Shuttle Fleet+Multistage errors with Beta wind effects


Jun 4, 2008
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Hi, I am still a little new to online forums. I have been literate with computers and the internet since 1995 but have usually stayed away from forums ans social networking because I don't like the way people can get sometimes. However I really like Orbiter and I am trying my best to get the decorum right. I guess I am confusing myself because I suppose both the Orbiter_NG and D3D9RC34 B for Beta could both be considered graphics clients. Here are the consistent results I have been getting for several weeks now. They are the same for build 110822 ant 110824 with their appropriate D3D7 graphic client. Everything works properly, as far as the ability to turn on and off the wind effect. It is not possible to test AMSO with either D3D7 NG client because of the mesh scrambling. However Multistage II and David413's Shuttle Fleet behave normally with both the inline graphics and the D3D7 client with both 110822 and 110824 with wind effect turned off. With it turned on they will fail every time. How ever the switch with D3D9RC32 b for beta does not appear to be activated within the overall code. Even though setting it to off does produce a cosponsoring false in the NG config file, the visual enhancements are still clearly visible, and guided vehicles suffer a slight under performance early in flight which grows to un manageable proportions later in flight. I find Orbiter to be a great way for me to escape the tensions of the day "when it is over". I have been Orbiting since the 2003 version and have become somewhat proficient at editing config and scenario files and even a little texture editing. I taught myself how to adapt to the migrating positions of the launchpads at KSC over the last few years and am coming pretty close to a corrected guidance.text file for BrianJ's Dawn that will work even with with wind effect turned on. Over the years I have learned a lot about basic computing, and am very slowly trying to teach myself C++ and Visual Studio, but the learning curve is very steep. Even at the level I am now I have created many scenarios for myself and could probably give fairly accurate beta feedback of a nature that would be useful. I would very much like to become an active and contributing member of this community. There is one scenario that I created with Missilemans Cassini Probe using Sputnik's CVEL Titans and the CVEL CentaurG (I belive by Alex) and the launch MJD function together with the launch azmuth that uasually produces a usable trajectory, that I considered posting a couple of times but wasn't sure how to do it without overstepping my rights and I am still trying to work out the Spacecraft 3 co ordinates to bring the RCS thrusters visually to life. Anyway I am very interested in Orbiter 2010 P2 and would like to be involved in any way I can. Anthony LaGreca, Dallas TX.


Addon Developer
Addon Developer
Feb 10, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Anthony,

I'm not sure if this was the right place to post this (but you are covering a lot of ground in a single post) judging from the lack of feedback.

Looking forward to seeing what creations you have to offer, and offering some feedback. Don't know if you've seen the rumors, but there's a possibility Vinka might be doing Spacecraft 4 at some point!



Jun 4, 2008
Reaction score

Hi Anthony,

I'm not sure if this was the right place to post this (but you are covering a lot of ground in a single post) judging from the lack of feedback.

Looking forward to seeing what creations you have to offer, and offering some feedback. Don't know if you've seen the rumors, but there's a possibility Vinka might be doing Spacecraft 4 at some point!


Hi, I clicked on this thread because it was bold not even realizing it was mine, but I thank you for taking the time to read it. I think the issue is that wind effect alters the trajectory of guided vehicles early in flight and autopilots written before it's introduction fail their checksums later and explode, (Soyuz-FG) shut down (AMSO) or wind up in un usable orbits (Multistage) Turning wind effect off stops the problem but as far as D3D9RC34B for beta is concerned un ckeking the option in the launchpad dialog does not turn it off. However it's not a release and bugs are to be expected. As for the rest of my post, although truthful, it was probably way too much information and a result of typing on the internet when I should have been in bed sleeping. Cheers.