Question OrbiterSound 3.5 and volume control (how do I..?)


Active member
Apr 14, 2008
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I kinda poked around the documentation and experimented with things but didn't find what I was looking for. Either it doesn't exist or I just blew past the answer.

Question: Is there a global volume control for OrbiterSound? Where one control adjusts all sound created by the simulation all at once? See.. I'm playing Orbiter and iTunes, for example, on the same machine and OrbiterSound tends to overpower my other running applications.

This is on an XPsp3 machine, so I don't have the luxury of using the O/S to set volume levels on a per-application basis. The one solution, IndieVolume, I found on the net looks really tedious, comes with a lot of other crap and costs $25.00 to boot. So that's not a realistic option.

Also, what option in OrbiterSound controls add-on sounds? Such as the XR-series callouts like "gear up and locked"? (perhaps in messing with stuff I'll discover the answer)..?
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