Interstellar - The Movie


Defender of Truth
Beta Tester
May 30, 2008
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V nofbyhgryl nterr gung gur perj pbhyq cresbez erzbgr bofreingvbaf jvgu n gryrfpbcr ba gur jngre jbeyq naq qrgrezvar vg'f n ybfg pnhfr. Jung fpvragvsvp birefvtug ernyyl obguref zr vf gung gurer nccrnef gb or ab fgne va gur flfgrz lrg nyy gur cynargf erprvir fhayvtug. Qrfcvgr gur tenivgl bs gur oynpx ubyr, nyy guerr ner abg gvqnyyl ybpxrq. Fvapr Tnetnaghn nccrnef gb or srrqvat ba tnf, vg fubhyq or cebqhpvat vaperqvoyl qnatrebhf k-enlf.
V pbhyq'ir fjbea gurer jnf n zragvba bs n arhgeba fgne cnverq jvgu Tnetnaghn ng fbzr cbvag va gvzr, ohg V'z abg cbfvgvir.

I still wouldn't consider it fair to compare Interstellar to Armageddon; the latter has 168 scientific mistakes.
And yet, those 168 scientific mistakes aren't nearly as key to the plot as some of the stuff in Interstellar--and several of the mistakes are made in order to improve the plot, an excuse that Interstellar doesn't have. How many of those 168 are minor? I'm sure if you started nitpicking Interstellar, you'd find quite a few mistakes, too.


It's necessary, TARS.
Addon Developer
Jun 14, 2010
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V pbhyq'ir fjbea gurer jnf n zragvba bs n arhgeba fgne cnverq jvgu Tnetnaghn ng fbzr cbvag va gvzr, ohg V'z abg cbfvgvir
Lrc, sebz jung lbh frr jura gurl trg ba gur Bprnavn lbh frr n ivrj bs gur oynpx ubyr jvgu n cerggl fgebat fbyne syner arkg gb vg; V nffhzrq gung.

In general, I found the film amazing. I'm not one of those people that doesn't get too into the sciencey stuff, at least not on the first watch. There were some obvious mistakes made, but the beauty of it compensated for them. As for small other mistakes, well, a level 9000+ nerd would be quite offended, but for most of us I think that they were okay.

But guys, this is Hollywood. This is not a film for space lovers, this is a film for the general public who doesn't give a damn about physics or space, but rather to have a great time and enjoy themselves. People could make perfectly accurate space films, but as an industry, the money generated by would make the companies shut down the project (remember when Georges Lucas submitted his film, but was turned down because the whole series was a show for kids and that the story was a little too close to real events? Well that was Star Wars that he was submitting, and it's only after some time that he got to do the 3rd to 6th episode. Yes, it's one of the most successful series, but the film industry didn't want it because it wouldn't make enough money, they thought).

Also, there was the hype, with the media and all: "accurate space film", "a story about space travelling", "ERMAGHERD look at this black hole they made !". It was the same with Gravity, as we do here with Interstellar, we criticized Gravity for its mistakes and plot holes. But hey, you got to look at that sexy Earth during that film! And here you get to take a glance at how beautiful and mysterious a black hole is.

I was more than happy to hear random people's reaction when exiting the theater. Generally it was in the "Well, that was awesome" tone, and at least one people (and I got to talk with him a little with that, that was cool) gained interest in blackholes/wormholes.

And, doesn't this film deserves extra style points for describing more or less well the Relativity theory to the average audience?

Now, for the spoilery talk: (ROT13 transformed)
Yvxr V fnvq, vg'f n svyz sbe gur trareny nhqvrapr, rira zber jvgu vg orvat na Ubyyljbbq svyz. Vg'f nobhg abg znxvat gur nhqvrapr srry yvxr gurl ner jngpuvat crbcyr grpu gnyx qhevat 3 ubhef, fb lbh tbggn chg fbzr "ybir genafpraqf fcnpr naq gvzr" frzv-cuvybfbcuvp fcrrpuf naq jung-abgf gb znxr gur svyz vagrerfgvat.
Qba'g lbh guvax gung vs vg jnf cheryl n fpvraprl svyz Pbbcre jbhyq unir whzcrq vagb n oynpx ubyr, gb svaq uvzfrys va gur "Genafqvzrafvbany Grffrenpg (gz)" urycvat uvf qnhtugre gb svaq gur zvffvat cneg bs gur Oenaq-Pbbcre Tenivgl rdhngvba ? Oenaq urefrys fnvq "Ohg gurer'f cyragl bs fhccyvrf sbe obgu urer" naq ur pbhyq cresrpgyl erzbgr haqbpx gur frpbaq ynaqre yvxr ur qvq jvgu gur svefg. (Urer, znex zl jbeqf, PvarznFvaf jvyy gnxr gung irel yvar bs ure naq fnl "Oenaq jbhyq or tbbq ng PvarznFvaf!" :lol: )

V unir gb fnl, Znvayl grnef unir orra qebccrq jura pbbcre yrsg Zhecul ng gur ubhfr gb tb ba gur zvffvba, jura ur jrag guebhtu gur 23 lrnef bs ivqrb gncrf, naq jura ur fnj ure qnhtugre va ure qlvat orq.

Nyfb, V jnag gb trg onpx bs gur Cybg Pbairavrapr Qrivpr, nxn Oynpx Ubyr. Snagnfgvp qrivpr, uhu? Znxvat Pbbcre erterg uvf qrpvfvba gb tb ba n zvffvba gb fnir uhznavgl ol znxvat uvz frr 23 lrnef bs ivqrb gncr nobhg uvf puvyqera trggvat gb havirefvgl naq uvf jvsr orvat zneevrq, gur "lbh fubhyq trg ubzr abj, fvapr V nz gur ntr lbh jrer jura lbh yrsg" svefg zrffntr bs gur natel qnhtugre, naq gura gur fvathynevgl cneg jurer Pbbcre unf gryrxvargvp pbageby bs bowrpgf (naq syhvqf!) va gur jbeyq ur xabjf. Znxrf sbe n pbby cybg gjvfg sbe gur yngre rdhngvba fbyivat naq "Rherxn!" purrevatf, ng yrnfg.

"Nothing is perfect" is what I'd say about this film, but I pretty much consider it a Top Model of the sci-fi movies nonetheless. Must watch at least once I recommend for all of you, space lovers. :thumbup:


Active member
Dec 10, 2008
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Milky Way
Why can't a big Hollywood production be largely accurate? Although it's been a while since I've watched either, 2001, and to a lesser extent 2010, have less significant scientific mistakes. I don't recall 2001 having the kind of ridiculous dialogue that appears in Interstellar just because it's a Hollywood movie. Still, 2001 and Interstellar are both similar in scope. The incredible ending of 2001, although far-fetched, fits the "sciency" feel of the movie. Vagrefgryyne pyrneyl gbbx vafcvengvba sebz 2001'f raqvat naq fgne tngr frdhrapr jura Pbbcre sryy vagb gur oynpx ubyr, juvpu jnf cerfragrq va n zhpu zber fgenvtugsbejneq jnl guna va Xhoevpx'f svyz. Both Interstellar and 2001 have scientific elements that weren't well understood at the respective times of their creations, yet 2001 did a much better job of avoiding the reliance on fantasy to advance the plot.

Then there are science fiction movies that are entirely plausible and still manage to be fantastic. If Moon wasn't such a limited release, it probably would have saw even more success.
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Armchair Astronaut
Addon Developer
Mar 17, 2008
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Apollo 13 was by-and-large the most accurate spaceflight film (imo) and that was pretty popular in the box office, but that wasn't science fiction.
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Non sequitur
Addon Developer
Feb 4, 2010
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The Wilderness, N.B.
V pbhyq'ir fjbea gurer jnf n zragvba bs n arhgeba fgne cnverq jvgu Tnetnaghn ng fbzr cbvag va gvzr, ohg V'z abg cbfvgvir.

Gurer vf. Fubegyl nsgre genirefvat gur jbezubyr, Pbbcre fnlf fbzr abafrafr nobhg 'fjvatvat nebhaq gung arhgeba fgne gurer'. Gur snaqbz unf gnxra gb pnyyvat vg Cnagntehry, juvpu vf na vzzrafr yrgqbja nf vg'f n ersrerapr gb bar bs gur zbfg ybj-oebj fgbevrf rire jevggra.

Though that's not really a spoiler, I guess.


Jun 26, 2009
Reaction score
Jakarta or Bandung
Here's a review from a photographer who graduated with an Physics degree specializing in cosmology

Here's the most important part of his review, decode with

Ohg V qvterff. Vagrefgryyne jnf gb zr n zbqrea pynffvp. Vg sverq ba nyy plyvaqref sbe zr – ohg gura ntnva V cebonoyl qba’g unir gur fnzr onpxtebhaq nf zbfg bs gur nhqvrapr; pevgvpf frrz gb guvax vg’f gbb ybat naq gbb obevat naq shyy bs cybg ubyrf naq fpvragvsvp zvffrf. Nezpunve fpvragvfgf ner evtug naq jebat: gurer ner fbzr nfcrpgf bs gur svyz gung pnaabg or vapbeerpg fvzcyl orpnhfr jr qba’g xabj sbe fher – jung unccraf vafvqr n oynpx ubyr, sbe vafgnapr*. Gurer ner cybg ubyrf, ohg V qvqa’g abgvpr gurz be jnf cercnerq gb chg gurz nfvqr sbe gur qenzn – naq V qbhog zbfg ivrjref qvq rvgure, hagvy gurl jrer cbvagrq bhg. Naq gur yratgu bs vg vf orpnhfr Abyna gbbx gur gvzr gb trg gur qrgnvyf evtug, naq znxr gurz pbaivapvat: jvgubhg gurfr, vg’f gbb rnfl gb qvfzvff gur jubyr zbivr nf orvat haernyvfgvp. Naq V guvax gur yratgu naq phg pbairlf cerpvfryl gur grqvhz bs n irel ybat (lrnef) wbhearl vagrefcrefrq jvgu crevbqf bs senagvp npgvba.
*Orsber fbzrobql dhrfgvbaf zl perqvovyvgl, V’z npghnyyl pbfzbybtvfg ol genvavat.
Ivfhnyyl, gur guvat jnf n gerng: vg cnvq ubzntr gb Xhoevpx’f 2001: N Fcnpr Bqlffrl va znal, znal jnlf – gur qbpxvat frdhrapr naq znva zbgurefuvc, sbe bar, naq gur hfr bs n fynoyvxr ebobg – ohg ng gur fnzr gvzr ybbxrq irel, irel ernyvfgvp va gur fnzr jnl nf ANFN’f qbphzragnevrf. Naq Abyna znantrq gb qb vg jvgubhg gur grqvhz bs Tenivgl, juvpu jnf ivfhnyyl ornhgvshy ohg obgu haernyvfgvp naq obevat sebz n cybg fgnaqcbvag. Jung cubgbtencuref jvyy abgvpr va cnegvphyne vf gur fhogyr punatr va dhnyvgl bs yvtug orgjrra gur qvssrerag raivebazragf – va fcnpr, vg’f unefu naq rkgerzryl qverpgvbany; ba rnegu, vg unf n jnez, oebja fbeg bs dhnyvgl – ab qbhog sebz gur qhfg – naq bqqyl erzvavfprag bs n gvzr va gur cnfg, creuncf gur 60f naq 70f; ba sbervta jbeyqf vg’f gvatrq jvgu bgure uhrf gung vzzrqvngryl fvtany ‘nyvra’ gb bhe fhopbafpvbhf. Zl bayl erterg jnf gung V qvqa’g jngpu vg va gur VZNK sbezng vg jnf bevtvanyyl fubg va – ohg gura ntnva znlor abg, orpnhfr vg’f pregnvayl fbzrguvat V’q jnag gb jngpu ntnva. Creuncf ng ubzr ba n ynetr 4x fperra jvgubhg na naablvat gnyxvat pbhcyr bss gb gur onpx-evtug naq n ohapu bs grrantref jvgu pbafgnagyl orrcvat cubarf ba zl yrsg.
Pbaprcghnyyl, vg nqqerffrq n ybg bs irel erny fvghngvbaf gung ner snpvat uhznavgl evtug abj: sbbq fubegntrf, vagryyrpghny fubegntrf, naq n trareny nonaqbazrag bs rkcybengvba naq perngvivgl va gur chefhvg bs fubeg fvtugrq vzzrqvngr jnagf naq qrfverf. Gurer’f gur erqhpgvba va rkcybengvba, uhznaf gnxvat bhe cynarg sbe tenagrq, naq gur crefbany qvssvphygl bs srryvat hapbzsbegnoyr jvgu gur ebyr fbpvrgl unf qrgrezvarq vf nccebcevngr sbe lbh ohg qrrc qbja lbh xabj vfa’g sbe lbh; vg npghnyyl znxrf zr jbaqre ubj zhpu orggre gur jbeyq jbhyq or vs rirelobql unq gur pbhentr gb qb rvgure jung gurl jrer tbbq ng be cnffvbangr nobhg – engure guna jung fbpvrgl guvaxf gurl fubhyq qb
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NEA Scout Wrencher
Jun 16, 2011
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Huntsville, AL
Preferred Pronouns
I definitely enjoyed it more than Gravity. You really have to kind of get over yourself when it comes to films like this. It will never be 100% accurate, for the sake of the plot alone. The fact that they put any effort in is enough for me. That's more than you can say for many popular sci-fi films.


Unicorn hunter
Addon Developer
Mar 31, 2012
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I've seen the movie yesterday.

I'm sorry to say that this is not 2001, and it does not even come close to Inception. That's not because there are physical impossibilities or plot holes. That's because I have a major issue with the philosophical outlook presented.

Sbe zr, gur zbivr jnf xvyyrq ol gur ulcrephor frdhrapr. Va n fglyr erzvavfprag bs 2001, Pbbcre nfpraqf gb n Tbq-yvxr fgngr naq ur pna frr (naq nssrpg) gur ragver gvzryvar. Gung'f pbby. Gurer vf whfg bar ceboyrz: gur gvzryvar qbrf abg oenapu.

Va bgure jbeqf, vg qbrf abg znggre jung Zhecu qbrf, be jung Pbbcre qbrf, be jung Tbq-Pbbcre qbrf, orpnhfr gur bhgpbzr unf nyernql orra cerqrgrezvarq. Pbbcre ernyvmrf vg uvzfrys, nf ur fnlf "Jr [nfpraqrq uhznaf] unir ohvyg guvf". Guvf yvar xvyyf gur ragver zbivr. Gur erfbyhgvba eryvrf ba n ornhgvshyyl puberbtencurq frdhrapr bs riragf npebff gur fcnpr naq gvzr; ohg jr nyernql xabj gung rirelguvat jvyy jbex, orpnhfr vs vg qvqa'g, naq uhznavgl jrag rkgvapg, jub jbhyq ohvyq gur ulcrephor?

Unq gur yvar orra qebccrq sebz gur zbivr, naq gur ivrjre jnf yrsg jvgu gur vavgvny vzcerffvba gung gur ulcrephor jnf ohvyg ol Tbq/nyvraf, gur bhgpbzr bs gur frdhrapr jbhyq or zhpu qvssrerag. Va fhpu irefvba, gur uhznavgl vf tvira n punapr naq chg gb grfg; pna Pbccre perngr n chmmyr gung Zhecu pna fbyir? V unir vffhrf jvgu znxvat gur shgher bs uhznavgl qrcraqrag ba n fvatyr gvzryvar oenapu, ohg ng yrnfg gurer vf n oenapu. Pbbcre pna snvy gb rapbqr; Zhecu pna snvy gb qrpbqr; be rvgure bs gurz pna fnl "Fperj gung, yrg rirelbar qvr".

Nf gur gvzryvar unf ab oenapurf, gurer vf ab serr jvyy. Fb jr tb onpx gb gur vapvqrag ba n jngre cynarg. Gurer, Pbbcre qbrf fbzrguvat rkgerzryl fghcvq. Gur ybtvpny guvat vf gb yrnir Nzryvr oruvaq. Svefg, qhqr, gur uhznavgl qrcraqf ba lbh, fb fbzrgvzrf lbh ernyyl unir gb phg lbhe ybffrf. Frpbaq, fvapr jr'er gbyq gung bar ubhe ba gur cynarg vf frira lrnef ryfrjurer, V'q cbfvg gung Nzryvr unf rabhtu bkltra gb fgnl nyvir sbe na ubhe -- juvpu jbhyq tvir Pbbcre frira lrnef gb gnxr pner bs nyy bgure ohfvarff naq erghea gb cvpx ure hc. (Lrf, V xabj, gfhanzv jnirf, ohg fur'f jrnevat n fcnprfhvg, fur'f abg tbaan qebja rnfvyl!) Hasbeghangryl, vg frrzf gung Pbbcre ernyyl jnagf gb trg ynvq (pna'g oynzr uvz, ubarfgyl), naq fb ur erfphrf ure ng gur rkcrafr bs fgneivat zvyyvbaf onpx ubzr. Ab, jnvg, sbetrg gur fgneivat zvyyvbaf; ur'f erfphvat Nzryvr ng gur rkcrafr bs Zhecu'f hagbyq fhssrevat.

Fb jr fubhyq unir n gvzryvar oenapu; n fpv-sv rdhvinyrag bs Whqtrzrag bs Cnevf. Jr'er yrq gb oryvrir gung Zhecu unq gb fhssre orpnhfr Pbbcre jnagrq gb trg ynvq.

Ohg, nf erirnyrq va gur ulcrephor, gur gvzryvar qbrf abg oenapu. Gur jubyr vapvqrag gheaf bhg gb or arprffnel fb gung Zhecu pna unir na rcvcunal whfg ng gur evtug zbzrag, jura Pbbcre vf ragrevat gur oynpx ubyr -- nyy nppbeqvat gb Gur Znfgre Cyna(GZ). Nzryvr vf abg fghcvq, fur vf zreryl qbvat jung gur znfgre cyna erdhverf ure gb qb; genc Pbbcre ba gur jngre cynarg. Pbbcre pnaabg qb gur evtug guvat naq rfpncr gur cynarg, orpnhfr qbvat gung jbhyq sbvy gur znfgre cyna. Naq gur fnzr znfgre cyna, sbe fbzr ernfba, erdhverf gung Zhecu tbrf guebhtu ure bja cevingr uryy orsber fur pna fnir uhznavgl. Guvf fgbel unf ab punenpgref; gurer ner whfg chccrgf, cynlvat gur ebyrf gung gur Terng Fperrajevgre vafpevorq ba gur jnyyf bs gur ulcrephor orsber gur jbeyq rira ortha.

Cbbe Zhecu.

Sbe jung?


Active member
Dec 10, 2008
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Milky Way
When discussing the movie's science, I remembered some climate effects I hoped to see in the film. Interstellar lightly explained what caused the environmental problems on Earth, but I think my speculation from months before the movie was released can be substituted as a sufficient, if not better, alternative.

I expect this community is informed enough to discuss the potential effects of global warming without descending into a senseless debate about whether they're real or not. As I said before, some discussion about global warming should not be controversial and shouldn't need moderation. At least in Interstellar, global warming can be an alternative explanation for how Earth becomes inhabitable.


Nf bar yrneaf ol jngpuvat gur zbivr, n cynthr pnyyrq Oyvtug qrfgeblf nyy pebcf rkprcg pbea, vapernfvat gur yriry bs avgebtra va gur ngzbfcurer naq qrpernfvat gur yriry bs bkltra. N qvfrnfr gung nssrpgf nyy cubgbflagurgvp yvsr rkprcg pbea, sebz gerrf gb nytnr, fbhaqf engure vzcbffvoyr.

Vg vf zber oryvrinoyr gb fhofgvghgr guvf qvfrnfr jvgu n irel onq fpranevb bs tybony jnezvat. Vg'f haernyvfgvp, creuncf, ohg abg vzcbffvoyr. Gurer'f nyfb rnfvre fbyhgvbaf, yvxr trbratvarrevat. Veba pbhyq or qhzcrq vagb gur bprnaf gb fgvzhyngr culgbcynaxgba tebjgu.

Abarguryrff, gur zbivr nyernql gnxrf haarprffnel evfxf, fb jul abg vtaber bgure fbyhgvbaf naq whfg fraq crbcyr gb frnepu sbe nabgure cynarg gb rfpncr rkgerzr tybony jnezvat? Vg'f zber pbzcryyvat. ANFN pbhyq'ir whfg frag ebobgf gb fpbhg gur jbeyqf nybar naq vavgvngr Cyna O vafgrnq bs uhznaf. Ohg gung vf sne gbb havagrerfgvat sbe n zbivr.

In summary, I think that global warming is a perfectly sensible motivation to leave Earth in a movie like Interstellar.

Look no further than Europa Report to find another movie that needlessly risks human lives, in this case by going to Jupiter, to create drama.


Unicorn hunter
Addon Developer
Mar 31, 2012
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Vg vf zber oryvrinoyr gb fhofgvghgr guvf qvfrnfr jvgu n irel onq fpranevb bs tybony jnezvat. Vg'f haernyvfgvp, creuncf, ohg abg vzcbffvoyr.

Abguvat haernyvfgvp nobhg vg. Gur zbivr pbagnvaf n engure tbbq qrfpevcgvba bs fbpvny cerffherf pnhfrq ol tybony jnezvat (qrpernfr va cerpvcvgngvba -> pebc snvyherf -> sbbq fubegntrf naq qhfg objy). Vg nccrnef gb zr gung gur bevtvany fperracynl hfrq tybony jnezvat nf n cybg qrivpr, naq Oyvtug jnf nqqrq nf na nsgregubhtug gb nibvq qrnyvat jvgu gur snpg gung gur cynargnel pngnfgebcur vf va snpg zna-znqr.


Non sequitur
Addon Developer
Feb 4, 2010
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The Wilderness, N.B.
A still from one of the effects scenes:

Is... is that dust on the ranger's prow? If so, wow. CGI is remarkable these days.


Unicorn hunter
Addon Developer
Mar 31, 2012
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Jacek Dukaj (arguably Poland's best SF writer) wrote a review of Interstellar. It is in Polish, so below is a translation of some highlights (without spoilers):

Even after the space tourism becomes common place, any movie with vaccuum and stars in the background will be automatically classed as sci-fi -- even if it is a gay love story aboard Soyuz-Apollo.

Sci-fi cinema for a long time has been behind literature -- some 30, 40 years -- and the distance is increasing.

From where comes this extraordinary difficulty in translating one medium into another?

Hard SF -- science fiction taking science seriously -- being two-three steps ahead of advancing science has so far departed from the knowledge of a common reader, that understanding the story and concepts ruling its world, requires:

(A) the reader to be a highly educated specialist


(B) the book containing long scientific lectures (so-called infodumps)

Back at the start of the 20th century, when Wells was writing his scientific fictions, the concept of time travel or invasion from Mars was understandable for everyone. Half of a century later (and that was the era of a greatest technological optimism), the American Golden Era SF still maintained good contact with the majority of readers: they would read Popular Science, or at least remember what they were taught in physics, maths, and biology classes. At the begining of the 21st century, hard SF operates on the knowledge horizons of PhD holders in cosmology, quantum mechanics, philosophy of mathematics, molecular biology, or cognitive science.

[Such extensive infodumps don't fit well in cinema.] Film is a medium of emotion, esthetics, audience stand-ins, story and visual motion. Intellectual discourse fits better on paper.

Nolan does not refrain from emotional blackmail of Nicholas Sparks and [Paulo] Coelho (Love is the only thing which transcends time and space). This fits with hard SF like Paris Hilton fits with a slide rule.

Although I still cannot stomach the black hole physics, I watched Intertellar with authentic joy. Here is a high-budget SF flick, which an adult can watch without an impression that the director and screenwriter think that he is a 12-year-old with an ADHD. That's a real rarity; we will use it as a counterexaple to standard Hollywood productions for years to come.
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Mar 23, 2010
Reaction score
A still from one of the effects scenes:

Is... is that dust on the ranger's prow? If so, wow. CGI is remarkable these days.

Per wikipedia

"The visual effects company Double Negative, which developed effects for Nolan's 2010 film [ame=""]Inception[/ame], worked on Interstellar.[46] Visual effects supervisor Paul Franklin said the number of effects in the film was not much greater than in Nolan's [ame=""]The Dark Knight Rises[/ame] or Inception, but that for Interstellar, they created the effects first, so digital projectors could be used to display them behind the actors, rather than having the actors perform in front of [ame=""]green screens[/ame].[5]
The Ranger, Endurance, and Lander spacecraft were created using [ame=""]miniature effects[/ame] by production designer Nathan Crowley in collaboration with effects company New Deal Studios, as opposed to using computer generated imagery, as Nolan felt they offered the best way to give the ships a tangible presence in space. Created through a combination of [ame=""]3D printing[/ame] and hand sculpting, the scale models earned the nickname "maxatures" by the crew due to their immense size; the 1/15th scale miniature of the Endurance module spanned over 7.6 m (25 feet), while a [ame=""]pyrotechnic[/ame] model of a portion of the craft was built at 1/5th scale. The Ranger and Lander miniatures spanned 14 m (46 feet) and over 15 m (50 feet), respectively. The miniatures were large enough for Hoyte van Hoytema to mount IMAX cameras directly onto the spacecraft, thus mimicking the look of NASA IMAX documentaries. The models were then attached to a six-axis [ame=""]gimbal[/ame] on a motion control system that allowed an operator to manipulate their movements, which were filmed against background plates of space using [ame=""]VistaVision[/ame] cameras on a smaller motion control rig.[47]"

Interesting to note that instead of using green screens and adding the background in post, they actually did the effects first, then projected it behind the models and sets.


It's necessary, TARS.
Addon Developer
Jun 14, 2010
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Which reminds me is what has been done in Oblivion, and works wonders for reflections and simplify lightning artists a whole lot. The only negative side is no hard shadows, which are important to mimic space images, but I guess miniature models and/or CGI comes here into play rather easily.

This was also the goal of the Light Cube in Gravity: get all the colors protected and reflected in the actors' faces and eyes and glass, which is far easier than green screening and computing all the light rays to remove the reflected green.


Jul 17, 2014
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Portsmouth, RI
So I read the book upon its release and loved it, I thought it had a powerful, and meaningful plot that really touched base on some real issues that humanity face. So I decided to finally see the movie in IMAX for the best experience. Overall the movie was amazing, it had fantastic visuals, great soundtrack, superb acting from Matthew McConaughey, Ann Hathaway, and as well as others so I really enjoyed it, although it wasn't as meticulous as I'd hoped. The emotion was really there for the movie, as I sat there in awe, amazement, and sorrow, it was simply overwhelmingly beautiful. I felt it had a somewhat Carl Sagan touch to it like Contact. This is a must see for anybody! Even the average science layman.


Jun 4, 2010
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Stuttgart, Germany
I must say I was a little disappointed - The ovie was good, but it could have been so much better and ... well I have no problem with a fictional movie having some logicac flaws or unrealistic elements, but if it could be prevented so easy...

For once, you have a testpilot who has about 2 years to prepare for flying a spacecraft through a wormhole and about 5 minutes before entry he gets a basic explanation on what a wormhole is.

And withou spoiling - there is something on a planet they could have seen from space and they are SOOO surprised about it.

Well I guess theres already enough discussion on mistakes and realism in this movie, so I'll just give my statement: The movie was cool, but I did expect more, so I was still disappointed - and TARS was awesome :D


Armchair Astronaut
Addon Developer
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
To be fair, I don't think you can really train anyone to go into a wormhole.


Aperiodic traveller
Addon Developer
Beta Tester
Jan 7, 2008
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Preferred Pronouns
and about 5 minutes before entry he gets a basic explanation on what a wormhole is.
I was under impression that he found it strange that it was a sphere, because all the diagrams and explanations before kind of implied it was flat.