Wandaba Style Lunar Challenge


Apr 5, 2008
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After watching the anime "Wandaba Style" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wandaba_Style , I got to thinking how Dr. Susumu Tsukumo's goal of reaching the moon without chemical or nuclear propulsion might actually be accomplished using realistic science. Thus this challenge.

The goal is to take a 10,000 kg CSM from Earth's surface to the lunar surface and back again within a 60 day round trip mission time (i.e. counting from Earth liftoff to Earth touchdown).

This is a paper study--you do not need to simulate or fly your proposed mission in Orbiter, but you do need to show your physics calculations to demonstrate that it is feasible. Bonus points will go to those who do choose to attempt their proposal in Orbiter, and double bonus points for those who do so and fly the mission successfully. If anybody creates such a scenario, then I would like to bundle them together at the end of the challenge and post them on orbithanger or something.


1: You may not use chemical or nuclear power to propel your vessel at any time.
A: Definition of Nuclear Power: Any energy generated from nuclear fission or fusion in a man-made device. Solar power does not count as nuclear for this challenge even though solar energy comes from fusion.
B: Definition of Chemical Power: Any energy generated by chemical reactions (human metabolism excepted). Any rocket exhaust must also not react chemically with Earth's atmosphere (so the exhaust must not consist mainly of free hydrogen, ammonia, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, etc.) Ionization of exhaust due to high temperature or use of electricity (as in ion or VASIMR thrusters) does not count as chemical power for this challenge.
C: For the purpose of this challenge, any electricity used on the ground is assumed to come from non-chemical/non-nuclear sources. You may beam it to the spacecraft or use it to preheat cold-gas propellant or whatever you wish.

2: You may not build any mega-structures extending more than ten kilometers above or below the surface of the Earth. Large horizontal structures such as a several-thousand-kilometer long railroad (for rail-launching) are permissable as long as no part of it is more than ten kilometers above or below ground level. Structures that cross international borders on the ground or water are likewise prohibited (entering international waters is all right). This means that your spacecraft must be flying for most of its ascent out of the Earth's atmosphere instead of being lifted up a tower that is attached to the surface.

3: You must use materials and physical effects that are proven to exist. You can use hard-to-manufacture stuff like carbon nanotubes or synthetic diamond structures, but you may not invent materials. Nor may you use physics that are outside of currently accepted theory--no space-warping or reactionless engines, for example. Newtonian/Einsteinian laws will be obeyed.

4: For crew safety, acceleration above 100 m/s^2 (10 g's) will be limited to periods of not more than ten seconds at a time with at least ten seconds of lesser/zero acceleration in between. At no time will acceleration above 400 m/s^2 (40 g's) be allowed for even a millisecond (so no using a Jules Verne style cannon). Furthermore, touchdown on the surface of Moon or Earth will be at no more than 20 m/s vertical descent rate and 200 m/s horizontal rate.

5: You must not depend on intermittent natural phenomena that occur less than once per day in good weather--so no using a volcanic eruption or storm or whatever as a launch assist.

6: No pre-existing infrastructure exists on the Moon. If you wish to have any, your program must build it--this includes any lunar surface supplies/fuel that you might want.

7: Budget/Time Restrictios: Your proposal must be plausibly accomplishable with one trillion US dollars per year (i.e.about fifty to sixty times NASA's present budget) and within ten years. Any manpower and industry that you can get within these limits is permissable. Political considerations will be ignored for this challenge--you have carte blanche to do as you wish as long as it does not endanger the public. Likewise, any hardware that can plausibly be produced within a ten-year program is permitted.

As long as the above rules are followed, pretty much anything goes. Proposals will be ranked according to plausibility, safety (to flight crew, ground crew, and the public), expense, and flight time (the faster the better).

Remember that you do not have to use a single propulsion method for the entire mission--you could for example use a solar-electric powered VASIMR engine for Trans-Lunar/Lunar-Orbit/Trans-Earth Insertion. Also, keep aware that once you reach Low Earth Orbit, your engine thrust need only be powerful enough for the lunar touchdown and launch (3-5 m/s^2 acceleration).


New member
Apr 6, 2009
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my thoughts are for the initial ascent we use ground based laser propulsion like this,

it exists, it just needs the kinks worked out. as a laser can also be aimed it should be capable of providing the majority of the lateral velocity needed for orbit and possibly direct insertion to a transfer orbit. multiple groundstations may be required.

once laser propulsion is no longer effective a VASIMR engine would provide manouvering thrust(lunar insertion, Earth Return)

now, i'm not to sure if VASIMR can potentially provide enough thrust to land the CSM and if it can't then there i'm stumped, if it can the VASIMR to the rescue it is used for landing and take off.

the VASIMR engine would run off batteries internal to the CSM capable of being charged via solar power or by launch laser turned down to a lower setting. possible a sattelite in lunar orbit that can beam power to the CSM as well.

VASIMR takes off, gets crew back home traditional capsule reentry, perhaps if the SM containing the VASIMR engine detatches early enough it can enter earth orbit and manouver to a spacestation for refurbishment and refueling or an alternative use.


Apr 5, 2008
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Your basic flight model seems sound--can you give us the numbers that would make it work?

On landing/liftoff with VASIMR: You're right that it probably won't have enough thrust for this, but given that your flight model has beamed power, you might use this energy to preheat some cold gas propellant (e.g. you heat up a few tons of water to supercritical temperture at around 200 atmospheres' pressure and then use the steam as propellant--basically a solar thermal rocket using laser power).


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Apr 6, 2009
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i am afraid i cannot supply the numbers as i am unfamiliar with rocket equations.but it is clear that direct laser propulsion will become less effective at higher altitudes(less air to superheat) and longer ranges(atmospheric scattering).

as we are using ground stations and mega structures are allowed i think we can assume that the lasers power is effectively unlimited. for our purposes althoug hit will be ineffectual at lunar distances(non-perfect collimation and orbit likely goes behind the moon) so a space based source for beamed power would be necessary prefferably lunar orbiting.

lets say we have a VASMIR that requires 500kW for operation, power beam density can be quite high, lets assume a maximum loading of 25kW/m^2 to prevent significant damage in case of a miss, thats 20m^2 of panels ideally, assuming 30% efficiency ~70m^2 quite big but not impossible. and efficiencies higher than 30% can be achieved.

as this will be powered by a space based power satellite at one point we'll need to collect solar power. due to inefficiency in the panels the beam wattage will be ~1.7MW assuming 30% laser efficiency thats ~5.7MW of solar we need. again using 30% panel efficency we get ~19MW of light hitting the panels. assuming 1kw/m^2 on average thats 19000m^2 of panels on the power satellite. this is a square ~138m on a side. quite large but definitely possible. and as you said we can use the best of current tech the efficiencies would be much higher. the minimum slaor array for the power sat would be 500m^2 assuming 100% efficiency at all times.

as i said, i am not familiar with the reaction mass equationsor how to work out delta-V for landing /take off i am unable to analyse this part of the flight.