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  1. J

    General Question Titan Orbit Project Help I've had my eye on this tool for a while, but haven't cracked into it yet. Supposedly it will allow you to design and visualize complex mission profiles and capture/process a lot of relevant data (with appropriate matlab exports, etc) The kind of thing you want if...
  2. J

    Question If/when we colonise another planet, who governs it? Things like the Outer Space Treaty have at least set the intention that no government can make claims like that. Long before a permanent colony is likely to exist on another body such as the Moon or Mars, there would be research stations...
  3. J

    The Martian Challenge

    This sounds like a very interesting competition, whether or not I participate in anyway, I'd love to be an observer still...
  4. J

    News HYPERSONICS - The new stealth

    So how much longer for an XR-spaceplane?
  5. J

    Vessel Curiosity Addon Request

    Until then, you can enjoy the (automatic) simulation provided by NASA in Eyes on the Solar System click on "Preview Mode" to watch the landing sequence...
  6. J

    Software what's the current consensus of Orbiter 2010 + Linux using Wine 1.4

    I've gotten the D3D9client working, it runs fast and its beautiful.... EXCEPT the dialogue boxes on MFDs (such as specifying a target) don't display and hurts a lot of functionality. It seems like others have reported running D3D9Client without any problems, I wonder how they solved this issue...
  7. J

    Question What kind of car do you drive or wish to own?

    I have a 1987 Toyota MR2 and a 1988 Kawasaki ZX600R, some reason I like 80's vehicles.
  8. J

    Installation SpaceX addon not allowing Spacewalks?

    It should be E once again, the EVA's I've done in the Ravenstar and Vanguard worked that way.
  9. J

    Installation SpaceX addon not allowing Spacewalks?

    From the Manual, M add UMMU E EVA 1 select next UMMU. 2 select previous UMMU. I've never done this myself, so I don't know what else is required, but I'm guessing depressurizing the capsule (Shift+Y), and opening/closing the hatch (A), and when your UMMU returns, restoring...
  10. J

    Linux Discussion & Screenshot thread

    I have had very good success running Orbiter in wine... except for the MFD dialogue boxes (like for specifying a target), those do not show up at all. Is there some weird dependency for those to draw or something?
  11. J

    ARC Near-Space Balloon

    I've participated in three launches and have only recovered one balloon, the problem has been inadequate tracking. The tracking solution that appeals to me the most is trackuino, I'm currently building one...
  12. J

    News Stratolaunch

    To me, this is an exciting development, not because this technique will revolutionize space travel or even make it cheaper or more accessible, but because we are getting back to the "don't tell me what I can't do" mindset of exploration and experimentation of the days of the X-15, Mercury...
  13. J

    Question external HUD

    The SpaceX Dragon addon has a HUD in the 3D cockpit view, whatever they've done to implement that may be useful. I think the easiest solution would be to create a HUD MFD then put it in the external MFD viewer.