C++ Question Multiple .cpp & .h files : whats the point ?


Grounded since '09
Addon Developer
Feb 8, 2008
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Hampshire, UK
Ok you've convinced me to split my code up.

How do i do it?

Cutting functions into seperate cpp files sounds great and all but the moment I try to include my .h the compiler craps itself. If I don't include the .h all i've got is a crap-ton of undefined variables and no class definition.
There are many many 'rules' as to how big or small files should be, but it's for your benefit, not those who are making the rules, so you split your code up how it best helps you.

If you're not having trouble finding things in your code then it probably doesn't need to be split up. If you have multiple files that contain only a tiny amount of stuff, you could probably merge them together.

If you have a big file and you keep on having to scroll up/down the file (or menu in an IDE) then it's probably time to split it up. If it is, then you'll probably be able to look at a list of stuff and go 'this logically belongs together', so you break that out into a new file/class.

That's the basis for all the 'rules'.


Unicorn hunter
Addon Developer
Mar 31, 2012
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When I work on a project, I make only one .h file and one .cpp file. It seems it doesn't cause problems.

If you have only one .cpp file, then you do not need the header file. The header file is only needed to tell the compiler about entities which are declared outside the current cpp file (the can be in another .cpp, .obj, .lib or .dll).

That said, there are several reasons to split code:

- readability. Hunting down the needed function is much easier in a 1K lines module than in a 100K lines monstrosity. That becomes even easier, if you organize your project so that you can tell the module name by looking at the function / object name. For example, if you have a set of functions for working with foobar, then it is logical to name functions foobar_create(), foobar_destroy() etc. and put them all in a module named foobar.c.

- partial recompilation. If your project has 10K lines of code split into 10 files, and if you change a single line, then the compiler only has to recompile one file (1K lines) instead of recompiling everything. Much faster.

- decrease in coupling. This one is non-obvious, so I wil take some time explaining it.

Imagine that your project involves manipulating foos and bars. Now, if you mix handling foos and bars in one file, then it becomes tempting to add code messing with bars into functions handling foos and vice versa. That looks like a good idea, but after a while your code will become an unreadable (and undebuggable) spaghetti, because it will be impossible to tell how foos and bars interoperate.

However, if you put all the foo stuff in foo.cpp and all the bar stuff in bar.cpp, then in order to manipulare bars from foo.cpp, you must first export the interface to do so by declaring it in bar.h. And that's the point: the bar.h becomes a list of things that foo.cpp can do with bars. Consequently, you can tell what you can change in internal workings of functions handling bars, without breaking operation of foo.cpp. Try that without having explicitly declared the interface!
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Addon Developer
Addon Developer
Nov 1, 2007
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Perhaps I should do this before I proceed further in my panel code on the Agamemnon. Would make it much easier to isolate the problems with the code. Thanks to all for the insight and advice. This was an excellent question to ask!