Shrimp Jesus


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Feb 6, 2008
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Originally it was "In the internet, nobody knows you're a dog"

Today, its "In the internet, nobody knows you're a bot".

But otherwise, it seems to be a pretty lively place. Note that AI companies already have created a trap for themselves: They can't tell if a content was created by a smart human or a dumb AI. And thus AI teaches AI.

Also, why this doom and gloom about a picture of Jesus made of or surrounded by shrimps? Some human must have selected it from the AI generation and optimized the results, so a human likely still did the creative work there. If its really art, that should be argued. (IMHO, I tend more towards a German proverb there, that coarsely translates to "Art is made of ability")

And no, I don't think society is dead. It just keeps on having some darker places which normal people prefer not to enter. And there, money and power drive everything.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2021
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And no, I don't think society is dead. It just keeps on having some darker places which normal people prefer not to enter. And there, money and power drive everything.
Yeah. I probably tend to doomerism in this department. But I really have a hard time to find "normal" people. Especially here in the Ruhr district, society is strange anyway. Although it's my home. And it mixes with more strange people due to the refugee crisis. I almost feel redeemed when I enter my apartment and close the door (although my neighborhood consists of decent people), or when I visit sparsely populated places in another federal state or another country.

It gets even worse on social media. In turn, most people think that I am strange because I don't use social media and because I have really strange hobbies - something "useless" like spaceflight/science instead of football, pets, cellphone games, poor jokes, pictures with big tits and pseudo-political conspiracy nonsense from "the internet" 💩

Society probably never was different. Or maybe I am the strange guy. Who knows 🤷‍♂️


Not funny anymore
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Feb 6, 2008
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Maybe you just need to accept a wider range of "normality". 😉 Humans are weird there. They strive for being an individuum with quirks and edges, if they feel comfortable. And try hard to hide it and blend into a herd, if they don't feel comfortable.


Accept that you are maybe not really strange or extraordinary. Just unique. And feel comfortable enough to express your uniqueness.

Buck Rogers

Major Spacecadet
Feb 26, 2013
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Interesting to hear your perspectives.

"One day we will all be bots"

Also, why this doom and gloom about a picture of Jesus made of or surrounded by shrimps? Some human must have selected it from the AI generation and optimized the results, so a human likely still did the creative work there. If its really art, that should be argued. (IMHO, I tend more towards a German proverb there, that coarsely translates to "Art is made of ability")
Apparently there are hundreds of them, randomly generated, the AI decided on the combination for max clickbait effect (from bots for bots)!
I'm unfamiliar with this "redewendung", what is the original german phrase? "Kunst durch Können"?

Isn't "normal" by definition just the average, it seems to me a general mental instability is the "normal human state" nowadays.;)
Finding those that are willing to make the effort to think beyond their finite daily lives, outside of their social and mental cages can be challenging.
But diamonds are precious because they are rare.
You only have limited time in this domain, choose wisely how and with whom you spend your coins of Chronos.

I personally feel torn between admiration of what humanity could be and dismay at what it chooses to become. Accepting that it has a complex dynamic and it's own evolutionary path (and possibly a predictable destiny). But we are all part of this "Great Journey" and we each play a role however insignificant, we are all connected and influence those around us, we write this story together.

Or are we now at a point where the digital ghost writers take over the narrative?

On the other hand AI is running out of data and might not become much "smarter", my experience so far has been mixed, from slightly useful/interesting to a waste of time and annoying. The first chatbot I tried started with "hello friend", that didn't go down well with me. And I recently tried an argument bot but it was very dissapointing, not the Monty Python experience I'd hoped for (and haven't found a Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Marvin bot yet). But there are some interestingly wierd aspects to AI, like "AI Whispering", and hasn't Turing been proven wrong?

In the big picture of the whole game I still see everything to play for, and the times couldn't be more exciting than now, it's like a Philip K. Dick story come true. It just gets even more stranger than fiction from here on in...(unless you were born yesterday- then everything is totally "normal"). Worst case it's a one-way ticket to hell, might as well buckle up and enjoy the ride.:devilish:
I've heard "the fires one sees upon entering the event-horizon are unlike any you'll ever see again"- said a long lost time traveller friend.

"Bist du ein Bot oder liebst du noch?":)


shoemaker without legs
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Mar 19, 2008
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between the planets
I personally feel torn between admiration of what humanity could be and dismay at what it chooses to become.
I am mostly dismayed at the lack of choosing what to become... mostly humanity as a whole just seems to be drifting along currents that it unconciously creates.
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Not funny anymore
Addon Developer
Feb 6, 2008
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II'm unfamiliar with this "redewendung", what is the original german phrase? "Kunst durch Können"?

You got pretty close, its "Kunst kommt von Können." Its pretty widespread among craftsmen and less among artists...

personally feel torn between admiration of what humanity could be and dismay at what it chooses to become. Accepting that it has a complex dynamic and it's own evolutionary path (and possibly a predictable destiny). But we are all part of this "Great Journey" and we each play a role however insignificant, we are all connected and influence those around us, we write this story together.

Its at least better, IMHO, to embrace your humanity and accept the humanity of others.

Otherwise, we are already pretty close to "Blade Runner" (or the short story). What differs a human from a very good AI? And that is pretty much the human hardware. We already have too many bad councellours and teachers trying to make us bad machines, instead of good humans. How we should optimize ourself. How we work faster. How we don't fail to go to work. How we make our management love us. How we devote our thoughts to create company value. How useless and stupid we are, if we don't learn what the teachers tell us.

And I am really opposing it. We are more than our contribution to economy. Even more than just citizens. All those "models" are just one slice through the many many dimensions that a human has. Even more than theoretical physics knows. Ourselves are the biggest mystery of all. You can live 100 years, without discovering that you can do something you never knew before. Isn't that really epic?