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  1. C

    News Crude Oil train derailment in a small Quebec town

    A train convoy carrying 74 crude oil tanks derailed in southern Quebec smack downtown of a little town near the Maine / New-Hampshire border this morning at 1:00 AM. There was no engineer on board and the train rolled on it's own during a crew swap apparently. 60 people are missing so far, only...
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    A moment of pause...

    Hi everyone, I just needed to share an event in my life right now... One of my friends and mentor, 20 years older than me, a paramedic who happened to share my passion of everything aircraft-related, is on the edge of taking his "last flight" in life. He was diagnosed with a nasty form of...
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    Rewriting the Shuttle history - Part 2

    ...continued from alternate STS-51-L up to the original timeframe of STS-26 STS-61-E. 6 march 1986. Columbia. Happens exactly as planned with observation of Halley's comet. Second flight of the LFBB. Complete success of the LFBB which both land autonomously...
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    Rewriting the Shuttle history

    A ton of posts exist over the web about alternate history for the Shuttle, had Skylab been docked with at the beginning of the shuttle program. With the STS program almost over, here's my take on an alternate history. I've kept the flight numbers and crews as close to the original sequence as...
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    Nature article: Jupiter got as close from the Sun early as to be where Mars is today Abstract: If you have deep pockets or access to the Nature article from your educational institution, please take the time to read this article, it really is something worth your time!
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    Gliese 581d -could- have a complete water-cycle climate
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    Question Shuttle Fleet 4.7 Multiple Engines Out Loss-of-Control

    I've been for a while trying to maintain control of the space shuttle stack when having two-engines out with the remaining engine being the left or right one, and almost always loosing control of the vehicle. Anyone having tips as to what can / should be done when the engines fail? I know we're...
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    Humor Hell: Exothermic or Endothermic?

    I do not know if this question was really asked at a French university at Nanterre, but the story goes that this bonus question was asked in a Chemistry final exam: Is Hell exothermic or endothermic? Almost all student answered by going along with Boyle's law. All but one, which explained his...
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    News Seven killed in Quebec City plane crash

    Yet another sad news for me, personally... CADORS number: 2010Q1242 Dominique was the chief flight instructor at the flight school I'm getting my PPL at, and albeit young (less than 40 years old), he was an absolute gentleman and showed a level of calmness and professionalism that shows in his...
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    My first solo plane just crashed...

    Aircraft was a C172 L, registered C-FEAR... which was a popular tongue-in-cheek joke at my flight school... even had a bumper sticker on the pilot-side door that read HAVE NO FEAR. ... I flew my first solo on it back in Fall '09... 4 people dead, including a young woman, commercially-rated...
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    Manned exploration of Jupiter and Radiation hazard

    Here's a quick analysis for planning and realism purposes for manned exploration of Jupiter's Galilean satellites: Satellite | Daily radiation rate (Sv) | Yearly rate (Sv) | Single-year limit | 5-year cumulative limit | Mild sickness | LD 10/30 | LD 35/30 | LD 50/30 | LD 60/30 | LD 100/14 | LD...
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    Support UCGO unpacking, keywords and maximum mass

    Just to ask those who may have already tested doing cargo... I'm doing a package of cargo resources, and I've tried to have unpacked cargo have eatable resources, but I guess from what I've seen so far that if you set your cargo box as a resource container, then it can't be packed and...
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    Challenge Earth to Saturn in XR-2

    Greetings, It's been a while since the last time I took time to make a long trip, but yesterday I took off from the XR2 scenario ready to dock to the ISS, which I did after about 2 hours in flight time. Once there, I figured I could go to the moon, and landed at the Niven base, from an...
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    FM Long Distance Transmissions during Thunderstorms

    The weirdest thing is happening today in my region. Me and my wife have been picking up distant FM stations, with varying quality but sometimes with enough signal quality to listen to in FM stereo... We are located approximately at 48'30 N 67'30 W in Eastern Quebec, and so far, we've even been...
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    Aerocapture of Saturn using Titan

    Has anyone found a good way to use IMFD to efficiently use Titan as an aerocapture helper for Saturn? I usually approach Saturn with my perigee on the Sun's side, and fiddle with IMFD Map's function to get my arrival time to coincide with Titan being around for me to use it for aerocapture...
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    Who wants to be a trillionaire?

    What would you do with US $700,000,000,000.00?
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    Peak Oil

    So now approaching 150$ a barrel for the summer of 2008, just as I self-predicted to my peers 4 years ago, and given the attention to oil and gas in the media and around here, I just wanted to know if your opinion on this resource has evolved in the past weeks. I, for one, am torned between...
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    First flight training hours...

    Hi all, Just to let you all know I've begun to take flying lessons for my private license this Friday. Things went well although the instructor was less than cheerful about me confessing having used Flight Simulator, X-Plane and Orbiter for years. He told me, and I quote: "uninstall all that...
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    Colonization of Titan

    It seems to me lately that Titan is to become a very important target for the human race in the 21st century, much more so than Mars in my opinion. Abundant nitrogen, water ice, ammonia and methane, the only thing lacking is energy and/or free oxygen. If the winds are strong enough at the...