Survey: beta compatibility


Orbiter Founder
Orbiter Founder
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
Here is another fact-finding mission call to the orbiter community:

What are the most severe compatibility issues with the current Orbiter beta? I usually don't have time to test many addons myself, given that fixing Orbiter already takes most of my spare time, so feedback is required.

  • How well do "essential" addons work with the beta?
  • Are there any issues that affect a large number of addons?

Are there any compatibility issues that are considered so severe as to be showstoppers for a new Orbiter release?

Note that perfect compatibility won't be possible, due to the internal changes of Orbiter. For example, the addition of elevation support means that addons relying on a flat surface will not work as before (for example, if "true altitude" is assumed to be equal to "altitude over mean radius").


Gen 1:1
Addon Developer
Oct 16, 2007
Reaction score
Note that perfect compatibility won't be possible, due to the internal changes of Orbiter. For example, the addition of elevation support means that addons relying on a flat surface will not work as before (for example, if "true altitude" is assumed to be equal to "altitude over mean radius").

Doctor, I may have missed this point. How exactly does the beta treat base object altitude?


Orbiter Founder
Orbiter Founder
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
Doctor, I may have missed this point. How exactly does the beta treat base object altitude?

In general, each base object is lifted to the altitude of their reference point. For example, the reference of a BLOCK object is the centre of its base rectangle. This doesn't always work perfectly. If the object is on a slope, one side will hover above ground. So in these cases a manual reduction of the y coordinate of its POS entry will be required.

Surface-type base objects, such as runways and landing pads are wrapped to the ground on a per-vertex basis. This also doesn't always work perfectly, since the base object vertices don't coincide with the surface mesh vertices. This leads to the "half-buried" landing pad artefacts if they are rendered with z-buffering. The inline client avoids that by rendering these objects without zbuffer. But that leads to other artefacts (objects visible through mountainsides). I was experimenting with stencil buffering to fix this, but realised that there is no trivial solution.


Enthusiast !
Jun 19, 2008
Reaction score
In general, each base object is lifted to the altitude of their reference point. ....

Surface-type base objects, such as runways and landing pads are wrapped to the ground on a per-vertex basis. ....

As far as I know the solution is:

a) Model the base objects taking into account the terrain (or adding some terrain to the mesh if needed). That's the solution used for Google Earth modeling (when you could add models to it).
The modeler fixes the problem :)

b) Add a "flat ground area" for runways. That's the FlightSim solution. A simple implementation would be just to take the runway segments, define a global altitude and a flattening radius around the runway. It's what happens on real life. Here it's the simulator engine that fixes the problem.

These solutions are not perfect but they work and are tried and tested.
Just my 2cents :thumbup:


Well-known member
May 10, 2008
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
As far as I know the solution is:

a) Model the base objects taking into account the terrain (or adding some terrain to the mesh if needed). That's the solution used for Google Earth modeling (when you could add models to it).
The modeler fixes the problem :)

b) Add a "flat ground area" for runways. That's the FlightSim solution. A simple implementation would be just to take the runway segments, define a global altitude and a flattening radius around the runway. It's what happens on real life. Here it's the simulator engine that fixes the problem.

These solutions are not perfect but they work and are tried and tested.
Just my 2cents :thumbup:

One problem with the second is that there are real life runways that aren't flat (several strips on mountainsides in the Alps and Himalayas, for example.


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2009
Reaction score
What is the solution X-Plane uses for runway slope?

I don´t know if it´s A but looks similar.


Aspiring Addon Developer
Aug 5, 2008
Reaction score
Happy Wherever
For the uninitiated like myself, how do you define a global altitude and flattening radius in the runway segments in Orbiter?

    END1 -24 -20 1931
    END2 0 -20 -1970
    WIDTH 60
    ILS1 110.5 ;27R
    ILS2 109.5 ;09L
    NRWSEG 5
    RWSEG1 1 0.2 0.997084503173828 0.8046 0.999 0.001
    RWSEG2 1 0.2 0.7975 0.6055 0.997084503173828 0.001
    RWSEG3 1 0.2 0.5956 0.4035 0.997084503173828 0.001
    RWSEG4 1 0.2 0.3915 0.199 0.994169082641602 0.001
    RWSEG5 1 0.2 0.1905 0 0.997084503173828 0.001
    RWTEX Runway96L27R


Addon Developer
Addon Developer
Feb 2, 2012
Reaction score
To get back on topic:

- Multistage2 is not compatible due to touchdown points. Rockets does not sart simulation upright. The issue is the same I experienced and posted couple of days ago with my module. Anyway, I hope that won't be a problem since I'm about to publish multistage2015 also for orbiter beta which does not have this issue.

- Spacecraft3 and/or Generic Vessel seems to work quite fine, but I haven't tested it in deep

- vessel relying on a customized hud CTD when activating the HUD. For my vessels it was enough to recompile them using the new libraries and I read that also for BrianJ it was the same (See falcon 9).

I want to test AMSO as well but still didn't have the time.

I noticed also that the "page" button of the stock Atlantis MFDs in VC doesn't work (at least for me), I can't access the other buttons of the MFD while in cockpit view.

Hope this is helpful
Last edited:


Well-known member
Orbiter Contributor
Addon Developer
Beta Tester
Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
- Spacecraft3 and/or Generic Vessel seems to work quite fine, but I haven't tested it in deep

SC3 runs, but shows weird behavior when jettison payloads: they get misplaced and rotated. This gets obvious when trying the "Russian dolls" scenario.

Matias Saibene

Development hell
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Monte Hermoso - Argentina
Well, I think the graphical client D3D9 is an essential add-on, and I wanted to report this error, but did not know if it was a bug to publish it as such.

This refers to:
[QUOTE = martins; 520 064] Change log: [*] Planet textures: new textures for Jupiter, Tethys and Iapetus. (removed from the repository, and Moved into external MinorBodies package).

Please note that you 'MinorBodies _must_ install the latest package from [URL = ""] here [/ URL] For This beta. This now contains textures for Jupiter, Tethys and Iapetus, plus updates for a few other Saturn moon textures. [/ QUOTE]

Using the D3D9 Orbiter Beta client, I downloaded the but some smaller bodies are absolutely black, and Jupiter is strange.




Here is my Orbiter.log
**** Orbiter.log
000000.000: Build Nov 19 2015 [v.151119]
000000.000: Timer precision: 4.66502e-007 sec
000000.000: Found 0 joystick(s)
000000.000: Module AtlantisConfig.dll .... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module AtmConfig.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module DGConfigurator.dll .... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module ScnEditor.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module D3D9Client.dll ........ [Build 151030, API 151028]
000000.000: Module ExtMFD.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Framerate.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: **** Creating simulation session
000000.000: D3D9Client: [DirectX 9 Initialized]
000000.000: D3D9Client: Sytem has XNA math support
000000.000: D3D9Client: [3DDevice Initialized]
000000.000: D3D9Client: [Compiling Effects for Shader Model 3.0]
000000.000: D3D9Client: [Loading Stars]
000000.000: D3D9Client: [Loading Constellations]
000000.000: D3D9Client: [D3D9Client Initialized]
000000.000: Module Sun.dll ............... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(E) Sun: Precision 1e-006, Terms 554/6634
000000.000: Module Mercury.dll ........... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Mercury: Precision 1e-005, Terms 167/7123
000000.000: Module Venus.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module VenusAtm2006.dll ...... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Venus: Precision 1e-005, Terms 79/1710
000000.000: Module Earth.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module EarthAtm2006.dll ...... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Earth: Precision 1e-008, Terms 2564/2564
000000.000: Module Moon.dll .............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
ELP82: Precision 1e-005, Terms 116/829
000000.000: Module Mars.dll .............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module MarsAtm2006.dll ....... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Mars: Precision 1e-005, Terms 405/6400
000000.000: Module Phobos.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Deimos.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Galsat.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Jupiter.dll ........... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Jupiter: Precision 1e-006, Terms 1624/3625
000000.000: Module Io.dll ................ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Europa.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Ganymede.dll .......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Callisto.dll .......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Satsat.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Saturn.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Saturn: Precision 1e-006, Terms 2904/6365
000000.000: Module Mimas.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Mimas: Terms 113
000000.000: Module Enceladus.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Enceladus: Terms 33
000000.000: Module Tethys.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Tethys: Terms 101
000000.000: Module Dione.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Dione: Terms 59
000000.000: Module Rhea.dll .............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Rhea: Terms 68
000000.000: Module Titan.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Titan: Terms 100
000000.000: Module Iapetus.dll ........... [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Iapetus: Terms 605
000000.000: Module Uranus.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Uranus: Precision 1e-006, Terms 1827/5269
000000.000: Module Miranda.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Ariel.dll ............. [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Umbriel.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Titania.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Oberon.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Neptune.dll ........... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Neptune: Precision 1e-006, Terms 391/2024
000000.000: Finished initialising world
000000.000: Module DeltaGlider.dll ....... [Build 151119, API 151119]
000000.000: Module LuaInline.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module ShuttleA.dll .......... [Build 151025, API 151025]
000000.000: Module ShuttlePB.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Finished initialising status
000000.000: Finished initialising camera
000000.000: Finished setting up render state
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [112974], angle=0, y=1
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [111640], angle=1.92, y=1.00056
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [107663], angle=3.84, y=1.00225
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [101129], angle=5.76, y=1.00507
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [92173.9], angle=7.68, y=1.00905
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [80988.4], angle=9.6, y=1.0142
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [67814.3], angle=11.52, y=1.02056
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [52941.5], angle=13.44, y=1.02816
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [36704.8], angle=15.36, y=1.03704
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [19480.2], angle=17.28, y=1.04727
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [1679.26], angle=19.2, y=1.0589
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [16256], angle=21.12, y=1.07201
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [33860.3], angle=23.04, y=1.08668
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [50653.1], angle=24.96, y=1.10302
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [66147.5], angle=26.88, y=1.12113
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [79861.1], angle=28.8, y=1.14115
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [91327.5], angle=30.72, y=1.16323
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [100110], angle=32.64, y=1.18754
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [105817], angle=34.56, y=1.21428
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [108120], angle=36.48, y=1.24368
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [106768], angle=38.4, y=1.27601
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [101615], angle=40.32, y=1.31157
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [92635.6], angle=42.24, y=1.35074
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [79950.3], angle=44.16, y=1.39393
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [63849.1], angle=46.08, y=1.44164
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [44812.8], angle=48, y=1.49448
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [23532.5], angle=49.92, y=1.55314
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [923.476], angle=51.84, y=1.61849
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [21870.7], angle=53.76, y=1.69156
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [43488.4], angle=55.68, y=1.77363
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [62383.3], angle=57.6, y=1.86627
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [76890.1], angle=59.52, y=1.97146
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [85334.9], angle=61.44, y=2.09171
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [86207], angle=63.36, y=2.23024
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [78406.3], angle=65.28, y=2.39129
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [61580.6], angle=67.2, y=2.58054
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [36717.6], angle=69.12, y=2.79296
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [5815.51], angle=71.04, y=3.06222
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [26317.9], angle=72.96, y=3.39313
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [52920.5], angle=74.88, y=3.80895
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [65684.3], angle=76.8, y=4.34627
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [57025.6], angle=78.72, y=5.06588
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [24939.4], angle=80.64, y=6.08034
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [19331.9], angle=82.56, y=7.60703
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [45866.3], angle=84.48, y=10.1611
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [21384.2], angle=86.4, y=15.2393
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [25102.9], angle=88.32, y=29.47
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [2456.08], angle=90.24, y=128.371
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [3.19497], angle=92.16, y=14317.4
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [112974], angle=0, y=1
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [111640], angle=1.92, y=1.00056
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [107663], angle=3.84, y=1.00225
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [101129], angle=5.76, y=1.00507
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [92173.9], angle=7.68, y=1.00905
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [80988.4], angle=9.6, y=1.0142
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [67814.3], angle=11.52, y=1.02056
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [52941.5], angle=13.44, y=1.02816
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [36704.8], angle=15.36, y=1.03704
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [19480.2], angle=17.28, y=1.04727
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [1679.26], angle=19.2, y=1.0589
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [16256], angle=21.12, y=1.07201
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [33860.3], angle=23.04, y=1.08668
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [50653.1], angle=24.96, y=1.10302
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [66147.5], angle=26.88, y=1.12113
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [79861.1], angle=28.8, y=1.14115
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [91327.5], angle=30.72, y=1.16323
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [100110], angle=32.64, y=1.18754
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [105817], angle=34.56, y=1.21428
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [108120], angle=36.48, y=1.24368
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [106768], angle=38.4, y=1.27601
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [101615], angle=40.32, y=1.31157
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [92635.6], angle=42.24, y=1.35074
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [79950.3], angle=44.16, y=1.39393
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [63849.1], angle=46.08, y=1.44164
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [44812.8], angle=48, y=1.49448
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [23532.5], angle=49.92, y=1.55314
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [923.476], angle=51.84, y=1.61849
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [21870.7], angle=53.76, y=1.69156
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [43488.4], angle=55.68, y=1.77363
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [62383.3], angle=57.6, y=1.86627
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [76890.1], angle=59.52, y=1.97146
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [85334.9], angle=61.44, y=2.09171
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [86207], angle=63.36, y=2.23024
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [78406.3], angle=65.28, y=2.39129
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [61580.6], angle=67.2, y=2.58054
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [36717.6], angle=69.12, y=2.79296
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [5815.51], angle=71.04, y=3.06222
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [26317.9], angle=72.96, y=3.39313
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [52920.5], angle=74.88, y=3.80895
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [65684.3], angle=76.8, y=4.34627
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [57025.6], angle=78.72, y=5.06588
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [24939.4], angle=80.64, y=6.08034
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [19331.9], angle=82.56, y=7.60703
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [45866.3], angle=84.48, y=10.1611
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [21384.2], angle=86.4, y=15.2393
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [25102.9], angle=88.32, y=29.47
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [2456.08], angle=90.24, y=128.371
000000.000: Difference greater than 0.001 [3.19497], angle=92.16, y=14317.4
000000.000: D3D9Client: [Scene Initialized]
000000.000: Finished initialising panels
000023.778: D3D9Client: [Session Closed. Scene deleted.]
000023.778: **** Closing simulation session
000023.778: Invalid Window !! RenderWndProc() called after calling clbkDestroyRenderWindow()

Matias Saibene

Development hell
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Monte Hermoso - Argentina

Fail all scenarios, with TransX. Even when I try to start it from a new scenario.


**** Orbiter.log
000000.000: Build Nov 19 2015 [v.151119]
000000.000: Timer precision: 4.66496e-007 sec
000000.000: Found 0 joystick(s)
000000.000: Module AtlantisConfig.dll .... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module AtmConfig.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module DGConfigurator.dll .... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module D3D9Client.dll ........ [Build 151125, API 151119]
000000.000: Module ExtMFD.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Meshdebug.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module TrackIR.dll ........... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: TrackIR module not found.
000000.000: Module CustomMFD.dll ......... [Build 151101, API 151101]
000000.000: Module LuaMFD.dll ............ [Build 151101, API 151101]
000000.000: Module transx.dll ............ [Build 100905, API 100905]
000000.000: Module LuaConsole.dll ........ [Build 151101, API 151101]
000000.000: Module ScriptMFD.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module FlightData.dll ........ [Build 151010, API 151010]
000000.000: Module Framerate.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Rcontrol.dll .......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module ScnEditor.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: **** Creating simulation session
000000.000: D3D9Client: [DirectX 9 Initialized]
000000.000: D3D9Client: Sytem has XNA math support
000000.000: D3D9Client: [3DDevice Initialized]
000000.000: D3D9Client: [Compiling Effects for Shader Model 3.0]
000000.000: D3D9Client: [Loading Stars]
000000.000: D3D9Client: [Loading Constellations]
000000.000: D3D9Client: [D3D9Client Initialized]
000000.000: Attempting to clear a texture 0x74FC918 color=0x0
000000.000: Module Sun.dll ............... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(E) Sun: Precision 1e-006, Terms 554/6634
000000.000: Module Mercury.dll ........... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Mercury: Precision 1e-005, Terms 167/7123
000000.000: Module Venus.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module VenusAtm2006.dll ...... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Venus: Precision 1e-005, Terms 79/1710
000000.000: Module Earth.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module EarthAtm2006.dll ...... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Earth: Precision 1e-008, Terms 2564/2564
000000.000: Module Moon.dll .............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
ELP82: Precision 1e-005, Terms 116/829
000000.000: Module Mars.dll .............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module MarsAtm2006.dll ....... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Mars: Precision 1e-005, Terms 405/6400
000000.000: Module Phobos.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Deimos.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Galsat.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Jupiter.dll ........... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Jupiter: Precision 1e-006, Terms 1624/3625
000000.000: Module Io.dll ................ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Europa.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Ganymede.dll .......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Callisto.dll .......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Satsat.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Saturn.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Saturn: Precision 1e-006, Terms 2904/6365
000000.000: Module Mimas.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Mimas: Terms 113
000000.000: Module Enceladus.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Enceladus: Terms 33
000000.000: Module Tethys.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Tethys: Terms 101
000000.000: Module Dione.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Dione: Terms 59
000000.000: Module Rhea.dll .............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Rhea: Terms 68
000000.000: Module Titan.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Titan: Terms 100
000000.000: Module Iapetus.dll ........... [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Iapetus: Terms 605
000000.000: Module Uranus.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Uranus: Precision 1e-006, Terms 1827/5269
000000.000: Module Miranda.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Ariel.dll ............. [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Umbriel.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Titania.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Oberon.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Neptune.dll ........... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Neptune: Precision 1e-006, Terms 391/2024
000000.000: Finished initialising world
000000.000: Module DeltaGlider.dll ....... [Build 151119, API 151119]
000000.000: Module LuaInline.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module ShuttleA.dll .......... [Build 151025, API 151025]
000000.000: Module ShuttlePB.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Finished initialising status
000000.000: Finished initialising camera
000000.000: Finished setting up render state
000000.000: D3D9Client: [Scene Initialized]
000000.000: Finished initialising panels
000001.495: Attempting to fill a texture 0x1332B378 color=0x0

Orbiter verbose log:
**** Orbiter.log
000000.000: Build Nov 19 2015 [v.151119]
000000.000: Timer precision: 4.66496e-007 sec
000000.000: Found 0 joystick(s)
000000.000: Devices enumerated: 4
000000.000: Devices accepted: 3
000000.000: [ ] RGB Emulation (SW)
000000.000: [x] Direct3D HAL (HW)
000000.000: [x] Direct3D HAL (Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000) (HW)
000000.000: Module AtlantisConfig.dll .... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module AtmConfig.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module DGConfigurator.dll .... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Meshdebug.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module TrackIR.dll ........... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: TrackIR module not found.
000000.000: Module LuaMFD.dll ............ [Build 151101, API 151101]
000000.000: Module CustomMFD.dll ......... [Build 151101, API 151101]
000000.000: Module transx.dll ............ [Build 100905, API 100905]
000000.000: Module LuaConsole.dll ........ [Build 151101, API 151101]
000000.000: Module ScriptMFD.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module ExtMFD.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module FlightData.dll ........ [Build 151010, API 151010]
000000.000: Module Framerate.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module ScnEditor.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Rcontrol.dll .......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: **** Creating simulation session
000000.000: DirectDraw interface OK
000000.000: Direct3D interface OK
000000.000: Graphics: Viewport: Fullscreen 1366 x 768 x 32
000000.000: Graphics: Hardware T&L capability: No
000000.000: Graphics: Z-buffer depth: 32 bit
000000.000: Graphics: Active lights supported: -1
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\csphere\dds2.tex
000000.000: Loading 15382 records from star database
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Module Sun.dll ............... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(E) Sun: Precision 1e-006, Terms 554/6634
000000.000: Module Mercury.dll ........... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Mercury: Precision 1e-005, Terms 167/7123
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Mercury_lmask.bin
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Mercury.tex
000000.000: Module Venus.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module VenusAtm2006.dll ...... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Venus: Precision 1e-005, Terms 79/1710
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Venus_cloud.tex
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Venus_lmask.bin
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Venus.tex
000000.000: Module Earth.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module EarthAtm2006.dll ...... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Earth: Precision 1e-008, Terms 2564/2564
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\KSC\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\generic\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\generic\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\generic\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\generic\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\generic\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\KSC\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\generic\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\generic\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\KSC\
000000.000: Module Moon.dll .............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
ELP82: Precision 1e-005, Terms 116/829
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Moon\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Moon\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Moon\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Moon\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Module Mars.dll .............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module MarsAtm2006.dll ....... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Mars: Precision 1e-005, Terms 405/6400
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Mars\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Mars\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Mars\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Mars\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Module Phobos.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Phobos\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Phobos\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Phobos\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Phobos\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Module Deimos.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Deimos\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Deimos\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Deimos\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Deimos\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Vesta\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Vesta\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Vesta\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Vesta\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Module Galsat.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Jupiter.dll ........... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Jupiter: Precision 1e-006, Terms 1624/3625
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Jupiter\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Jupiter\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Jupiter\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Jupiter\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Jupiter\Cloud\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Jupiter\Cloud\04\000000\
000000.000: Module Io.dll ................ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Io_lmask.bin
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Io.tex
000000.000: Module Europa.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Europa_lmask.bin
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Europa.tex
000000.000: Module Ganymede.dll .......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Ganymede_lmask.bin
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Ganymede.tex
000000.000: Module Callisto.dll .......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Callisto_lmask.bin
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Callisto.tex
000000.000: Module Satsat.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Saturn.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Saturn: Precision 1e-006, Terms 2904/6365
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Saturn_lmask.bin
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Saturn.tex
000000.000: Module Mimas.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Mimas: Terms 113
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Mimas\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Mimas\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Mimas\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Mimas\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Module Enceladus.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Enceladus: Terms 33
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Enceladus\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Enceladus\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Enceladus\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Enceladus\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Module Tethys.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Tethys: Terms 101
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Tethys\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Tethys\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Tethys\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Tethys\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Module Dione.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Dione: Terms 59
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Dione\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Dione\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Dione\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Dione\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Module Rhea.dll .............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Rhea: Terms 68
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Rhea\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Rhea\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Rhea\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Rhea\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Module Titan.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Titan: Terms 100
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Titan_cloud.tex
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Titan_lmask.bin
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Titan.tex
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Hyperion_lmask.bin
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Hyperion.tex
000000.000: Module Iapetus.dll ........... [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Iapetus: Terms 605
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Iapetus\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Iapetus\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Iapetus\Surf\04\000000\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Iapetus\Mask\04\000000\
000000.000: Module Uranus.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Uranus: Precision 1e-006, Terms 1827/5269
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Uranus_lmask.bin
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Uranus.tex
000000.000: Module Miranda.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Miranda_lmask.bin
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Miranda.tex
000000.000: Module Ariel.dll ............. [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Ariel_lmask.bin
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Ariel.tex
000000.000: Module Umbriel.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Umbriel_lmask.bin
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Umbriel.tex
000000.000: Module Titania.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Titania_lmask.bin
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Titania.tex
000000.000: Module Oberon.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Oberon_lmask.bin
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Oberon.tex
000000.000: Module Neptune.dll ........... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Neptune: Precision 1e-006, Terms 391/2024
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Neptune_lmask.bin
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Neptune.tex
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Triton_cloud.tex
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Triton_lmask.bin
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Triton.tex
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Proteus_lmask.bin
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Proteus.tex
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Nereid_lmask.bin
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Nereid.tex
000000.000: Finished initialising world
000000.000: Module DeltaGlider.dll ....... [Build 151119, API 151119]
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures2\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures2\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\generic\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\DG\
000000.000: Module LuaInline.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Finished initialising status
000000.000: Finished initialising camera
000000.000: Finished setting up render state
000000.000: Texture load: .\Textures\Cockpit\
000000.000: Finished initialising panels
000000.010: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.010: Texture load: .\Textures\
000000.010: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\05\000000\
000000.010: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\05\000000\
000000.010: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\05\000001\
000000.020: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\05\000001\
000000.020: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\05\000000\
000000.020: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\05\000000\
000000.020: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\05\000001\
000000.030: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\05\000001\
000000.030: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\05\000000\
000000.030: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\05\000000\
000000.030: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\05\000000\
000000.030: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\05\000000\
000000.030: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\05\000001\
000000.030: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\05\000001\
000000.030: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\05\000001\
000000.030: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\05\000001\
000000.068: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\06\000000\
000000.068: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\06\000000\
000000.068: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\06\000001\
000000.068: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\06\000001\
000000.068: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\06\000000\
000000.068: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\06\000000\
000000.068: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\06\000001\
000000.119: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\06\000001\
000000.119: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\06\000000\
000000.119: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\06\000000\
000000.119: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\06\000000\
000000.119: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\06\000000\
000000.119: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\06\000001\
000000.119: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\06\000001\
000000.119: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\06\000001\
000000.119: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\06\000001\
000000.119: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\06\000000\
000000.172: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\06\000000\
000000.172: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\06\000000\
000000.172: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\06\000000\
000000.172: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\06\000001\
000000.172: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\06\000001\
000000.172: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\06\000001\
000000.172: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\06\000001\
000000.172: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\07\000002\
000000.218: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\07\000002\
000000.218: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\07\000003\
000000.218: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\07\000003\
000000.256: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\07\000002\
000000.256: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\07\000002\
000000.256: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\07\000002\
000000.256: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\07\000002\
000000.256: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\07\000003\
000000.256: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\07\000003\
000000.256: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\07\000003\
000000.256: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\07\000003\
000000.256: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\07\000002\
000000.256: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\07\000002\
000000.256: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\07\000002\
000000.297: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\07\000002\
000000.297: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\07\000003\
000000.297: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\07\000003\
000000.297: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\07\000003\
000000.297: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\07\000003\
000000.297: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\08\000004\
000000.297: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\08\000004\
000000.297: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\08\000005\
000000.297: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\08\000005\
000000.297: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\08\000004\
000000.297: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\08\000004\
000000.341: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\08\000005\
000000.341: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\08\000005\
000000.341: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\08\000004\
000000.341: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\08\000004\
000000.341: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\08\000004\
000000.341: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\08\000004\
000000.341: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\08\000005\
000000.341: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\08\000005\
000000.380: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\08\000005\
000000.380: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\08\000005\
000000.380: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\09\000008\
000000.380: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\09\000008\
000000.380: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\09\000009\
000000.380: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\09\000009\
000000.380: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\09\000010\
000000.414: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\09\000010\
000000.414: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\09\000011\
000000.414: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\09\000011\
000000.414: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\08\000004\
000000.414: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\08\000004\
000000.414: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\08\000004\
000000.414: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\08\000004\
000000.414: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\08\000005\
000000.414: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\08\000005\
000000.448: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\08\000005\
000000.448: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\08\000005\
000000.448: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\09\000010\
000000.448: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\09\000010\
000000.448: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\09\000011\
000000.448: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\09\000011\
000000.448: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\09\000008\
000000.448: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\09\000008\
000000.484: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\09\000008\
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000000.484: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\09\000009\
000000.484: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\09\000009\
000000.484: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\09\000009\
000000.484: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\09\000010\
000000.484: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\09\000010\
000000.484: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\09\000010\
000000.484: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\09\000010\
000000.484: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\09\000011\
000000.520: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\09\000011\
000000.520: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\09\000011\
000000.520: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\09\000011\
000000.520: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\09\000010\
000000.520: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\09\000010\
000000.520: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\09\000010\
000000.520: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\09\000010\
000000.520: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\09\000011\
000000.520: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\09\000011\
000000.555: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\09\000011\
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000000.555: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\10\000020\
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000000.593: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\10\000020\
000000.593: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\10\000020\
000000.593: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\10\000021\
000000.628: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\10\000021\
000000.628: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\10\000021\
000000.628: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\10\000021\
000000.628: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\10\000020\
000000.628: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\10\000020\
000000.662: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\10\000020\
000000.662: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\10\000020\
000000.662: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\10\000021\
000000.662: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\10\000021\
000000.693: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\10\000021\
000000.693: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\10\000021\
000000.693: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\10\000022\
000000.693: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\10\000022\
000000.727: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\10\000022\
000000.727: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\10\000022\
000000.727: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\10\000023\
000000.727: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\10\000023\
000000.767: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\10\000023\
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000000.767: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\10\000020\
000000.767: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\10\000020\
000000.806: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\10\000021\
000000.806: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\10\000021\
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000000.844: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\11\000040\
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000001.024: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\12\000086\
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000001.024: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\12\000084\
000001.024: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\12\000085\
000001.024: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\12\000085\
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000001.024: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\12\000084\
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000001.024: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\12\000085\
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000001.078: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\12\000087\
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000001.078: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\12\000086\
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000001.136: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\13\000173\
000001.136: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\13\000173\
000001.136: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\13\000172\
000001.136: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\13\000172\
000001.198: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\13\000173\
000001.198: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\13\000173\
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000001.198: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\13\000175\
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000001.198: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\13\000174\
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000001.198: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\13\000175\
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000001.268: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\12\000087\
000001.328: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\12\000087\
000001.328: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\08\000006\
000001.328: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\08\000006\
000001.328: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\08\000007\
000001.328: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Cloud\08\000007\
000001.328: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\11\000042\
000001.328: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\11\000042\
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000001.328: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\11\000043\
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000001.408: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\12\000086\
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000001.408: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\14\000347\
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000001.540: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\14\000349\
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000001.540: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\14\000348\
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000001.615: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\15\000696\
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000001.693: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\15\000696\
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000001.946: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\16\001395\
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000002.036: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\16\001398\
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000002.036: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\16\001399\
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000002.036: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\16\001396\
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000002.245: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\13\000174\
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000002.293: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\10\000020\
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000002.293: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\10\000020\
000002.293: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\10\000020\
000002.293: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\10\000021\
000002.293: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Mask\10\000021\
000002.335: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\13\000174\
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000002.455: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\19\011178\
000002.455: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\19\011179\
000002.500: Texture load: .\Textures\Earth\Surf\19\011179\


New member
Nov 7, 2015
Reaction score
Bonjour tout le monde, excuse for my poor English I'm French Canadian

I download Orbiter beta with torrent and here is my oservations that I found with my preferred addons but first I have to report anomalies with Orbiter itself.

- Orbiter built 19 NOV 2015 (v1511119)

It seem that because of the change with the new technique of terrain compare with old version of Orbiter, there are problem with the ground elevation when I'm on the ground on any base, object seems to disappear with certain angle of view. And I try a few rocket addons (launcher like Energia, HCLV, ect...), the most launcher was inclined a few degree on the Launchpad.

Default ShuttleA virtual cockpit MFD no display (but I download UCGO_UMmu20_ShuttleA20100203 and seem to correct the MFD display)

- Addons

OrbiterSound 4.0
Sound work but with somes anomalies, few sound not synchronise with the simulation, example in the defauft DG when I use the key to fire the main engines I hear "nose cone open" or else I don't remember witch.
If I'm dock with another ship and I save the scenario, when returning to that scenario, Orbiter crash. If I disengage OrbiterSound it's OK, I can return with my save scenario.
In the simulation the MFD Radio/mp3 (related OrbiterSound) Orbiter crash when selecting that MFD

Any Rocket launcher (my preferred Energy project, HCLV Hyperion and other ...)

Problems with the rocket inclined on the pad... (Except the default SpaceShuttle at Cap Canaveral), then I copy a default scenario of the SpaceShuttle at Cap Canaveral and replace the SpaceShuttle with HCLV Hyperion, and the launcher was OK (not inclined).
Afther that, the only launcher that lift off was the HCLV but fail to complete the orbit insertion because Orbiter crash, seem the autopilot compatibility problem...
I was not able to launch Energy, the rocket go up side down...
About the same with other launcher addons.

UCGO addons (DGIV, ARROW, UMMU, etch...), forget it Orbiter crash

- Harware (like TrackIR, Joystick...)

TrackIR work but sometime fail in the sim. Another problem with TrackIR is the key assignation (default for TrackIR is the key F9 to activate) and the key F9 in Orbiter is for the visual helper...

I think I make the tour for myself regarding my preferred addons

Thank you everybody


Tutorial translator
Sep 12, 2010
Reaction score
Fail all scenarios, with TransX...
Late night thought:
if this crashing MFD is the old standard TransX we've had for some years, wouldn't it be about time (if possible) to update the default distributed TransX with the Nelder-Mead version recently developed by Enjo?
Last edited:

Matias Saibene

Development hell
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Monte Hermoso - Argentina
Late night thought:
if this crashing MFD is the old standard TransX we've had for some years, wouldn't it be about time (if possible) to update the default distributed TransX with the Nelder-Mead version recently developed by Enjo?

I tried your suggestion, but still happens the CTD.

**** Orbiter.log
000000.000: Build Nov 19 2015 [v.151119]
000000.000: Timer precision: 4.66504e-007 sec
000000.000: Found 0 joystick(s)
000000.000: Devices enumerated: 4
000000.000: Devices accepted: 3
000000.000: [ ] RGB Emulation (SW)
000000.000: [x] Direct3D HAL (HW)
000000.000: [x] Direct3D HAL (Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000) (HW)
000000.000: Module AtlantisConfig.dll .... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module AtmConfig.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module DGConfigurator.dll .... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Meshdebug.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module TrackIR.dll ........... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: TrackIR module not found.
000000.000: Module LuaMFD.dll ............ [Build 151101, API 151101]
000000.000: Module CustomMFD.dll ......... [Build 151101, API 151101]
000000.000: Module LuaConsole.dll ........ [Build 151101, API 151101]
000000.000: Module ScriptMFD.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module ExtMFD.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module FlightData.dll ........ [Build 151010, API 151010]
000000.000: Module Framerate.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module ScnEditor.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Rcontrol.dll .......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module TransX2.dll ........... [Build 150926, API 100830]
000000.000: **** Creating simulation session
000000.000: DirectDraw interface OK
000000.000: Direct3D interface OK
000000.000: Graphics: Viewport: Fullscreen 1366 x 768 x 32
000000.000: Graphics: Hardware T&L capability: No
000000.000: Graphics: Z-buffer depth: 32 bit
000000.000: Graphics: Active lights supported: -1
000000.000: Loading 15382 records from star database
000000.000: Module Sun.dll ............... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(E) Sun: Precision 1e-006, Terms 554/6634
000000.000: Module Mercury.dll ........... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Mercury: Precision 1e-005, Terms 167/7123
000000.000: Module Venus.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module VenusAtm2006.dll ...... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Venus: Precision 1e-005, Terms 79/1710
000000.000: Module Earth.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module EarthAtm2006.dll ...... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Earth: Precision 1e-008, Terms 2564/2564
000000.000: Module Moon.dll .............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
ELP82: Precision 1e-005, Terms 116/829
000000.000: Module Mars.dll .............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module MarsAtm2006.dll ....... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Mars: Precision 1e-005, Terms 405/6400
000000.000: Module Phobos.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Deimos.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Galsat.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Jupiter.dll ........... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Jupiter: Precision 1e-006, Terms 1624/3625
000000.000: Module Io.dll ................ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Europa.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Ganymede.dll .......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Callisto.dll .......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Satsat.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Module Saturn.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Saturn: Precision 1e-006, Terms 2904/6365
000000.000: Module Mimas.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Mimas: Terms 113
000000.000: Module Enceladus.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Enceladus: Terms 33
000000.000: Module Tethys.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Tethys: Terms 101
000000.000: Module Dione.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Dione: Terms 59
000000.000: Module Rhea.dll .............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Rhea: Terms 68
000000.000: Module Titan.dll ............. [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Titan: Terms 100
000000.000: Module Iapetus.dll ........... [Build 150906, API 150906]
SATSAT Iapetus: Terms 605
000000.000: Module Uranus.dll ............ [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Uranus: Precision 1e-006, Terms 1827/5269
000000.000: Module Miranda.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Ariel.dll ............. [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Umbriel.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Titania.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Oberon.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Neptune.dll ........... [Build 150906, API 150906]
VSOP87(B) Neptune: Precision 1e-006, Terms 391/2024
000000.000: Finished initialising world
000000.000: Module DeltaGlider.dll ....... [Build 151119, API 151119]
000000.000: Module LuaInline.dll ......... [Build 150906, API 150906]
000000.000: Finished initialising status
000000.000: Finished initialising camera
000000.000: Finished setting up render state
000000.000: Finished initialising panels


Addon Developer
Addon Developer
Apr 3, 2008
Reaction score
So far, none of the third-party MFDs I've tried worked.

I've had a few successes. All of these are not recompiled; they're MFD's working in 2010.
TransX, yes, crashes immediately every time.
HAL9000 MFD, gratifyingly, still works, but doesn't seem to auto-sequence through the pages for some reason.
FuelMFD runs and the menu options select, but can't seem to change the actual propellant values.
LolaMFD seems to work, but my landing attempts failed; it may be it's spoofed by the new altitude parameter.
RendezvousMFD seems to work fine.
TetherMFD works fine, except that when I accidentally ran a tethered object into terrain, Bad Things Happened. Hmm.
ReleaseMFD (Shift-D version) seems to work fine.

In non-MFD addons, Kulch's catapult no longer works, and there's no source. Which breaks 2001 as well, unless Kulch returns or I or someone invents a workalike. I'll miss Kulch's elevator too, which I haven't tried but assume is broken. Pity.


Tutorial translator
Sep 12, 2010
Reaction score
...TransX, yes, crashes immediately every time...
Anyway, enjo is so actively supporting Orbiter, that TransX's actual incompatibility doesn't worry me at all. I'm pretty confident he'll soon compile a working version, compatible with the latest revision (whatever it will be).