Another Edition of "The Cosmic Ray" by Steen Tourani


Orbiquiz Coordinator
Jul 24, 2008
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Rumors, Rumors, and More Rumors
The Public Story
As many of you know, the company Nae Technologies hasn't been active in quite some time. The planned launcher never surfaced, and many of the members quit. As Nae Technologies' stocks plunged, the CEO, Ted Hantvi, stated that, "he would stick with the company until it died." When the company eventually did die...nothing. No report from Ted Hantvi, no report from famed pilot Ray Melbio. Rumors state that they committed suicide; others say Ray quit to seek employment at Jovian Jump Corp. Whatever the scenario, we can be sure of one thing: Nae Technologies is no more.

What Steen Tourani Thinks
Nae Technologies "mysteriously" disappearing after a secret launch? See the first edition for my thoughts on that. I honestly believe that they knew someone (ME) was onto them with the whole "secret military launch", so they got out of dodge. Upon further investigation on Ted Hantvi, it turns out he used to work for Jovian Jump Corp., but left because of unfair wages. No wonder he wanted to get back at Jovian Jump Corp. They gave him less than 50% of what he earned!

About this "Ray Melbio" character... if he were such a star, why did he suddenly "disappear", and not seek employment at, say, a start-up company? Or NASA? Or better yet, JOVAIN JUMP CORP. It said on their website "seeking skilled pilots for 14 year contract around Jupiter." Yes, 14 years may seem like a long time, but who wouldn't want to do that? Especially a young and talented pilot like Ray?

I personally think that Ray gave Ted a big old "Screw you" and left him for an early retirement. As much as I disliked Nae Technologies, they did pay their pilots well; Ray Melbio, at only 24 years old, can retire with over 100,000,000 dollars in his bank account.

This is Steen Tourani, see you next edition!