Search results

  1. Gorn

    O J Simpson convicted

    Not at all. Admittedly the topic makes my blood pressure rise. But all I was saying was that if "there are other quotes about what happens to dealers of justice" means that he's prepared to give more quotes from literature, I don't see how it's at all relevant.
  2. Gorn

    O J Simpson convicted

    It's "likely" but "not known" only if nothing will convince you short of Simpson's actual confession, reduced to writing, signed, notarized, and witnessed. Simpson's blood was at the murder scene; the victims' blood was on his clothing, in his car, and in his home; he demonstrated...
  3. Gorn

    O J Simpson convicted

    I had heard it was 20 years minimum, but I've only been peeking at the news today. Either way, it's ok with me. Yes, I know that guilty people are sometimes acquitted, that in the US system that's part of the "cost of doing business," and that this trial should have been about the armed...
  4. Gorn

    To Autopilot or Not?

    Use autopilots? If it's a craft I'm still learning to fly, I'll use the autopilots to help me out. Once I've got to where I can do the basics, I'll practice doing it manually until I know I can reliably fly the craft that way. After that, it depends on how lazy I'm feeling that day. Danny
  5. Gorn

    Question What's the best tutorial for Earth-Mars transfers ?

    Have you looked at TransX or IMFD yet? Interplanetary flights can be done with just the stock MFDs, but it's a lot easier with one of those navigational tools. Also, you might consider doing Jupiter first; it doesn't take that long to get there at 100000x, and it's a bigger target so you've...
  6. Gorn

    Sync Orbit MFD problem

    Rinc between the ships is 0, so no problem there. Check out the difference in TrLs in Orbit MFD, then look at the DLng number in Sync Orbit MFD. For some reason Sync Orbit thinks the ships are a lot further apart than they really are. I've been using Orbiter for a while now, and I found that...
  7. Gorn

    O J Simpson convicted

    I'm surprised nobody's posted anything about this yet ... :speakcool::)
  8. Gorn

    Question Returning Earth from the Moon

    Personally, I always go through LEO as an intermediate stage, unless I'm so woefully short of fuel that I must aerobrake; that's happened a couple of times. That way, whether I'm coming back from ISS or Neptune, the actual reentry is the same, makes things that much simpler. Don't know about...
  9. Gorn

    If Palin was a man...

    > Since all discussion of the presidential election is now of academic interest only I wouldn't go that far. I just checked the latest betting line on the election, and at the moment it's Obama = -350, McCain = +220. Now, the -/+ is betting notation; what it means is that a $350 bet on Obama...
  10. Gorn

    Minor annoyances in life

    Minor annoyances? Here's a blast from the past ... pay toilets! :@
  11. Gorn

    Minor annoyances in life

    There's a cashier who works at a convenience store near my home who is perhaps the world's slowest clerk. Snails on downers are faster than her. If you hand her a five dollar bill for an item that costs $3.83, you have to wait patiently as she hands over the change with agonizing slowness, one...
  12. Gorn

    If Palin was a man...

    I Tivo'd the debate, but haven't seen it yet. Oh puhleeze ... I hope you're not talking about the tired old slur regarding "new-klee-er" vs "nook-you-ler." Yes, Bush the Texan says "nook-you-ler." Most of the time Bill Clinton said "new-klee-er," but every once in a while the Arkansas in him...
  13. Gorn

    I cannot reenter properly.

    I use lower AOAs in the DG, 10 to 15 degrees, which works well; the only thing is it makes the reentry longer. I can set it to a higher AOA before hitting hard atmosphere then try to hold that attitude while digging a hole in the air. But it's very unstable, and if I lose that AOA I can't get it...
  14. Gorn

    My suspence story

    [Dr Pepper] > Looks pretty good. You'd definitely receive a passing grade, but it could be written better. What grade level are you at right now? User profile says age 14, so 8th or 9th grade if I'm doing the math right. [Ghostrider] > The storyline works, but having the bad guy spill his...
  15. Gorn

    Question about space law

    Thanks for the replies! Greg > I was tangentially involved in one real space law case (the salvage of the Palapa B satellite on STS-51A), and was pretty well satisfied that maritime law works for just about any situation you can imagine in astronautics. So unlike me, you're a real attorney...
  16. Gorn

    My suspence story

    Let's hope your teacher isn't Russian. ;) One suggestion, break up dialogue so that every time the speaker changes, it's a new paragraph. That's how it's usually done in printed books, and it's generally more readable that way. For example: “What does this mean?” John asked. John was in...
  17. Gorn

    Question about space law

    My understanding (I am not an attorney) is that the law and treaties regarding what happens in orbit is basically, "nobody owns any orbital real estate." For example, the several nations who have contributed to ISS collectively "own" ISS itself, but they don't own that particular orbital radius...
  18. Gorn

    What accent are you?

    How about Japanese with a redneck Southern accent? My ex-gf, who's from Yokohama, thought that was pretty funny. :P
  19. Gorn

    News of the stupid;_ylt=ArsXMqdS4KbFkt7Bmjpl_zQuQE4F
  20. Gorn

    limited multiplayer capability?

    Sounds great -- thanks! :speakcool: Danny