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    Project Mercury X

    tecnical reference A remark to the pictures in my reply above: Most pictures showing the Command Center with the additions witch were made for the project Gemini. But when you substract the white parts in the picture No.16 from the black building, you have Mercury Control. I know that you have...
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    Project Mercury X

    OK, there is a whole picture-series. Most times only from the same view-angle, but nevertheless useful, i suppose: If you are going to rebuild up the hole Mercury network, take a look at Nasa-Document...
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    Project Mercury X

    Mercury Control I had looked around a bit. Not knowing how to insert a picture from my local system and also unable to insert it per http-ref using the build-in menu here is the link to them...
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    Project Voskhod Spacecraft

    I can pixel and programm in PASCAL, but don't knew anything about a mesh. Why don't you use a vostok mesh? It's the same spacecraft outside. Inside ok. The extraction seat was kicked out and instead three men crammed in for political reason (superiosity of the east over the west in order of...
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    Buzz Aldrins Race into Space

    The XMS-2 video show's a HL10. A single-manned aerodymaicle test-, and not an supposed 3-man-vehicle. Even dyna-soar was single-manned, due to the fact, that it was a bomber. Using the XMS2 really it's good, but for great costs in R&D. For mine, the disk-version was mutch easyer to accomplish...
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    Buzz Aldrins Race into Space

    The origin of RIS was the boardgame "liftoff" by Fritz Brunner. This wasn't the breakthrugh. So Mr. Brunner wanted a computer game, believing that computer-gamer are more willing to try something new. In an later version he wanted a space-voage to mars and a lunar base (Project lunex, see...
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    Poll Do you know your national anthem?

    I knew the anthem of my nation. It's simply, because after the second world war the other verses are permitted (these mentioned other terrytories witch aren't german now). Then you are as i one of the few, like it seems. Whenever i'm watching TV, the most of the people (look for the national...
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    Tell us about yourself!

    Well, I'm Torsten, 47 years old and work as CCA currently. Before that i drove trucks and sold music. Since i was a youngster, i was interrested in flight. So i wanted an remote-controlled airplane model (cheap, with all nessesary about 200 Euro). A comrade told me that it will be 500 Euro (due...
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    Project Voskhod Spacecraft

    I'had been a bit lurking arround in the internet. There is a guy who bought a Voskhod Globe and want to build a real working mockup. If you know someone who can translate the labels of the switches and status-lights from the russian language, you will have a working cockpit. The link is...
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    Must-Have Freeware Tools if you want a free zip-tool.