//HUD MESH GROUP
		hud.hudcnt = _V(.132,-1.027, 4.434);
		hud.size = 4;
		mfd.ngroup = 47;//LEFT MFD 
		mfd.nmesh = 1; //WHICH MECH NUMBER
		oapiVCRegisterMFD(0, &mfd);
		mfd.ngroup = 48;//RIGHT MFD 
		mfd.nmesh = 1;  //WHICH MECH NUMBER
		oapiVCRegisterMFD(1, &mfd);
		return 1;


// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Draw the virtual cockpit instruments
// --------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Save/load vessele state to/from scenario
// --------------------------------------------------------------	

// Scenario Editor definations
DLLCLBK void secInit (HWND hEditor, OBJHANDLE hVessel){
	//Here you can define your own Scenario Editor vessel-specific pages


// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Called at each simulation time step before the state is updated
// --------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------------------------------------------------
//Keyboard state handler. Check OrbiterAPI reference for details
// --------------------------------------------------------------

// ==============================================================
// API callback interface
// ==============================================================
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Vessel initialisation
// --------------------------------------------------------------
DLLCLBK VESSEL *ovcInit (OBJHANDLE hvessel, int flightmodel)
	return new chippersat (hvessel, flightmodel);

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Vessel cleanup
// --------------------------------------------------------------
DLLCLBK void ovcExit (VESSEL *vessel)
	if (vessel) delete (chippersat*)vessel;


Not funny anymore
Addon Developer
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
Preferred Pronouns
Yes, because you call DefineAnimations from within DefineAnimations - creating an endless loop, since there is no abort condition to your futile recursion.

pan_proc = 0.0;
	pan_status = DOOR_CLOSED;
	radarflag_proc = 0.0; 	 
	DefineAnimations ();

Also, why are you doing something that is not about defining the animations in a function that you called "define animations"?
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Defender of Truth
Beta Tester
May 30, 2008
Reaction score
You call DefineAnimations() from inside itself (recursion), every time DefineAnimations() runs.