Internet Orbiter 2016 + mods on the Interplanetary File System


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Jun 5, 2017
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For those with an ordinary browser: :firefox:[redacted]

For those with the IFPS daemon running on their computer: :thumbup: https://localhost:8080/ipfs/[redacted]

Unfortunately, I forgot to put it in a zip folder, and I can't seem to find an "user friendly" way to download the entire directory, so if you don't want to download the files one by one (I don't blame you :chainsaw:) you'll have to install IPFS from and then run in a cmd/cli:
ipfs get [redacted] -o c:\users\YOU\Downloads\"Orbiter 2016 + mods"\
You can also try Foxyspider.

I'm still trying to figure out this software, by asking questions on the subreddit /r/ipfs, but when I get some spare time and Internet, I'll sacrifice a bit of my well-earned Ethereum to upload it to so that you guys can have faster downloading for a month? In the meantime, I'll try to find out how one's supposed to host a file themselves.

I have a horrible internet which is a few megabytes per second at its best. But it only has that kind of speeds at about midnight, or 4:00 AM GMT. So that's probably when you'll get the best speeds, whether I upload it to that IPFS store or not.

Edit: Bonus: Here's a way to make it easier to install everything, including IPFS:
Install Choco using that powershell command, then simply run
choco install ipfs
in an administrative CMD.
Orbiter having error messages? Instead of finding which mod requires VC run 2015 or whatever, simply run
choco install vcredist-all
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FYI: DanSteph's UMmu and UCGO licenses have a clear "don't re-distribute" note.


Tutorial translator
Sep 12, 2010
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What is this supposed to be?
Should it be a mean of downloading an Orbiter2016 install made by somebody else?

...And why should I?


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Mar 18, 2008
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What is this supposed to be?
Should it be a mean of downloading an Orbiter2016 install made by somebody else?

It seems so. A "bells and whistles" distribution, if you want. In principle I find it a good idea to pre-package addons into such a bundle, also explored that field with COI.

I think the problem is not a technical one, but an intellectual property one: of course you have to respect the various copyrights of the addons involved. You can ask every author of restrictively licensed addons for permission to include them, but that will get cumbersome very fast.

Do you have Dan's permission to redistribute his addons, ElonSatoshi?


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Jun 5, 2017
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It seems so. A "bells and whistles" distribution, if you want. In principle I find it a good idea to pre-package addons into such a bundle, also explored that field with COI.

I think the problem is not a technical one, but an intellectual property one: of course you have to respect the various copyrights of the addons involved. You can ask every author of restrictively licensed addons for permission to include them, but that will get cumbersome very fast.

Do you have Dan's permission to redistribute his addons, ElonSatoshi?

Nope. I deleted the link.


Aperiodic traveller
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Well, well, well.
I figured you will try something like that when i saw your name in the meets and greets recently. :)

I would say that working with IPFS is best done from Linux - there are zero complications and things work in one line, rather than whatever mess is used on Windows with dragging and weird shell extensions.
Which is also why putting Orbiter on IPFS is unlikely to be of much use - it's mostly for Windows people.

So, why do you want to upload it, and why with a modpack?


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Oct 31, 2014
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I would love to have an Orbiter Package Manager. Imagine:

opm init orbiter2016
opm install orbitersound launchmfd imfd

And then people could distribute their packages.json file and opm could download/install the add-ons automatically. I think that'd be a better approach than modpacks.


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Mar 18, 2008
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I would love to have an Orbiter Package Manager. Imagine:

opm init orbiter2016
opm install orbitersound launchmfd imfd

And then people could distribute their packages.json file and opm could download/install the add-ons automatically. I think that'd be a better approach than modpacks.

I guess it will only get popular if it comes with something Synaptic-like right from start. And that's what you need in package-managers: popularity. Otherwise it would be yet another superfluous tool, because there are no packages available for it.
If it is popular enough and comes with a shiny, sexy GUI, even the dumbest, most buggy system can succeed. Point in case: NuGet.


It's necessary, TARS.
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Jun 14, 2010
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I've wanted a system like that for quite some time. I figured I could code it but I don't have any of the required experiences to do so.

Especially after seeing CKAN for KSP, having such a system, provided people actually publish their mods there, would make it much simpler for add-on installation, regarding dependency and all.

Perhaps without even the need for a hosting system, just a metadata (JSON?) file that provides links to the download itself, but also its host on OHM or Papy's Hangar or other, the forum thread where comments are, etc.


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(emphasis mine)
I've wanted a system like that for quite some time. I figured I could code it but I don't have any of the required experiences to do so.

Especially after seeing CKAN for KSP, having such a system, provided people actually publish their mods there, would make it much simpler for add-on installation, regarding dependency and all.

Perhaps without even the need for a hosting system, just a metadata (JSON?) file that provides links to the download itself, but also its host on OHM or Papy's Hangar or other, the forum thread where comments are, etc.

The bold part above is the critical one. It is no problem to create some script/batch/plugin that understands some domain specific language and downloads/extracts/patches software. The problem is to get the ecosystem to use it.

For this you need a good reason, a selling point. In most cases, such systems are boosted by a good - often centralized - infrastructure, which also serves as the ONLY access-point to information.
Take a look at the Linux-based package managers. Many formats there live and die with the cloud-services provided by its distros. NuGet - to quote a similar platform on Windows - would be next to nothing without Visual Studio and Microsoft supporting and pushing it like a virus in every damn aspect of .NET development.
If you drive this thought to its logical consequence, you'd have to have O-F and OHM support for your system. If you have that, it is almost irrelevant how good or bad it is as a package-manager. People would be forced to use it just out of popularity. Sure, some might bitch if it is bad (I'd certainly be in that team :rofl:), but they'd nevertheless use it.

In a sense, this effect is already in place: the distribution format as ZIP-archive with more or less standardized format (files in the same structure as in the Orbiter installation, some documentation that tells you where to get dependencies in the root, what files need to be patched, etc.) is practically due to the popularity of that "format" on OHM.

In such a centralized scenario, with such an "ivory tower" in place, the chances are high that even the most restrictive licenses can be avoided, because those authors who now apply them would then either blockade it or join it. If they blockade it, their work would soon be overcome by complying work of the same functionality.

Don't get me wrong here, the above concept is something I don't really like, because it concentrates power in too small a group. However, I can't help but to observe it being the modus operandi in the software world. Even in projects with open-source affinity.

IIRC, there were some experiments in the past to create such package-managers. I'm pretty sure you can still download the necessary tools from OHM. As ZIP-archives... :lol:


It's necessary, TARS.
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Jun 14, 2010
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The problem is that the addon publishers need a way to publish to the repository. In Ubuntu (as it happens the distro I'm currently writing this message) this is done through being a centralized way of managing installations, updates, and dependencies. It contains a main repository which feature maybe 90% of your package-download needs, but also can be extended easily through PPAs and other Debian download repositories (mainly used by Node.js applications, many of which use electron). For the user it is the place to download new stuff (either through command line or Synaptic, to the GNOME Software Center for the less tech-savvy).

Let's assume (and probably not be too far from the truth) that OHM is the centralized place for downloading add-ons. The process is usually: Search > Download > Exctract and copy to Orbiter folder > For each dependency, redo those steps.

Even though it has been the standard method of modding forever here, it has several main problems: the end user might not know about all the dependencies, they might not know how and where to install the add-on, and the packages themselves are not really "standardized".

By that last statement, I mean that the guidelines to add-on publishing are just that: Guidelines that hope the add-on publisher will follow in order to simplify the process. But in reality, some people put their add-on into a folder into the archive, which defeats the purpose of any attempt at a naive automatic installation attempt (cf. my own attempt back in the day I was still using VB.NET and basically had no idea what I was doing :lol: ). Some other even completely go through the "zip standard" and offer exe installation (eg. Dan's addons).
What standard there is by this modding community is barely a general consensus (emphasis on the tautology) on what to do and what not to do (with some diverging methodologies like the "Doc" vs the "Add-on Docs" folder) because everybody understands the role of every part of a published add-on.
Everybody understands how an add-on is made because this community is small enough that any newbie is quickly brought up to speed. In fact I'd go all the way to saying that understanding how to install an add-on (and therefore understanding how an add-on is made) is key to become part of the Orbiter community.

This may be reminescent of the "standard" .tar.xz packages that people would make available to the public for users to "install" (i.e. copy to a folder hopefully in the PATH variable) and then launch it. Then package managers like apt came in an imposed a standard on how (and therefore where) to install the files, and automated the creation of the nifty shortcuts that you can now search for, place on your desktop, instead of having to launch it directly (/usr/bin/... uhh where did I put it again?). Note that Windows doesn't have a complete, "apt-like" standard yet, and that Chocolatey, the Windows Store and others are attempt at creating a standardized installation process. Publishers know that programs go to Program Files (except all the Electron installers that instead put the apps in %APPDATA% and that makes me mad).

So, coming back to Orbiter, how does that apply to modding and installing the numerous add-ons available in OHM? Well, I'm saying that through a "Orbiter Package Manager" the current "guideline" could be implemented and installations simplified to think less about installing and more about playing. This would also resolve the dependency problem as the OPM would automatically go through the same steps we manually go through now, and the tedious task of traversing the dependency tree would be done much faster, and all in one command.

The reasons why previous attempt have been unsuccessful is also because they based themselves on the current "modding status quo", or because they tried something too "out of place". I think a good implementation of such a "OPM" would be right between the two, and receive positive feedback from both users and creators.

But also, another (and maybe most important) reason they haven't took off is previous attempt were isolated and not publicly prototyped; that is people put the standard in place, and waited for it to magically become accepted. This is why I propose the following implementations (two, because the first would require changing OHM itself):

The "OHM rewrite" proposal:
  • OHM would add a "dependency list" that would basically be an array of entries (separate versions would constitute separate entries, to keep the changes from being too complex). The dependency tree would be compiled by going through each dependency and finding their dependencies, and etc.
  • A metadata file would be compiled for easy access from the package manager, an "enriched" index from where to base searches from both the user and the package manager itself as it looks through dependencies. This is why I mentioned JSON as it allows to store data in a nested way, but also in a non-mandatory way.
    The JSON index would add metadata like Title, Author, Short and Long description, Dependencies and Recommendations; but also optional links to the repository (if open-source), the comment thread associated to it, and even others.
To keep backwards compatibility, any entry in OHM not having the "dependency list" will be downloaded as a standalone with a way of warning the user about possible unavailable dependencies.

The "Independant way":
  • The JSON would be hosted somewhere where "maintainers" could add entries to the index. Dependencies would be a list of IDs from that same index, and the tree would be created in a similar way as before.
  • The JSON index would still include many of the metadata, on which is added a "download link" that poins to the direct location of the package.

The package manager would be build the same way regardless of the aforementioned implementations and would provide 3 layers of interactions (similar to how Ubuntu is organized now):
  • A command-line package manager that can be operated manually or be used in scripts
  • A graphical package browser which allows a GUI to the package manager
  • A graphical "Addon Center" which would allow the end user to search for add-ons and simply click "install". The software would then take care, in the background, of operating the package manager, hiding it behind a progress bar or some sort of visual feedback.
The third layer might look the same as the second, but is different in the way it is used (you would use the second layer when you know which package to install, while you would use the third layer to simply search and install "that shuttle addon that has all the buttons modeled" for example).

Having all of this set up allows the package manager to do more complex operations than just "install those addons". It could serve as a way to merge configuration files in a smart way (as many add-ons conflict in that term). However those more complex functions need to be discussed to provide a simple framework to build on and need a package manager that works on the "simple" operations before building on those foundations.

Anyway that post got wayy too long. Sorry.

TL;DR Here's a proposal of changing a few things in hosting on OHM and for the add-on makers to make everyone's lives better.


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Mar 18, 2008
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Good points and good proposals, too.

But where is the selling point? Why should anybody invest time to use your - perhaps initially buggy and restricted - format, if he can just slap it up inside a formlessly composed ZIP-archive? Why should anybody invest the time and retro-fit his old addons?

You can't simply go through the old addons and repackage them on your own, because you have to think about the licenses on every one of them. So it is practically impossible to flick the switch and suddenly run with the new and improved OHM distribution system. I bet it is also pretty hard to automate the process of inspecting each old addon and produce even a bare-bone metadata artifact.

What I'm missing in your proposal is the migration strategy: how do you go from status quo to your vision. From OHM to OPM, if you want. If there is not a good way to migrate it, I fear the work invested in that idea will share the fate of the previous attempts.


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Oct 31, 2014
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Good points and good proposals, too.

But where is the selling point? Why should anybody invest time to use your - perhaps initially buggy and restricted - format, if he can just slap it up inside a formlessly composed ZIP-archive? Why should anybody invest the time and retro-fit his old addons?

You can't simply go through the old addons and repackage them on your own, because you have to think about the licenses on every one of them. So it is practically impossible to flick the switch and suddenly run with the new and improved OHM distribution system. I bet it is also pretty hard to automate the process of inspecting each old addon and produce even a bare-bone metadata artifact.

What I'm missing in your proposal is the migration strategy: how do you go from status quo to your vision. From OHM to OPM, if you want. If there is not a good way to migrate it, I fear the work invested in that idea will share the fate of the previous attempts.

The way that I was envisioning it, OPM would download/consume zip/rar/exe's. The "package" would just consist of a script that downloads the appropriate zips and installs the add-on. That way the script(s) could be kept up to date with the add-on and could be distributed separately. That way OHM would continue to function without change, and I could create the scripts myself to install specific add-ons.

I think that part is easy to do, but I want to be able to do things like uninstall add-ons. That I don't think is trivial to do well. For that I was thinking of using git for change management. There exist python/nodejs interfaces to git, so my idea is to have a master branch with Orbiter, then each add-on would branch from master, do the installation on top of the new branch, then merge the branch with master to install the add-on. Uninstalling the add-on would consist of reverting a commit on master.

SolarLiner - Great suggestions. I essentially came up with the same idea of maintaining an add-on dependency list. It would be amazing if ultimately we could use OHM to build the dependency list but it could be maintained totally separately as well.

---------- Post added at 05:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:30 PM ----------

Add-on authors who do not want their add-ons auto-installed can either choose to distribute their add-ons themselves protected by a captcha. But for mods on OHM, we can easily auto-download the zip and extract it and make any necessary changes. Even for something like OrbiterSound, we can download the exe:

and at the very least launch it for the user if not automating all the prompts entirely.
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Mar 18, 2008
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For that I was thinking of using git for change management. There exist python/nodejs interfaces to git, so my idea is to have a master branch with Orbiter, then each add-on would branch from master, do the installation on top of the new branch, then merge the branch with master to install the add-on. Uninstalling the add-on would consist of reverting a commit on master.

Yeah, that was what COI did. But the how was not my point, more the why. SolarLiner made an excellent statement in this regards:
What standard there is by this modding community is barely a general consensus (emphasis on the tautology) on what to do and what not to do (with some diverging methodologies like the "Doc" vs the "Add-on Docs" folder) because everybody understands the role of every part of a published add-on.
Everybody understands how an add-on is made because this community is small enough that any newbie is quickly brought up to speed. In fact I'd go all the way to saying that understanding how to install an add-on (and therefore understanding how an add-on is made) is key to become part of the Orbiter community.

I agree that this is the case. Now: why should such a community go through the hassle of maintaining some metadata in the first place, when the users are happy with it, and the addon developers are also happy with it. I know, there can be some blub-programmer paradox in place, but how do "we" (to use Majid's dynamic team building ;) ) convince users and - even more important - addon-developers, that it is in their best interest to use and support the hypothetical OPM system?

I think the standard approach to package-managers (dependency-based metadata artifacts) will not convince them, because it heavily depends on addon-developer support.
The developers must create the metadata. If the creators and/or maintainers of OPM themselves try to manage all the packages and dependencies ala Debian, I think due to the small size of the community the main focus will remain on the free and flexible OHM repository. This will discourage the maintainers and if those are gone, the system is gone, too. So the content (the metadata) must come from the developers themselves. But why should they produce yet another metadata artifact in the first place? To gain more users? On OHM they get them, anyway.

To come back to the thread topic, I think that the IPFS is not so far away from a good solution to this. After all, it is "just" a common installation folder. The license question, though, needs to be addressed.


It's necessary, TARS.
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Jun 14, 2010
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But where is the selling point?

This is the more "marketing" aspect I didn't go over. But the selling point would be a simplified process for the user and a minimal change in workflow from the publisher. Ideally user feedback would push publishers to make available their add-on through the system, which would push more users to use the package manager, which would ever-increase the positive feedback loop.

Of course, it nobody ever puts anything, this is hardly ever taking of... :lol:
Why should anybody invest time to use your - perhaps initially buggy and restricted - format, if he can just slap it up inside a formlessly composed ZIP-archive? Why should anybody invest the time and retro-fit his old addons?

Because the change of workflow needed would be minimal enough. Instead of following guidelines, the current "Root of the archive is the root of Orbiter" policy would be enforced, and additional metadata (that would be entered through OHM, should the website be changed as per the first implementation) added. All in all this doesn't change much for the publisher who today packages their addons in the same way in most cases - only the process will be standardized to fully make use of it.

You can't simply go through the old addons and repackage them on your own, because you have to think about the licenses on every one of them. So it is practically impossible to flick the switch and suddenly run with the new and improved OHM distribution system. I bet it is also pretty hard to automate the process of inspecting each old addon and produce even a bare-bone metadata artifact.

What I'm missing in your proposal is the migration strategy: how do you go from status quo to your vision. From OHM to OPM, if you want. If there is not a good way to migrate it, I fear the work invested in that idea will share the fate of the previous attempts.

I wrote little about it and in fairness I think that however I think about it, it will lead to many complications anyway (and it seems that any migration attempt is much more complex than previously thought). So instead of deploying OPM to every add-on, I'd have thought about restricting it to Orbiter 2016 mods only, as the version is still "young" enough that not too many mods are compatible with it. Furthermore, to ease into the transition, the "managers" would manually update the "essential addons" (such as Spacecraft, Multistage2015 for example) so that other add-ons could use the dependency system.

Speaking of which, I think the main selling point would also be the easy dependency system.


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Oct 31, 2014
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Yeah, that was what COI did. But the how was not my point, more the why. SolarLiner made an excellent statement in this regards:

I agree that this is the case. Now: why should such a community go through the hassle of maintaining some metadata in the first place, when the users are happy with it, and the addon developers are also happy with it. I know, there can be some blub-programmer paradox in place, but how do "we" (to use Majid's dynamic team building ;) ) convince users and - even more important - addon-developers, that it is in their best interest to use and support the hypothetical OPM system?

I speak only for myself, but I am unhappy with the state of add-ons right now in Orbiter. I know when I was young I used to spend hundreds of hours on OHM browsing/downloading/installing add-ons. I had the time back then to tinker around with config settings to make everything work like it's supposed to. Whilst this is nice and simple, and has worked for the community for 2 decades now, I think everyone will appreciate something that "just works". I want to be able to pick a random add-on off OHM and I want to be able to install it and try it out in 10 minutes without having to read any damn manuals about installing the 10 other dependencies to make X scenario work otherwise CTD. It upsets me that there are so many amazing add-ons on OHM but I find myself shying away from trying them all out because I am afraid of having to do lengthy installs and messing up my current installation.

Fundamentally, I don't think add-on devs themselves need to be responsible for this metadata. For example, take a look at PlayOnLinux scripts. The metadata would just consist of a set of dependencies and w/e actions that need to be done to the Orbiter installation to install the add-on. So maintaining the metadata at a per package level isn't all that challenging, you are essentially scripting out the add-on installation.

Also, add-ons don't really update all that often (when was the last time orbiter sound updated? And that's probably the most used add-on). Being able to auto-download and install the top 50 must have add-ons would already be extremely handy. And we don't have to restrict the maintenance of the scripts to add-on devs/OPM creators/maintainers, I think anyone should be able to submit their install script. In case there are duplicate install scripts for some very popular add-on, users could rate the script based on their experience in using it.

So I am imagining basically a stand-alone "add-on center" like the software center in Ubuntu. I think the biggest appeal of something like this would be its "it just works" nature. I didn't know COI was using git, I have to look at that to get some pointers.


It's necessary, TARS.
Addon Developer
Jun 14, 2010
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So the content (the metadata) must come from the developers themselves. But why should they produce yet another metadata artifact in the first place? To gain more users? On OHM they get them, anyway.

But my proposed metadata doesn't have anything "new". Dependencies are already produced by the publishers (look at the descriptions on OHM or in the ReadMe). In essence the argument is "why wouldn't you support the new system?" when it's in place because it would require a change of workflow so minimal you might as well do it, because yes the point is to get new users on board, and make modding much easier for the end user, which in turn will hopefully give Orbiter more exposure.

---------- Post added at 19:12 ---------- Previous post was at 19:11 ----------

Also I think it'd be better to split this thread into another, "Oribter Package Manager Discussion thread" as this is going far off-topic for this IPFS discussion which is another method of addon delivery.

---------- Post added at 19:19 ---------- Previous post was at 19:12 ----------

So maintaining the metadata at a per package level isn't all that challenging, you are essentially scripting out the add-on installation.

This I think is not too great - I know in Debian the packages have a pre-install and a post-install script, but the fact it's run as root and is basically a shell script where anything could be run - I think you can easily see the security holes here.

Using VCS for configuration files that conflict is a good idea, but running a full VCS just for conflict management is a bit overkill I think.


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Oct 31, 2014
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This I think is not too great - I know in Debian the packages have a pre-install and a post-install script, but the fact it's run as root and is basically a shell script where anything could be run - I think you can easily see the security holes here.

Using VCS for configuration files that conflict is a good idea, but running a full VCS just for conflict management is a bit overkill I think.

Each script would be "approved"/rejected if it's unsafe, and of course it'd be in plain text and be human readable. As far as security, keep in mind currently we run plug-in DLL files on our system, so if arbitrary code execution is a concern of yours, I wouldn't use a closed source DLL based add-on like the DGIV or OrbiterSound ;)

A VCS like Git I think isn't an overkill, it's pretty light. And I think it also allows you to do real change management in an elegant way rather than having to manually diff file changes/maintaining file back ups/merging appropriately for installations and uninstalls, in code.


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Mar 18, 2008
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I didn't know COI was using git, I have to look at that to get some pointers.

COI uses Mercurial, but this is very similar to Git. In principle you can just change all the shell calls to some git equivalent, and off you go.

Git is not very lightweight on Windows IMHO, so I could understand anybody that don't want to install it "just" for Orbiter addon management.

In essence the argument is "why wouldn't you support the new system?" when it's in place because it would require a change of workflow so minimal you might as well do it, because yes the point is to get new users on board, and make modding much easier for the end user, which in turn will hopefully give Orbiter more exposure.

Well, I think it is not a good way to answer the question "why should I use that" with "why wouldn't you want to support the team". People might not agree with "the team" choices of format, layout and/or technology, and if there is no obvious advantage besides a vague "make Orbiter great again", I would understand it if nobody wants to put energy into it at first.

Which basically leaves it to an initial effort of a small group. Sounds like you two might form a good team on this one. :thumbup: