New profile posts

Icarus hello. What happend to your site? Its no longer possible to download your add-ons anymore? D:

See ya!
Orbiter X
If you liked Avatar Planetary System, surely you would have loved Eliz Multy Solar System, It had everything:
Gas giants, rocky planets in hight definition, water planets in hight definition, neutron stars even a black hole ... and more
And worked so hard a whole year on it, but the files were on a hard drive that was damaged and I am trying to save money to repair and rescue the information.
NASA has Selected Dragonfly for A Mission to Titan Would you Like to make a Dragonfly Addon for Orbiter?
Hello Gattis, 1st of all THANKYOU so mutch for give us oportunity to fly Space shuttles again :D but I have had some errors while trying to run the addons... Do you have some last "stable" version that you can send me? With meshes and textures plz? And you got one more to help you in this development ;) Ty so mutch for your attention Gatti ^;)