Spacecraft personifications


May 1, 2010
Reaction score
Aha! I thought of twins like some depictions of the DS (Yes, there are Nintendo DS personifications).
Telling them apart, that's easy- on Gemini it says "United States" over a US flag, and on Blue Gemini it would say "US Air Force" over a USAF roundel. ;) And I could give them slightly different faces and maybe hairstyles.

Anyway, I actually already have pics for Gemini, so expect those soon (soon, like, a day).

Glad you like the twin idea. I think printing the "United States"+US Flag/ "US Air Force"+USAF Roundel on the swimsuit could suffice, along with how their faces look. Making them too different is something I would like to stay away from. I can't wait to see the pic you mentioned!

It'd look cute if you had the hair coming out the bottom.

Hair from where?:idk:

Ohh, got it. Nevermind.
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May 1, 2010
Reaction score
I realized that in order to do a bit more on Gemini I would have to at least wrangle with her closest sisters, Apollo and Mercury, because its not just who you are that makes you a person, but how you relate to others. I also think some organizing is in store too, because while I'm thinking of Gemini and Apollo as related, they're more of half-sisters than anything else. What makes them half-sisters is their relationship to NASA, but how should an agency personification fit into an spacecraft personification I don't know. Ho hum. I wonder if Bill Gates ever popped up in an OS-tan thingy. Maybe NASA could be a faceless entity that is present in the background, mentioned by the some Spacecraft-tans but never shown. At least I have a starting point.

Originally Posted by Gemini
" I could have done it! If only they let me do it! Stupid NASA!"
The Gemini revision will wait til I had some time to think more. See ya.

EDIT ADD----------------------------------

In order to do Gemini right by me, I'll have to do Apollo. So a more complete Gemini will have to wait yet longer, but so I don't completely stall any drawings in store, here's some more things about Gemini, minus anything related to Apollo(If anyone is getting ticked with my endless revisions, please note I'm note my style of writing involves lots of revisions):

1. She acts like an ace pilot, cocky and quite sure of herself(Blue Gemini acts more ace pilot than Gemini, though they both have a test pilot-like swagger to them). This was in my mind but not explicitly said.
2. I was thinking Blue Gemini should have most of the neat 'toys' of the Gemini Program(paraglider, winged Gemini) becase she didn't actually didn't fly in space, and I want her to have something of her own.
3. THE CUTE THINGS, THREE FOR POINT THREE! All caps so you know its good:thumbup:. Since River Crab said cuteness the overriding factor, I thought up somethings in that line(for the love of the :probe: don't anyone dare Moe this stuff to the max, this is just wacky some suggestions to round this out as the rule of three).
3-1.Gemini is somewhat prone to making mistakes/failures on orbit, due to the fact she is an early piece of space hardware. Although the in real life the spacecraft were overall pretty reliable.
3-2. Both Geminis have glasses shaped like the windows on the craft(Given that docking and rendezvous required pilots to use their eyes mostly, this might not work out). Maybe the reason a military flight never flew was do to the fact the spacecraft needed glasses:lol:!
3-3. It should be somewhat easy for Blue Gemini to impersonate her twin, as the Air Force went in for Gemini for the reason they could disguise military flights as the two are similar enough to not be told apart(or something like that, I'm in a bit of a rush).

Anyone thinking I'm giving such cool stuff to Blue Gemini and not to Gemini need not fear. Gemini flew in space, EVA'd in space, took pictures in space, wrestled with angry alligators(IN SPACE mind you), and did alot of other cool things too. IN SPACE.:rofl:

---------- Post added 08-21-10 at 09:23 AM ---------- Previous post was 08-20-10 at 10:44 AM ----------

Uh Oh! Double Post!:lol:

I thought more about Apollo, and it seems that this will take less time than I thought. Still not done though. So here is what I have on Apollo so far, no promises on it. It is kinda disjointed, please bear with it(I want to point out this is all in alpha as of now; If you don't like it or what to add something, tell me so I can at least please the most people I can).

1. (Note: this part is like the mode debate in the real Apollo Program) Apollo will be split into the CSM and LM, or maybe Apollo will be only the CSM, or Apollo will be both. I would like some feedback on this, cause I'm not too sure about it. I would like the LM to be a character but then there would be the question of who is called what. They can't both be called Apollo. I briefly entertained the thought of having the CSM named Odyssey and the LM Aquarius but given the reaction to allow jokes to be made about disasters I don't think it is a good idea. As I said earlier, feedback will be welcomed.
2. I was thinking about what a personification of a American spacecraft of the Cold War era would think about those unsympathetically portrayed then-Soviets. Although I do not want to spawn a nationalistic jerk with a knee-jerk reaction anything communist, I do believe that the fact that "beating the Russians to the moon" was a large part of the reason Apollo got off the ground (pun intended) should be part of Apollo personification.
Not for the least of which reasons is so the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project could fit in to Apollo's personality in a way that makes for a meaningful exchange between the two spacecraft(If you see me personifying Soyuz next, don't say I didn't warn any one:shifty:).
3.Just like the the real spacecraft differ, Apollo and Gemini will likely look different. How much and in what ways I haven't decided for sure, but most likely the idea that Apollo(this goes for the CSM only) will wear white or silver is something that I think will be pretty much immune to any changes that may come along. One idea that should be worked out soon is size relations among the craft. The Apollo capsule is much bigger than the Gemini one, and while I would like this difference to be shown, making Apollo taller than Gemini would set an example that would make the Shuttle loom over Apollo and Gemini like a skyscraper. The alternative (stolen from the OS-tans) is to show the difference in the breasts of the spacecraft, but that strikes me as a bit vulgar(not to mention this is another thing Apollo will have more of than Gemini, darn NASA and it's favoritism at work again!).

I'll leave this here and work on more for next time. And as I pointed out above, I really need feedback. Feed the feedback monster or I might not make it to post another of these things.
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River Crab

SpaceX Cheer Captain
Addon Developer
May 4, 2010
Reaction score
Washington, D.C. area
That's got to be one of the best posts in this thread so far! :thumbup:

Now, feedback, feedback...

1. She acts like an ace pilot, cocky and quite sure of herself(Blue Gemini acts more ace pilot than Gemini, though they both have a test pilot-like swagger to them). This was in my mind but not explicitly said.
Now this should be fun! Imagine her cursing at the malfunctioning Agena Target Vehicle!
(for the love of the :probe: don't anyone dare Moe this stuff to the max...)
Eh? Why not? :lol:

3-1.Gemini is somewhat prone to making mistakes/failures on orbit, due to the fact she is an early piece of space hardware. Although the in real life the spacecraft were overall pretty reliable.
Accuracy is also important, but it depends on what type of failures. She's not stupid and clumsy like Emuii (who had, uh, computing problems :lol:), but some uncontrollable physical things, like RCS fuel leaks, did happen.
So imagine her slowly tumbling in space, trying to stop the fuel leak as if trying to get water out of her ear. Or like a nervous twitch that she can't control.

Remember, they still have nonhuman hardware like RCS. They're more like humanoid robots, like how Vocaloids are sometimes depicted.

Also, she is probably bad with cameras. IIRC, Gemini has somewhat of a history with cameras. :lol:
3-2. Both Geminis have glasses shaped like the windows on the craft(Given that docking and rendezvous required pilots to use their eyes mostly, this might not work out). Maybe the reason a military flight never flew was do to the fact the spacecraft needed glasses:lol:!
LOL, I'm not one for glasses moe, but I can certainly understand it! Anyone else who can draw is welcome. Or maybe I'll do some fanservice some time. ;)

3-3. It should be somewhat easy for Blue Gemini to impersonate her twin, as the Air Force went in for Gemini for the reason they could disguise military flights as the two are similar enough to not be told apart(or something like that, I'm in a bit of a rush).
Hehheh, yes, that was also the case with Vostok. I'm thinking she could cover the distinguishing "US AIR FORCE" markings with a paper thing taped on that says "UNITED STATES". And no one would be the wiser! Like the Thnikkaman, or the Rock Mask in Majoras's Mask, or the Spy in TF2, or...

Anyone thinking I'm giving such cool stuff to Blue Gemini and not to Gemini need not fear. Gemini flew in space, EVA'd in space, took pictures in space, wrestled with angry alligators(IN SPACE mind you), and did alot of other cool things too. IN SPACE.:rofl:
:rofl:This is from Space Cadets, right?
You have to tell me the one about the alligators some time. :cheers:
1. (Note: this part is like the mode debate in the real Apollo Program) Apollo will be split into the CSM and LM, or maybe Apollo will be only the CSM, or Apollo will be both. I would like some feedback on this, cause I'm not too sure about it. I would like the LM to be a character but then there would be the question of who is called what. They can't both be called Apollo. I briefly entertained the thought of having the CSM named Odyssey and the LM Aquarius but given the reaction to allow jokes to be made about disasters I don't think it is a good idea. As I said earlier, feedback will be welcomed.
I definitely plan to make CSM and LM separate. That's how the mission works.
And why not have Apollo 13 personified? There's a whole film about it, and no one died. If I feel crazy enough I might even make a whole comic about it, like Orenzi Zerii's Hayabusa comic.
As for the names, mission context would be fine. There would literally be all of them, since it's not like any of them flew at the same time. In that case their real names would be used, but general nicknames for any CSM and LM are up to the forum.
2. I was thinking about what a personification of a American spacecraft of the Cold War era would think about those unsympathetically portrayed then-Soviets. Although I do not want to spawn a nationalistic jerk with a knee-jerk reaction anything communist, I do believe that the fact that "beating the Russians to the moon" was a large part of the reason Apollo got off the ground (pun intended) should be part of Apollo personification.
You should be the one stopping me from bastardizing such things, not the other way around! :lol:

I'm not adverse to poking fun at my own country and its government, especially when the supreme law of the land is designed to allow me to!
So hopefully it won't be anything bad if she says something about beating "those darned Commies."
After all, that was one of the most charismatic things about the Space Race. If it can even be called that. :huh:

Not for the least of which reasons is so the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project could fit in to Apollo's personality in a way that makes for a meaningful exchange between the two spacecraft(If you see me personifying Soyuz next, don't say I didn't warn any one:shifty:).
This is relevant to my interests.

Edit: More stuff.

If you are wondering about pics, it's because of a scary encounter with the outside world. It's becoming hard to stay withdrawn but the pics will come in due time.

Random comment: Wow, I've exceeded the limit for images using just smilies.

One idea that should be worked out soon is size relations among the craft. The Apollo capsule is much bigger than the Gemini one, and while I would like this difference to be shown, making Apollo taller than Gemini would set an example that would make the Shuttle loom over Apollo and Gemini like a skyscraper. The alternative (stolen from the OS-tans) is to show the difference in the breasts of the spacecraft, but that strikes me as a bit vulgar(not to mention this is another thing Apollo will have more of than Gemini, darn NASA and it's favoritism at work again!).
Once again, you should be the one stopping me from bastardizing such things! I mentioned this once a long time ago in this thread, and I do plan on this completely (I've been doing it actually but it hasn't been very noticible so far). See the XR5 Vanguard from earlier.

Fear not though, this will never become vulgar- not with me drawing. I tend towards drawing them as, uh...つるぺた。

But here's a challenge I know you math nerds can't resist:
I need a formula that can be used to derive breast size (actually, the first one of the three sizes) in cm, from vessel mass in kg. Must be done in a way that is proportionally acceptable; the minimum being Ibuki Suika, and the maximum being Yakumo Ran.
You can answer with a graphic of a a function- actually, I'd prefer this. Show your work!
Izack said:
That's exactly what I was afraid of. [facepalm]
Edit: Don't worry, Be happy.
It's your birthday! :D
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May 1, 2010
Reaction score
I was thinking of staying away from the forums to do more thinking and characterizing but I can't resist..... must reply...
That's got to be one of the best posts in this thread so far! :thumbup:

I had to restrain myself on that one. It could have been longer, and with more ideas. But I had stuff to do. Wait till you read this post. Could be the longest on the forum, maybe.

Accuracy is also important, but it depends on what type of failures. She's not stupid and clumsy like Emuii (who had, uh, computing problems :lol:), but some uncontrollable physical things, like RCS fuel leaks, did happen.
So imagine her slowly tumbling in space, trying to stop the fuel leak as if trying to get water out of her ear. Or like a nervous twitch that she can't control.

Remember, they still have nonhuman hardware like RCS. They're more like humanoid robots, like how Vocaloids are sometimes depicted.

I wasn't going to go extreme on this, just take cues from real life for some interesting plots like the OAMS problem on Gemini 8 that you mentioned. One thing that we could think about is a bladder problem with the spacecraft itself on Gemini 5, though I doubt we could get away with that.

About one of the non-human hardware things that I am wondering is about is the service modules for Apollo and Gemini. Should they sit on top of them or should they be something they can wear? Some sort of dress could work for Gemini, so she dosen't run about in a swim suit all the time.

EDIT ADD__________
Whatever the Service Modules end up looking like, they should resemble the real-life ones(more or less) and should be detachable. This is for a visual person, not I.

Also, she is probably bad with cameras. IIRC, Gemini has somewhat of a history with cameras. :lol:

Really? I would like to hear what you heard, because I never heard anything bad with cameras and Gemini.

LOL, I'm not one for glasses moe, but I can certainly understand it! Anyone else who can draw is welcome. Or maybe I'll do some fanservice some time. ;)

I'm not big on glasses moe either, but I like the head on view of a Gemini capsule and I want it to be part of Blue Gemini. Mainly because in order to impersonate Gemini she would have to take them off, and that would mean she is somewhat unable to see what she is doing. Its good for stories so I tossed it in.

Hehheh, yes, that was also the case with Vostok. I'm thinking she could cover the distinguishing "US AIR FORCE" markings with a paper thing taped on that says "UNITED STATES". And no one would be the wiser! Like the Thnikkaman, or the Rock Mask in Majoras's Mask, or the Spy in TF2, or...

EDIT ADD____________
Yeah, that's exactly the kinda of stuff I was thinking.

:rofl:This is from Space Cadets, right?

What is Space Cadets? I was making fun of the fact Blue Gemini didn't fly in space and rolled with it.

You have to tell me the one about the alligators some time. :cheers:

The Atlas Target Docking Adapter, ATDA, aka " The Angry Alligator".
Flown on Gemini 9. It's a bit complex but simply put the Agena for the mission flew itself into the Atlantic, so NASA flew the ATDA in its place. The ATDA made it to orbit, but do to an on the ground screw up a fairing didn't jettison because wires weren't connected. Astronaut Stafford said "It looks like an angry alligator out here rotating around." Hence the name.

And why not have Apollo 13 personified? There's a whole film about it, and no one died. If I feel crazy enough I might even make a whole comic about it, like Orenzi Zerii's Hayabusa comic.

I didn't think a comic about the LM trying to keep the half blown-open and rapidly freezing CSM alive would be a good idea. For one thing it would be so sad that the LM wouldn't be able to come home after all that. And how would blowing the side off of a spacecraft girl work without being gruesome?

As for the names, mission context would be fine. There would literally be all of them, since it's not like any of them flew at the same time. In that case their real names would be used, but general nicknames for any CSM and LM are up to the forum.

At this point I'll leave it open as to whether Gemini and Apollo are all the spacecraft separate or all blended in to one. If each craft is separate it means a boat load more work for me, but I'm up to it, if it is demanded(utill that point I'm going for a blended approach).

You should be the one stopping me from bastardizing such things, not the other way around! :lol:

I'm not adverse to poking fun at my own country and its government, especially when the supreme law of the land is designed to allow me to!
So hopefully it won't be anything bad if she says something about beating "those darned Commies."
After all, that was one of the most charismatic things about the Space Race. If it can even be called that. :huh:

I was thinking Blue Gemini could be the one to be with the emphasis on "those darned Commies" but they'll all have it to some degree. I will keep an eye on you, because I do want to do something where the LM has a dream where her and the Soviet lander frolic on the Moon, and that can't be possible if Blue Gemini poisoned her brain with Red-hating propaganda. This would take place after the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project has had a mellowing effect on the American Space-tans, making them less apprehensive about space developments on the other side.

Once again, you should be the one stopping me from bastardizing such things! I mentioned this once a long time ago in this thread, and I do plan on this completely (I've been doing it actually but it hasn't been very noticible so far). See the XR5 Vanguard from earlier.

Fear not though, this will never become vulgar- not with me drawing. I tend towards drawing them as, uh...つるぺた。

Google translate came back with peta vine for つるぺた :dry:. I get what your talking about, and I think we need some one to reign us in if we get out of hand. Any takers?

But here's a challenge I know you math nerds can't resist:

:rofl: The best part is that a math nerd just might pop up!

Reply to post ended______________________
Eyes tired? Well I hope you like long posts, cause I'm putting a long post in my long post, so now that you read my long post you can read my long post. Muhahahahaha!

This is more of my numbered individual points, with various spacecraft in it. I might have to go back and arrange all the previous stuff in a blog, but that is for some other time. Onward!

1. I was thinking about how both Apollo and Gemini land in water and then deploy floats(pictures: Apollo, Gemini1, Gemini2). It looks like Apollo is in an inner tube. As for Gemini she could float on one of those bed things for pools.
2. Since Gemini is the 'Gusmobile', I was thinking she would be afraid of drowning like Liberty Bell 7(Gus Grissom's Mercury). I will back off of this if anyone wants me too.
3. I decided that my previous idea of how much Gemini resents Apollo was a bit extreme. Gemini still resents Apollo for being the reason why she never was able to go and do more than she did, but now she isn't so partisan as to suggest that Apollo was completely unnecessary. I'm still working out this though.
4. Mulling over pictures of the LM, it became obvious that any LM character we make would have to throw some accuracy out so as to have a cute LM, but I am a bit confident this won't be too much of a problem. We could reference her being called the 'bug' by making her hair have two strands stick up like antennae. There is the fact that half of her could end up stuck on the Moon, but that could be mended by make the LM Ascent Stage the LM character, with LM the Descent Stage being just as it is in real life.
5. Still on the LM, what happens to her after the CSM undocks from her at Earth after the trip. Staying accurate to Real-Life at this point would mean she dies a fiery death. I am going to invoke a creator protection clause here. The LM lives happily with the CSM, and damn what actually happened. I'm not budging on this; its too bad that we couldn't bring them home in real life but we don't have to do that to them in fiction. And they will come home, even if it isn't accurate.

Well, it is 12:20AM local time now, time to go to bed. As in the last post, feedback isn't just welcomed, it is asked for, if it pleases you to post it.
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May 1, 2010
Reaction score
Darn! I wanted to ninja-edit/add my last post, but since Izack saw it... I won't make it bigger. Unfortunately there might be another huge post brewing, since I have to respond to myself:facepalm:.

Kudos to you. You are a maniac. :)

:salute: Just doing my job, citizen.:lol:

Izack;199380 The amount of TL;DR in this thread is phenomenal. [/QUOTE said:
I indicated somewhere in the mountain of text I'll make a blog thingy with the up to date details. Once I manage to stop revising half of what I made, of course.

Still on the LM, what happens to her after the CSM undocks from her at Earth after the trip. Staying accurate to Real-Life at this point would mean she dies a fiery death. I am going to invoke a creator protection clause here. The LM lives happily with the CSM, and damn what actually happened. I'm not budging on this; its too bad that we couldn't bring them home in real life but we don't have to do that to them in fiction. And they will come home, even if it isn't accurate.
I only halfway agree with this any more. In my head is the germ of an meta-arc for a Spacecraft-tan comic. I need more source materials to help fix a storyline down, so I'm going to shelve that huge post until I'm done. I am editing the last post a little, nothing really big.

EDIT ADD_________
I did add stuff to the last post, could resist when I saw some things. Getting back to working on the new stuff. Stay tuned.

---------- Post added 08-23-10 at 01:19 AM ---------- Previous post was 08-22-10 at 11:21 PM ----------

I checked out some stuff, and sharing is caring, even if the things you share could drown a whale;). So even if anyone wanted to comment on my last post, I beat you to it and threw in yet more to read. Happy eyestrain!:cheers:

In line with my ramblings of a blended approach to the spacecraft-tans and my demand that the LM not dieing every mission, I fused the ideas with another where the spacecraft acts like the astronauts on that mission. So for example when Mercury program begins, Mercury flies out on the first sub-orbital, comes back, and then flies again on the next one. I know this will make somethings very inaccurate to say the least, but the thing is I want to incorporate that fact that in space, man and machine bind together and much of the experience of the previous flight carries on to the next one. Going with a each capsule=different person approach would make it harder to have a unified character for Mercury/Gemini and Apollo(Unrelated Idea:I think Mercury should get upgraded into Gemini, maybe in an magical-girl like sequence, due to Gemini was a Mercury upgraded in nearly every way). This does make it difficult do do real-life losses of spacecraft(Liberty Bell 7 comes to mind) and there is the Gemini 6-Gemini 7 rendezvous (two Geminis in space at the same time). I would stick around longer but I don't want to murder you guys with my 'kindness'.:)
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River Crab

SpaceX Cheer Captain
Addon Developer
May 4, 2010
Reaction score
Washington, D.C. area
:blink: Maniacal...

Don't worry, I don't mean to make you fact, with your hard work put into some other stuff, that other stuff might be further along by now...:dry:
Google translate came back with peta vine for つるぺた. I get what your talking about, and I think we need some one to reign us in if we get out of hand. Any takers?
No, that won't be necessary. つるぺた is like ぺったんぺったん which is to say, flat chested. Let's just say, um...
Izack, 説明ちょうだいよ説明 :rofl:

It seems the outside is starting to intrude into my dream world, which is to say, a Nightmare in Dream Land. So sorry for the lack of feedback/logging off at UTC 00:03.

I didn't plan to give them individual personalities anyway so blending all of them together is fine. For purposes of continuity of future comics or what-have-you, the most we would have at once is 2, so yeah.

Since the LM was both the bug, not exactly streamlined-looking, and also very light, maybe she could be like Wriggle (Nightbug), being the ぺったん子 and all (there is no English for the term "Pettanko", sorry).
orbitingpluto said:
orbitingpluto said:
Still on the LM, what happens to her after the CSM undocks from her at Earth after the trip. Staying accurate to Real-Life at this point would mean she dies a fiery death. I am going to invoke a creator protection clause here. The LM lives happily with the CSM, and damn what actually happened. I'm not budging on this; its too bad that we couldn't bring them home in real life but we don't have to do that to them in fiction. And they will come home, even if it isn't accurate.
I only halfway agree with this any more. In my head is the germ of an meta-arc for a Spacecraft-tan comic. I need more source materials to help fix a storyline down, so I'm going to shelve that huge post until I'm done. I am editing the last post a little, nothing really big.
"Hey! Self-talking human!" :lol:

I think the atmospheric burining-up-ing thing could be a (sad) story element. There was a cool Hayabusa video like that on Nico (music was MOTHER by Hirasawa Susumu), which it seems nobody but me has an account at, and so you can't view it. I couldn't find it on Youtube...

Another possibility is to make the CSM a back-stabbing Yandere.

"The mission is nearing its conclusion. The National Air and Space Administration is required to remind you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake."

I don't think the forum would like that very much, though... :mad:

Due to some Photoshop "eraa", I could not get the pics, which are piling up. Hold on...
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Toast! :D
Aug 15, 2010
Reaction score
Who else reckons we need to start calling orbitingpluto 'The Postmaster'? :lol:
Anyway back on topic. What about an entire family of Shuttles you've got the three sisters, Discovery Atlantis and Endeavour, the youngest who have basically forgotten the deaths of their two older sisters Columbia and Challenger. Kind of a crappy idea but I'm just throwing it out there.


River Crab

SpaceX Cheer Captain
Addon Developer
May 4, 2010
Reaction score
Washington, D.C. area
Who else reckons we need to start calling orbitingpluto 'The Postmaster'? :lol:
Anyway back on topic. What about an entire family of Shuttles you've got the three sisters, Discovery Atlantis and Endeavour, the youngest who have basically forgotten the deaths of their two older sisters Columbia and Challenger. Kind of a crappy idea but I'm just throwing it out there.

:hail:The Postmaster!
Anyway, I had already planned this, see earlier. Although I only have Atlantis and Enterprise so far.
I reckon Atlantis should be celebrating right now, as it has been decided that she gets one more flight.
It will be her "second last flight." :)
orbitingpluto said:
Really? I would like to hear what you heard, because I never heard anything bad with cameras and Gemini.
At least one time a camera was incorrectly loaded and so couldn't take any pictures, another time I think a camera was left in orbit by one of the astronauts...I could be wrong...anyway, Blue Gemini would be better with cameras, for the needed orbital surveillance.
Babelfish reporting! :salute:

River Crab, I give you description description. :facepalm:
A better translation for 説明 would be "explanation". That still doesn't explain anything. :lol:

Don't explain it to me, explain it to everyone else!
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May 1, 2010
Reaction score
Who else reckons we need to start calling orbitingpluto 'The Postmaster'? :lol:
:hail:The Postmaster!
So shall it be written, so shall it be done(I waited a long time to say that).

On to less vain stuff.

Don't worry, I don't mean to make you fact, with your hard work put into some other stuff, that other stuff might be further along by now...:dry:

I don't mind. Gives me time to straighten my stuff out:thumbup:

つるぺた is like ぺったんぺったん which is to say, flat chested. Let's just say, um...
Izack, 説明ちょうだいよ説明 :rofl:

Explain what? Pettanko?

Well, a picture says at least 3 words, so...

Yeah. That's more or less entirely it. :rolleyes:
I thought I knew what you meant, but waiting for an explanation certainly is justified by hindsight. I got to see pictures instead of walls of text. Sadly most of the text is my own.:facepalm:

It seems the outside is starting to intrude into my dream world, which is to say, a Nightmare in Dream Land. So sorry for the lack of feedback/logging off at UTC 00:03.

Sounds horrible. No need to apologize, I already shown I can have a good time talking to myself as well as when somebody is around;).

I didn't plan to give them individual personalities anyway so blending all of them together is fine. For purposes of continuity of future comics or what-have-you, the most we would have at once is 2, so yeah.

I was thinking we would have only one of each(except the Shuttles, but that is something for later) even though we need two Geminis for Gemini Missions 6 and 7, the dual Gemini rendovous mission. Could work if her twin gets disguised, but that wouldn't be accurate. Too bad the sane Orbitnauts are all gone, I would like to hear their input. I feel I getting a bit loose with regards to accuracy. Of course this is O-F, I wonder why the :probe: hasn't struck me done for my lack of realism.

Since the LM was both the bug, not exactly streamlined-looking, and also very light, maybe she could be like Wriggle (Nightbug), being the ぺったん子 and all (there is no English for the term "Pettanko", sorry).

If the antennae fits:). This could be more or less as things go on. We have to see.

I think the atmospheric burining-up-ing thing could be a (sad) story element. There was a cool Hayabusa video like that on Nico (music was MOTHER by Hirasawa Susumu), which it seems nobody but me has an account at, and so you can't view it. I couldn't find it on Youtube...

Could be a sad story element as a one time thing, but on the scale of the Apollo missions..... the word genocide comes to mind. I don't want NASA portrayed as some evil spacecraft sacrificing bastard. There is the fact NASA has destroyed thousands of boosters.... we could have a Gendo
moment in the works where the -tans realize this.

Another possibility is to make the CSM a back-stabbing Yandere.

There could be a great caption this pic of the CSM tossing the LM to burn. I feel bad already for suggesting this.

At least one time a camera was incorrectly loaded and so couldn't take any pictures, another time I think a camera was left in orbit by one of the astronauts...I could be wrong...anyway, Blue Gemini would be better with cameras, for the needed orbital surveillance.

Thanks for the info!

Anyway back on topic. What about an entire family of Shuttles you've got the three sisters, Discovery Atlantis and Endeavour, the youngest who have basically forgotten the deaths of their two older sisters Columbia and Challenger. Kind of a crappy idea but I'm just throwing it out there.

Anyway, I had already planned this, see earlier. Although I only have Atlantis and Enterprise so far.
I reckon Atlantis should be celebrating right now, as it has been decided that she gets one more flight.
It will be her "second last flight.":)

I think we should have a go at having all of them, only in a tasteful manner. I've had family members die, and if some one erased that to be more convenient in a biography, it would... uh oh, I'm have a double standard here:embarrassed:. Given that the shuttles are iconic as individuals, having them all be themselves makes sense to me. Yet I'm also making the earlier craft blended. Should I let this continue? It lends accuracy to the Shuttles and makes it easier to characterize the more numerous(and mostly one mission only) earlier spacecraft. It also makes keeping the LM alive after each mission.

It still is bugging me about representing the early spacecraft as one. The Gemini 6-Gemini 7 dual mission(I mentioned it before though) is one thing. If my Gemini is the only Gemini, who does she does she meet up with in space? I could put Blue Gemini up there(disguised), but then I have the Air force in space when never never flew a Gemini mission. It would make Blue Gemini actually have a purpose though, besides playing about on the ground:smile:. There is also the Liberty Bell 7, the one Mercury capsule that sunk, which could I say was only a near drowning, which is fudging the truth. Then there is the Apollo 1 fire. How do I do that? Roast the CSM and say she got better? I don't want to sacrifice accuracy for plot. Or should I just say 'Its spaceship girls! LOL lets make them kawaii!'. This is too hard for me to solve alone, and I don't mind if any one tells me I been a idiot up tell this point so long as they can convince me as to the best way to go about this.
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innn spaaaaace...ace...ace...!
Addon Developer
Aug 13, 2008
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Orbiter Mecha-Musume, huh?

A'ight, I'm down.

I see you do not have a DG-IV girl yet. Well, I have taken the liberty filling that gap:


(Just complaining about popular drawing styles, pay it no mind... )

...I needed that - A good shift of gears and a warmup after being sick, to get my head back in a drawing frame of mind...

River Crab

SpaceX Cheer Captain
Addon Developer
May 4, 2010
Reaction score
Washington, D.C. area

Orbiter Mecha-Musume, huh?

A'ight, I'm down.

I see you do not have a DG-IV girl yet. Well, I have taken the liberty filling that gap:


OMG! I think the only suitable response here would be an image response. Followed by text.

OK, so I fail at copying your style. But it was like, suddenly, the level of art in this thread jumped up a few levels! I needed to draw something! :lol:

There's some Photoshop action to account for the fact that it's both extremely sketchy, and made of graphite mechanical pencil rounds, rather than the Unobtanium charcoal you seem to be using. I did get a chance to use my kneaded rubber rubber (LOL), but it's obviously not my usual style. And even with all that Photoshop it's still not as good as yours, which is pretty much the best so far.

しかしさぁ、ご覧の通り、つるぺた、ロリコンなどは全っ然俺の趣味じゃない、メカ娘の決まった雰囲気の違反 だとしても。タッチがもっと「男前」だといえる80年代はやっぱり、日本アニメのゴールデン・エージだった んだなぁ。いくら当時の俺が赤ん坊だったのに(笑 
なんというか、肉感的な感じっていうより、すこし筋肉質のある画風が実体のある、尊敬できるようなキャラを 生み出して、しかもアメコミと違ってまだ可愛いんだと思う。
いくら古臭く思われていても、現代の「ボクッ娘」があの頃の「俺女」に絶対かなわない。あれは意見じゃなく て、この掲示板の人がきっと分かってくれる科学的な事実である(笑
ま、いつもバーやパーティーでよりによってレズの女の子にモーションをかけちまうオテンバ、あるいは「おな べ」好きの俺がそう言っているからそんなに本気にしなくてもえ~よ。(笑
(Just complaining about popular drawing styles, pay it no mind... )
Answering partly in English for everyone's confusion:
You make a good point, and obviously you're old-school. And you're right of course; moe seems to be pervading popular culture these days like never before. I can't make much comment on the "Golden Age" you speak of, but today everywhere it seems like 「このべたべたロリコンどもめ」. And since my style is completely self-taught I ended up drawing like that, as well. (下手日本語にごめんね。)今、「この時代」の日本アニメをあまり見えないけど、俺の意見はゲームとネットからだ。事後ソ連に生まれたから、frogisisの「ゴールデン・エージ」は歴史だ。そして、OSたんはメカ娘より擬人化からこのトピックは化けた。オーケー、英語で。。。That's not to say I'm innocent or anything. :p

(Way to add to the TL;DR...FL;DR, maybe. Foreign Language; Didn't Read) :lol:

But now, the important part!

This thread is anyone's interpretation, so all ranges of art become available. As I stated in the first post edit, it can be anything. But I think your post has given me the kick that I need for fully revealing this:


I haven't been too serious about these before, but you've convinced me to go ahead...
Basically what I was envisioning with this was an Orbiter fanbook/artbook type of thing. So instead of trudging through this thread, we'd have a compilation of all the GOOD things that have come from it, and something the rest of our Orbinauts could appreciate. Or even people who aren't Orbinauts, but like the idea of mecha shoujyo and spaceflight. A paper book that you can hold, or at least a PDF of it.

Now, people don't usually make fan books for simulators, but that's what's original about it, right? :)

We probably only have 1 picture worthy of an art book so far, Frogisis's DGIV, and it's the only one that seems that it could be part of an art book. But I hope to change that. With a boost in quality we could get some real content. Stuff like pictures, comics, things that would go into a physical book made of paper. So, how about it?



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River Crab

SpaceX Cheer Captain
Addon Developer
May 4, 2010
Reaction score
Washington, D.C. area
Oh yeah, I'll just drop these off can sort them out...these are from before the huge postmaster posts, BTW.


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River Crab

SpaceX Cheer Captain
Addon Developer
May 4, 2010
Reaction score
Washington, D.C. area
So...I tried to give her 60's style hair, and 60's style silver space boots and gloves. I dunno about fitting the character.
Also, as for the expandability of some hardware, why not just have them easily reincarnate, like I said for the shuttle's ET? Reusable spacecraft would be reused like normal.

Come on, somebody say something! We just got an AWESOME post combo!
Are you really that speechless?!



Non sequitur
Addon Developer
Feb 4, 2010
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The Wilderness, N.B.
Not so much speechless as playing Age of Empires... :shifty:

I actually was speechless when Frogisis posted, though. I was going to respond with something about Nico eating my account (grr, by the way. Grr), but couldn't really compose much after seeing it, so I figured I'd let you do it. :thumbup: