Search results

  1. S

    Local horizon coordinate system

    I was looking for local horizon reference frame in long time. I now found a paper about local horizon coordinates. Local Horizon Coordinates I now noticed that formula is very similar like local 2 horizon formula in Camera.cpp but uses right-handed rule instead. In orbiter code: |...
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    Wandering Earth

    I watched "Wandering Earth" on Netflix and "Wandering Earth 2" at cinema. Very interesting!! Scientists built giant thrusters on earth and move earth out of solar system for Alpha Centauri system before our sun is dying (expanding into giant). It looks impossible to me. Is that possible to...
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    More vehicle dynamics books

    Folks, Ok, I found more ebooks about vehicle dynamics from CRC press publisher. Road Vehicle Dynamics: Fundamentals and Modeling with MATLAB® (2nd edition) Driveline Systems of Ground Vehicles: Theory and Design Dynamics of Wheel-Soil Systems: A Soil Stress and Deformation-Based Approach I...
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    Aircraft tire dynamics

    Does anyone have good book about aircraft tire dynamics for landing/taking off and lateral (load) /longitudual (rolling) forces? I checked Aircraft Design books but did not have any information about tire dynamics except in vehicle dynamics books (designed for cars). Thanks, Tim
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    Question How to adding new higher-level terrain textures?

    Does anyone know how to adding new higher-level terrain textures? Where can I get textures from USGS or imagery website? How do I edit them with tileedit utility to create Orbiter textures? I was searching for some info but can't find any info so far. I only have PlanetTexture.doc and read...
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    Touchdown points for collision detection, etc.

    I reviewed Orbiter source codes and learned about touchdown points for collision detection and friction, etc. I noticed that touchdown vertices use dampness, stiffness and compression. Also I see routines use them for rolling as rover, taking off and landing. What are them for? Does anyone...
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    dynsurf.tex is not compiled in technotes

    I review orbiter source codes. I noticed that touchdown points and refer to read dnysurf.pdf in technotes. I went to read it but I noticed missing PDF file in TechNotes (in Orbiter installer package). I checked Orbiter source code and noticed a missing line in CMakeLists.txt in TechNotes...
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    Why do spaceships not burn during atmospheric entry like in Star Trek and Star Wars?

    I watched Star Trek and Star Wars series and movies for many years. I have a question for you. I noticed that spaceships do not burn through atmospheric entry. One episode in Mandalorian series showed that his broken ship attempted to enter atomsphere but did burn through. I believe that...
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    Earth Atmospheric Model - Jacchia 77, JB2008 and NRLMSISE.

    I searched for some atmospheric models for planet Earth. I am still looking for Jacchia 77 package but can't find it on NASA website anywhere but found it on GitHub, but it is written in Python. It provides a link to NASA website, but I got error 404. Does anyone know where Jacchia 77...
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    Question LANDSAT images

    I read some Orbiter documents for converting LANDSAT images into tiles for Orbiter simulator but can't find any how to instructions. There is one document about planet texture document but it only mentions large planet bitmap to be converted into tiles with tileedit utility. I searched for...
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    3D Engine Design for Virtual Globes book

    I read that book and it is very good book for how to develop space flight simulator like Orbiter. I learned a lot about jittery issues with limited FP32 float accuracy when rendering large world. They provides useful information about RTE method (relative to eye) by applying high and low of...
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    Aircraft/spacecraft design

    Folks, I was looking for good aircraft design books for Orbiter and other flight simulators. Does anyone recommend books to learn how to design aircraft/spacecraft with attitude controls like hover, SCRAM engine, rocket, etc like Delta glider? How about cockpit design like instruments and...
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    Flight simulation programming

    Folks, I found a book called "Principles of Flight Simulation" by David Allerton. They looks good for flight simulation programming for Orbiter system like Delta glider, etc. Does anyone have good recommendation for other books about flight simulation programming and flight controls...
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    Idea Gaia DR2 database

    Folks, I discovered that Gaia DR2 archives are now available to public. I downloaded a copy of Gaia Sky package and tried it. Very interesting! It immediately displays Milky Way cloud from particle database! That allows travel through interstellar space like Stargate, Star Trek and Star Wars...
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    Problem Orbiter 2016 failed on start on my new PC system

    When I upgraded my system with new Z370 motherboard and Coffee Lake processor (i7-8700K) but I had not installed video card (overpriced due to stupid miners), I tried to run Orbiter 2016 but crashed. I checked orbiter log and it showed that: **** Orbiter.log 000000.000: Build Aug 28 2016...
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    Sun-sync planetocenteric polar coordinates

    Folks, Does anyone know any formula about sun-sync planetocentric polar coordinates? That (0,0) coordinate always face sun when planet is orbiting around sun so that place a camera on fixed sun-sync polar coordinate to see planet across stars (in background). I had seen that animation demo in...
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    State vector to orbital elements conversion or via

    Folks, I found two memos (in download section) about state vector to orbital elements conversion or via through google. I was able implemented them into my program. I tried it with object above earth with zero velocity and circular velocity (v = sqrt(GM/r)). I got interesting results of...
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    General Question Elevation grid calculation and missing tiles

    I am writing my OpenGL program to display planet from Orbiter data files. I have some problems with loading image and elevation tiles. I checked database files and noticed some tiles are missing at that deeper (higher) LOD level. It displayed some blank tiles on my screen. I tried to display...
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    More about tiny object orbits

    Some time ago, we discussed about tiny objects orbiting each another. I now found a video slip on YouTube about "Can Astronaut orbit Space Station?". Yes, it is possible as long as outside Earth's SOI. That video showed that dices or baseballs orbit around bowling ball 30,000km away from Earth...
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    How to display horizon line of a setallite.

    Folks, I had seen some satellite map that show horizon line around satellite. Does anyone know any formula to draw horizon line around satellite at its current position? Thanks, Tim