Software System crash UCGO A.F. with DGIV docked


New member
Jun 17, 2011
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Hi everyone,

My issue is the following: I'm navigating from earth to mars in the UCGO Arrow Freighter with the Delta Glider IV docked and a bunch of cargo that I configured from the ship's panel.
Some time after finishing the escape burn, I guess right before switching from "Major Earth" to "Major Sun" in the trasnX display, Orbiter crashes.
At first I thought it might have been time warp (x1000) but I've discarded that option.
My guess is, there is some kind of bug when it comes to transferring cargo with the UCGO A.F. but then again I don't know much about programming and bugs in Orbiter.

(Running Orbiter 2010 P1 on Windows XP, through Parallels in a MacBook Pro)


New member
Jun 17, 2011
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Ok, after trying different things including deleting the UCGO, I discarded any problem related with cargo transfer. I have no idea what might be causing the crash, but it happens at the exact same date over and over again. What did I do different from other simulations? I started off with a DG-Launcher scenery at Guyana, added the UCGO Arrow Freighter and messed around setting the date for a proper launch window for mars.


New member
Feb 4, 2015
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Hi Pulsar,
I do encounter similar problems and would like to share my thoughts with you and the others... maybe someone has a suggestion on our questions?

My situation is the following. I am on the way from Mars to Jupiter - Arrowfreighter is fully loaded with cargo and DGIV docked to Bay1, Baydoors are closed.

I was able to save the situation by quicksave.

when loading the scenario and focus is on AF-01 (arrow freighter) Orbiter 2010 crashes without orbiterlog.txt information. It simply kills the orbiter.exe without any ado. =(

I found out that by editing the quicksave scenario and setting the focus to earth or mars or a nother spacecraft orbiter starts normally. By pressing F3 you can switch back to any other aircraft or base or ummu or whatever. But when you try to focus on AF-01 Orbiter crashes - again without any further information.

And now comes the clue: sometimes it works that you can focus on the cockpit. when you switch over to external view the sim crashes..

so, my guesses are that there is a hidden bug with textures, external view, maybe memory issues of the video card.

you can try the following.
a.) edit the scenery from your latest quicksave and cut the whole ship AF01 til end ship section away and save it in a temporary text-document for later usage.
(important - if you have the DGIV docked you need to remove this aircraft as well)
b.) start the scenario, timewarp 10000x some hours ahead
c.) save again
d.) edit the scenery file and fill in the arrowfreighter part (and DGIV part) - best at the end, just befor the end ships section
e.) start orbiter and see if it works now without crash

as an alternative you can remove ships with the scenery editor (you can activate the module in the orbiter2010's startup-menu)

Maybe in your case you can save the situation shortly before AF reaches the boundary of earth's gravitational influence and then play with the scenery file or scenery editor and move the AF around. But that is of course somehow cheating and not satisfactory.

I would be happy to find some information on the texture bugs or something alike but my search results always in a fail... your post was the only one related somehow to my problems.

I did check every possible graphic setting, filters, on off, fullscreen window etc.... nothing, Orbiter kept crashing. I am actually not sure if the "standard user" can do anything about the described orbiter.exe crashes.

let's keep in contact please and let us know if you managed to handle the crash in your described situation.

Thank you,

happy orbiting,
